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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Detailed Assessment Algorithm

The Detailed Assessment algorithm is implemented to support the automation idea implementation decision. The following criteria can be selected as the primary driver to automate the process:

  • Cost
  • Quality
  • Productivity

The primary driver selected for each automation idea is integrated into the Decision Pipeline Dashboard and facilitates the comparison between automation ideas with the same primary driver.

During the Detailed Assessment completion process, an algorithm runs silently to compute the following output scores:

  • Feasibility - yes/no type
  • Automation Potential - expressed as % (from 0 to 100% - the higher the better)
  • Ease of Implementation - expressed as % (from 0 to 100% - the higher the better)
  • Assessment KPIs - calculated for 1 year period, expressed as the number of hours or value in the selected currency.


This output can determine if the automation of the process/task is attainable for the current period by assessing the environment stability. The following two factors are taken into consideration:

  • Process Stability
  • Applications Stability

Automation Potential

This score is a measure of the process/task automation suitability and therefore, whether a robot can execute it. This percentual estimation is used to determine how much of the process can be successfully automated. The following three factors are taken into consideration:

  • Degree to which the input data is structured
  • Process Variability
  • The input has a high level of digitization

We start from the assumption that the majority of the process is 100% automatable. If all the input data is structured and digital and if there is only one way to complete the process then the process is 100% automatable. If the Automation Potential of an Idea is 90% it indicates that 90% of the described process can be automated.

Ease of Implementation

This score is a measure of the implementation efforts determining the degree of effort required to successfully automate the process/task. The following six factors are taken into consideration:

  • Process Stability
  • Applications Stability
  • Degree to which the input data is structured
  • Process Variability
  • Process Length
  • Number of Applications used

The following multipliers are used:

  • OCR multiplicator (for scanned input),
  • % of Applications accessed via a thin client

Implementation is considered:

  • Easy if the result is between 65%-100%
  • Medium difficulty if the result is between 35%-65%
  • Difficult if the result is between 0%-35%

Assessment KPIs

This score can measure either the amount of time expressed in hours that could be saved by automating the process/task or the value in the selected currency that is estimated to be saved by the business over a period of 1 year. Each indicator is calculated based on the below formulas:

Estimated Benefit per Company (Hours):

  • The Automation Potential % multiplied by the Total Time Needed to Perform the Work - As-Is Process (hours/year)

The Total Time Needed to Perform the Work - As-Is Process (hours/year) is the sum of the below factors:

  • Baseline time to complete the process
  • Rework time due to errors (expressed in hours)
  • Audit/review time (expressed in hours)

Estimated Benefit per Company (Currency)

  • The Automation Potential % multiplied by the Cost/year for the process As-Is

The Cost/year for the process As-Is is the result of multiplying the below factors:

  • Average Employee Full Cost/Year
  • FTEs Required = Total Time Needed to Perform the Work - AS IS Process (hours/year) / (Average Working Days/Year) / (Working Hours/Day)

Estimated Benefit per Company (FTEs)

  • The Automation Potential % multiplied by the FTE Required.

Estimated Benefit per employee (Hours)

  • Benefit per company(hours saved/year)/Number of Employees

Estimated Benefit per employee (FTEs)

  • Benefit per company(FTEs)/Number of Employees

Estimated Benefit per employee (currency)

  • Benefit per company(currency/year)/Number of Employees
  • Feasibility
  • Automation Potential
  • Ease of Implementation
  • Assessment KPIs

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