- Overview
- UI Automation
- Applications and technologies automated with UI Automation
- Project compatibility
- UI-ANA-016 - Pull Open Browser URL
- UI-ANA-017 - ContinueOnError True
- UI-ANA-018 - List OCR/Image Activities
- UI-DBP-006 - Container Usage
- UI-DBP-013 - Excel Automation Misuse
- UI-DBP-030 - Forbidden Variables Usage In Selectors
- UI-PRR-001 - Simulate Click
- UI-PRR-002 - Simulate Type
- UI-PRR-003 - Open Application Misuse
- UI-PRR-004 - Hardcoded Delays
- UI-REL-001 - Large Idx in Selectors
- UI-SEC-004 - Selector Email Data
- UI-SEC-010 - App/Url Restrictions
- UI-USG-011 - Non Allowed Attributes
- UX-SEC-010 - App/Url Restrictions
- UX-DBP-029 - Insecure Password Use
- UI-PST-001 - Audit Log Level in Project Settings
- UiPath Browser Migration Tool
- Clipping region
- Computer Vision Recorder
- Activities index
- Activate
- Anchor Base
- Attach Browser
- Attach Window
- Block User Input
- Callout
- Check
- Click
- Click Image
- Click Image Trigger
- Click OCR Text
- Click Text
- Click Trigger
- Close Application
- Close Tab
- Close Window
- Context Aware Anchor
- Copy Selected Text
- Element Attribute Change Trigger
- Element Exists
- Element Scope
- Element State Change Trigger
- Export UI Tree
- Extract Structured Data
- Find Children
- Find Element
- Find Image
- Find Image Matches
- Find OCR Text Position
- Find Relative Element
- Find Text Position
- Get Active Window
- Get Ancestor
- Get Attribute
- Get Event Info
- Get From Clipboard
- Get Full Text
- Get OCR Text
- Get Password
- Get Position
- Get Source Element
- Get Text
- Get Visible Text
- Go Back
- Go Forward
- Go Home
- Google Cloud Vision OCR
- Hide Window
- Highlight
- Hotkey Trigger
- Hover
- Hover Image
- Hover OCR Text
- Hover Text
- Image Exists
- Indicate On Screen
- Inject .NET Code
- Inject Js Script
- Invoke ActiveX Method
- Key Press Trigger
- Load Image
- Maximize Window
- Microsoft Azure Computer Vision OCR
- Microsoft OCR
- Microsoft Project Oxford Online OCR
- Minimize Window
- Monitor Events
- Mouse Trigger
- Move Window
- Navigate To
- OCR Text Exists
- On Element Appear
- On Element Vanish
- On Image Appear
- On Image Vanish
- Open Application
- Open Browser
- Refresh Browser
- Replay User Event
- Restore Window
- Save Image
- Select Item
- Select Multiple Items
- Send Hotkey
- Set Clipping Region
- Set Focus
- Set Text
- Set To Clipboard
- Set Web Attribute
- Show Window
- Start Process
- System Trigger
- Take Screenshot
- Tesseract OCR
- Text Exists
- Tooltip
- Type Into
- Type Secure Text
- Use Foreground
- Wait Attribute
- Wait Element Vanish
- Wait Image Vanish
- Application Event Trigger
- Check/Uncheck
- Check App State
- Check Element
- Click
- Click Event Trigger
- Drag and Drop
- Extract Table Data
- For Each UI Element
- Get Attribute
- Get Attribute (Generic)
- Get Browser Data
- Get Text
- Get URL
- Go to URL
- Highlight
- Hover
- Inject Js Script
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keypress Event Trigger
- Mouse Scroll
- Navigate Browser
- Select Item
- Set Browser Data
- Set Runtime Browser
- Set Text
- Take Screenshot
- Type Into
- Use Application/Browser
- Perform browser search and retrieve results using UI Automation APIs
- Web Browsing
- Find Images
- Click Images
- Trigger and Monitor Events
- Create and Override Files
- HTML Pages: Extract and Manipulate Information
- Window Manipulation
- Automated List Selection
- Find and Manipulate Window Elements
- Manage Text Automation
- Load and Process Images
- Manage Mouse Activated Actions
- Automate Application Runtime
- Automated Run of a Local Application
- Browser Navigation
- Web Automation
- Trigger Scope Example
- Enable UI Automation support in DevExpress
- Computer Vision Local Server
- Mobile Automation
- Release notes
- About the mobile device automation architecture
- Project compatibility
- Get Log Types
- Get Logs
- Get Page Source
- Get Device Orientation
- Get Session Identifier
- Install App
- Manage Current App
- Manage Other App
- Open DeepLink
- Open URL
- Mobile Device Connection
- Directional Swipe
- Draw Pattern
- Positional Swipe
- Press Hardware Button
- Set Device Orientation
- Take Screenshot
- Take Screenshot Part
- Element Exists
- Execute Command
- Get Attribute
- Get Selected Item
- Get Text
- Set Selected Item
- Set Text
- Swipe
- Tap
- Type Text
- Terminal
Configuring local iOS simulator

UI Automation Activities
Last updated Mar 13, 2025
Configuring local iOS simulator
- Install Xcode. Visit Installing Xcode and Simulators for more information about Xcode.
- Open a Terminal and run the following
command to install Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
. - Run the following command to install NodeJS:
brew install node
- Install Appium:
- For Appium 1.0, run
the following command:
npm install -g appium
. This automatically installs all drivers needed. - For Appium 2.0, run the following command:
npm install -g appium@next
.Appium 2.0 comes without the drivers installed. Therefore, to install the needed drivers, also run the following command:appium driver install xcuitest
.Important:- We recommend using Appium 2.0 with Mobile Automation version 22.10 or higher.
- Install Appium
2.0 if you want to test your mobile automations on an
iOS Physical Device.
- Open Xcode and allow it to install any additional components it may require. Close it once you see the splash screen.
Start the Appium server, using the following command:
appium --port 8001 --default-capabilities "{\"appium:systemPort\":9001}" --relaxed-security
- For Appium 1.0, run
the following command:
Perform the following steps to configure a local iOS simulator.
- Install and add Simulator runtimes.
- Open Xcode and navigate to the menu bar. Click Xcode and then Settings.
- Go to the Platforms tab.
- Click the Add button, and then select a platform to view a list of its available versions.
- Select a version and click Download & Install.
- Add a Simulator.
- In Xcode, from the menu bar, select Xcode and then Devices and Simulators.
- At the top of the sidebar, select Simulators, and click Add button.
- Select a Device Type and OS Version for your simulator. Optionally, give it a name.
- Select Create to create the new simulator.
- Get the Appium URL and save it for later:
- Go to System Settings, then the Network tab, and select the Wi-Fi network that the iOS device is connected to.
- Copy the IP Address for the Wi-Fi network. The format of the Appium
URL is
(8001 is the port number where you start Appium).
- Get the UDID of the simulator that you added to Xcode.
- Go to Windows, then to Devices and Simulators, and lastly, Simulators.
- Click the iOS simulator you added.
- Copy the Identifier. This is the UDID, that you'll later add as an additional desired capability, when adding this iOS simulator to MDM.
- Build WebDriverAgent with Xcode on your Mac:
- Navigate to the
folder, using the following path:/Users/<username>/appium2/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
, and open thexcodeproj
file. - Select WebDriverAgent, and open WebDriverAgentRunner, under the Targets section.
- Switch to the Signing & Capabilities tab, select Automatically manage signing, and choose a user account from the Team dropdown.
- Change the Bundle Identifier to a unique value.
- Copy and save this Bundle Identifier. You'll use it to add your Application inside MDM (Bundle Id).
- Navigate to the
- Install the WebDriverAgent on your iOS simulator.
- Select WebDriverAgentRunner in the WebDriverAgent navigation bar.
- In Xcode, go to Product, and click Test. On your iOS simulator, you'll see the WebDriverAgent installing.
- Add the configurated iOS local simulator in Mobile Device Manager using the Adding local iOS device in Mobile Device Manager task.