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Last updated Mar 10, 2025

UiPath CLI Release Notes

Check out the release notes for the UiPath CLI under this section.


Release date: December 2024

What's New

Automation Dependency Restore

The new Automation Dependency Restore functionality enables you to retrieve all the packages required by an automation. When used with the existing deploy sub-task, it allows bulk uploading to the target environment.

For more details on the restore sub-task, see Restoring automation dependencies.


Release date: October 11, 2024

What's New

.NET 8 support

CLI 24.10.0 now supports .NET 8, generating packages with .NET 8 dependency.

Packager 24.10

uipcli 24.10 uses UiPath.Workflow.StandaloneAnalyzer.24.10 and UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.24.10 dependencies.

Enhanced workflow analysis

You can pass governance policies containing Workflow Analyzer rules using the --governanceFilePath parameter. The parameter allows you to directly pass file paths to your uipcli package analyze task.

Create process with custom name

You can now set a custom name for a process/processes using the --processName/--processNames parameters with uipcli package deploy task.

Improved CLI help menu

We have made multiple enhancements to the CLI help menu for better user interpretation and readability.

v23.10.8894.39673 patch

Release date: May 24, 2024

What's New

Added release notes argument

You can add release notes when packaging an automation project or a test automation by setting the releaseNotes argument.

New retryCount parameter

Allows you to retry any failed test for a certain number of times.

Disabling built-in feeds

You can disable the built-in feeds when packaging an automation project or a test automation by setting the disableBuiltInNugetFeeds argument.
You can specify your custom feeds in a nuget.config file. For more details, refer to this section.


Release date: December 21, 2023

What's New


Telemetry data is now sent by default. You can disable telemetry by adding the UIPATH_EXTENSIONS_CLI_TELEMETRY_ENABLED environment variable on the agent executing the tasks with the value set to False. If the agent is isolated from the internet (onPrem), telemetry is not sent.

Inline help for uipcli run command

You can now access inline help for running commands like uipcli run "args_path.json".

This is another way of running any task.

UiPath Official feed update

The UiPath Official feed has been updated to

Packager 23.10

uipcli 23.10 uses UiPath.Workflow.StandaloneAnalyzer.23.10 and UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.23.10 dependencies.

Library split

In the same way as in Studio, when packing a library you can split the output into two nupkg files by setting splitOutput=true optional argument. By default, libraries are kept in one piece to maintain backwards compatibility.

Set optional package metadata

When using Pack or RunTests from a project.json, you can specify the following optional parameters:
  • RepositoryUrl
  • RepositoryCommit
  • RepositoryBranch
  • RepositoryType
  • ProjectUrl
These are added in the nupkg files.

Bug Fixes

  • analyzerTraceLevel was not passed correctly to packager no matter the error level used.
  • ignoredRules parameter value was used incorrectly. Thus the rules specified here were not ignored.
  • The analyze task could not receive the --identityUrl and --traceLevel parameters.
  • Pack task could not receive the --libraryIdentityUrl parameter.
  • Could not get dependencies from on-prem orchestrator feed when connecting with basic authentication and the user was not assigned to the shared folder. Now, when fetching dependencies, the user must at least have access to the library feeds.


Release date: 30 June 2023

Bug fixes

  • When deploying a package to Orchestrator, a process was created even if the --createProcess parameter wasn't specified. Now, you can control the creation of the process, by setting the --createProcess parameter to either -c true, or -c false.
  • Fixed issues with the packager to streamline CLI executions.
  • The Azure DevOps Plugin was unable to retrieve packages stored in Orchestrator when building workflow projects, causing difficulties when using secured networks. Now you can succesfully build projects, because the CLI manages to retrieve the packages stored in Orchestrator.


Release date: 4 April 2023

What's New

Makes use of Packager 23.4 which is equivalent to packaging automation projects with Studio 23.4. This means that projects packed with uipcli 23.4 can be executed on Robot 23.4.


Release date: 9 March 2023

Bug fixes

  • Tasks failed if the Orchestrator folder name contained the & symbol. Now, Orchestrator folder names with the & symbol can be passed as a parameter with the tasks.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the manifest.json files to be missing from the UiPath.CLI NuGet package.


Release date: 17 January 2023

Bug fixes

  • Windows projects packaged with the CLI now succesfully execute in Orchestrator.
  • The basic authentication header was removed from Orchestrator requests.


Release date: 9 December 2022

This marks the first standalone release of the UiPath CLI, allowing you to run tasks related to RPA package management and testing without the help of any plugin. To learn how to use the UiPath CLI, make sure to visit the following pages:

What's New

  • Want to have more control over which packages you can run as processes in Orchestrator? You can now choose if you want to create a process out of the package that you're deploying. To achieve this, set the following parameter for the package deploy task:
    • "createProcess": false - doesn't create a process.
    • "createProcess": true - creates a process.


  • The CLI now supports the compiling of Windows and Cross-platform projects, which enables you to run even more projects over the build agent.
  • All the errors that the Packager throws at compilation can now be viewed and investigated from the console error logs.

Bug Fixes

  • Packages are no longer deployed as libraries in Orchestrator, if the inputted JSON file explicitly specified the outputType parameter as Process.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the Workflow Analyzer to analyze YAML files.

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