  • Automation Suite on Linux Release Notes
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    • 2023.4.2
    • 2023.4.3
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    • 2023.4.9
    • 2023.4.11
  • Automation Suite on EKS/AKS Release Notes
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Automation Suite release notes

Last updated Feb 27, 2025


Release date: June 27, 2024

New prerequisite check

We have introduced a new prerequisite check to optimize the experience of installing and configuring Automation Suite. Automation Suite now checks if the external objectstore supports POST requests to buckets via pre-signed URLs. Document Understanding requires POST request support to download files from the buckets.

Updated Podman version

We have updated our RPM package requirements, with the minimum supported Podman version now being 4.0.2.

Improved UiPath Automation Suite Install Sizing Calculator

We're happy to announce various fixes and improvements that ensure an even more accurate estimate of the hardware requirements for any Automation Suite deployment. In particular, you get more useful requirements for the multi-node profile and the multi-zonal setup. Also, it now takes a single click to share the UiPath Automation Suite Install Sizing Calculator URL along with your currently selected configuration.

If you want to take the UiPath Automation Suite Install Sizing Calculator for a spin, see Capacity planning.

Bug fixes

  • Erratum - added August, 2024: We have fixed an issue causing the snapshot-controller-crds pod to remain in the CrashLoopBackOff state after an RKE2 upgrade. This issue occurred due to a conflict between the newly installed snapshot-controller and the existing one during the RKE2 upgrade.
  • When generating the support bundle, an incorrect FQDN was used for AKS on Azure Government. We have fixed the issue.

Known issues

Node maintenance issue in non-HA Redis

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: An issue causes the redis-cluster-0 pod to get stuck in the terminating state when you perform a node drain in non-HA Redis scenarios. To address the problem, you must force delete the pod using the following command:
kubectl -n redis-system delete pod redis-cluster-0 --forcekubectl -n redis-system delete pod redis-cluster-0 --force

We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.4.10.

Insights annotation issue blocks installer

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: An Insights annotation issue blocks the Automation Suite installer. We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.4.10.

RKE2 log collector runs indefinitely

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: The RKE2 log collector runs indefinitely for some system commands. We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.4.10.

Redis failures due to inconsistent password updates

Erratum - added October 17, 2024: An issue is causing Redis recovery job failures when you update the ArgoCD admin password directly through the UI without simultaneously updating the Kubernetes secrets as well. To prevent the issue, we highly recommend that each time you change the ArgoCD admin password via the UI, ensure that you update the Kubernetes secrets at the same time. For more details on how to properly update the ArgoCD admin password, refer to Troubleshooting.

Pods cannot communicate with FQDN in a proxy environment

Erratum - added October 17, 2024: In a proxy environment, if the proxy server uses the same port as the TCP port of any other service in the Istio service mesh, such as port 8080, pods cannot communicate with the FQDN. The issue causes the following error:
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The proxy tunnel request to proxy 'http://<proxyFQDN>:8080/' failed with status code '404'.System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The proxy tunnel request to proxy 'http://<proxyFQDN>:8080/' failed with status code '404'.

To fix the issue, see the Troubleshooting section.

Intermittent not ready reports from agent machines

Erratum - added October 17, 2024: An issue causes agent machines to intermittently report as not ready when the rke2-server service is shut down without executing the script. We fixed this issue in Automation Suite 2023.4.9.

Weak ciphers in TLS 1.2

Erratum - added August 29, 2024: We have identified certain vulnerabilities associated with the usage of weak ciphers in TLS 1.2. For details on how to mitigate the issue, see How to address weak ciphers in TLS 1.2.

Support bundle log collection failure

Erratum - added August 14, 2024: An issue affects the support bundle generation when using an external OCI registry in an offline environment. Under these conditions, the generated support bundle lacks historical logs and cannot upload to any selected external object storage. To fix this issue, see the Troubleshooting section.

Unnecessary ListBucket API prerequisite check fails for external objectstore

Erratum - added August 14, 2024: For AI Center and Task Mining, the ListBucket API prerequisite check fails when using an external objectstore. However, AI Center and Task Mining do not use the ListBucket API permission. We removed the unnecessary check in Automation Suite 2023.4.8.

Cannot enable SSO for ArgoCD

Erratum - added August 14, 2024: You cannot enable SSO for ArgoCD due to an issue with the Dex image versions. We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.4.8.

ML skill deployment failure due to token expiry

Erratum - added February 13, 2025: Due to a containerd issue, the deployment of ML skills fails as a token expires before larger image downloads can be completed, especially under conditions of slower network connectivity.

To address this isssue, see the Troubleshooting section.

Email alerts configuration failure post upgrade

Erratum - added February 13, 2025: An issue affects the functionality of email alerts configuration and the setup of multiple receivers after upgrading from Automation Suite 2022.10. To address this issue, see Troubleshooting.

This issue is fixed in Automation Suite 2023.4.11.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

Bundling details

Product versions

To find out what has changed on each Automation Suite product, visit the following links.

If the product is greyed out, this new Automation Suite version does not bring any changes to it.

AI Center 2023.4.7Action Center 2023.4.7
Task Mining 2023.4.7AI Computer Vision 2023.4.7Insights 2023.4.7Apps 2023.4.7
Document Understanding 2023.4.7Orchestrator 2023.4.8 
  Test Manager 2023.4.6 

Internal third-party component versions

This Automation Suite release bundles the following internal components:















































Migration tool version

The migration tool version you need depends on the standalone products you plan to migrate and the targeted Automation Suite version. For more details, see Migration compatibility matrix.

For instructions on migrating a standalone product to the current version of Automation Suite, see Full migration.

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