- Getting Started
- Demo apps
- How To
- Build Your First App
- Build a Mobile-Friendly App
- General User Experience Guidelines
- Use Master Detail View
- Use Document Viewer
- Use Count With Choice Set Values
- Use Selected Values From a Table
- Embed Apps
- Embed Maps
- Hide Containers Using a Button
- Include MailTo Links
- Include Star Ratings
- Set External Context
- Work With Data Source and Value Bind
- Use the Send Interim Result Activity
- Public Apps
- Notifications
- Using VB Expressions
- Designing your App
- Events and Rules
- Rule: If-Then-Else
- Rule: Open a Page
- Rule: Open URL
- Rule: Close Pop-Over/Bottom Sheet
- Rule: Show Message
- Rule: Show/Hide Spinner
- Rule: Set Values
- Rule: Start Process
- Rule: Upload File to Storage Bucket
- Rule: Get File From Storage Bucket
- Rule: Reset Values
- Rule: Create/Update Entity Record
- Rule: Delete Entity Record
- Rule: Add to Queue
- Function: And, Or, Not
- Function: Concat
- Function: Contains
- Function: Count
- Function: EndsWith
- Function: If
- Function: IsBlank
- Function: Guid
- Function: Length
- Function: List
- Function: StartsWith
- Function: Sum
- Function: Sort
- Function: Now
- Function: Today
- Function: Time
- Function: Year
- Function: Month
- Function: Day
- Function: Hour
- Function: Minute
- Function: New
- Function: Lookup
- Function: Filter
- Leveraging RPA in your App
- Leveraging Entities in Your App
- Leveraging Queues in Your App
- Leveraging Media in your app
- Leveraging Actions in your app
- Leveraging Connections in your apps
- Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- UiPath First-Party Apps
- Basic Troubleshooting Guide

Apps User Guide
About Expressions
Expressions are comprised of several operations allowing you to transform, modify, and compute the data within an app in order to return an output result. Expressions can be used in several scenarios, such as:
- Bind to variables, process output, and other control values from the resources panel.
- Concatenate strings using the
symbol. - Perform comparative operations.
- Create logical operators within comparative operations.
- Set control values through the
function added to comparative operations. - Perform arithmetic operations with the help of expressions.
- Declare static data such as "String", true/false, 123, etc or static lists of primitives such as a list of strings.
- Control hidden, disabled, font/background color properties.
- Reference a selected record or field on a record from another control.
The following operations can be used when configuring expressions:
- Functions
- Named Operators
The following functions are made available for Apps:
Function |
Description |
The And function returns true if all arguments are true. The Or function returns true if any of the arguments are true. The Not function returns true if its arguments is false, and returns false if its argument is true. | |
Combines multiple strings into a single string | |
Returns true if a string contains a text fragment. | |
Returns true if a string ends with a text fragment. | |
Returns one value if a condition is true and another value if not. | |
Checks for a blank value. | |
Returns the length of a text string. | |
Returns true if a string starts with a text fragment. | |
Sum a specific column in a table or custom list control. | |
Sort the information from a source based on its fields. | |
Return the current date and time in your time zone. | |
Return the current date in your time zone. | |
Return the current time in your time zone. | |
Return the year component of a Date/Time value. | |
Return the month component of a Date/Time value. | |
Return the day component of a Date/Time value. | |
Return the hour component of a Date/Time value. | |
Return the minute component of a Date/Time value. | |
Create a new in-memory entity. | |
Find and return the first record in a table that satisfies a formula or condition. | |
Filter a table based on its fields. |
In addition to functions, Apps expressions also supports mathematical and conditional operators. For supported operators, see the table below.
Category |
Operator |
Additive expression |
+ , - |
Atomic expression |
() , Literal, Variable, Functions
Comparison expression |
< , <= , > , >= , in |
Concatenation expression |
Equality expression |
== , != |
Exponentiation expression |
Logical expression |
&& , and , AND , | | , or , OR |
Multiplicative expression |
* , / , % |
Unary expression |
! , not , NOT , unary + , unary - |
Expressions can be used for the following:
- Controls
- Rules
Expressions are enabled for hidden and disabled properties for the following controls and their display values:
- Button - Text (icon not supported)
- Checkbox - Label, Checked
- DatePicker - Hint Text
- Dropdown - Hint Text, Default Selected
- Switch - Label, On
- Text Area - Default Text, Hint Text
- Textbox - Default Text, Hint Text
- Label - Text
- Header - Text
Image - URL
Rules are used to enable conditional logic. You can use expressions on the following rules:
- If - Compare, Group
- Open URL - URL
- Show Message - Title, Message
- Show/hide spinner - Message
- Start process - Input override
Set Value - Value