- Overview
- UI Automation
- Applications and technologies automated with UI Automation
- Project compatibility
- UI-ANA-016 - Pull Open Browser URL
- UI-ANA-017 - ContinueOnError True
- UI-ANA-018 - List OCR/Image Activities
- UI-DBP-006 - Container Usage
- UI-DBP-013 - Excel Automation Misuse
- UI-DBP-030 - Forbidden Variables Usage In Selectors
- UI-PRR-001 - Simulate Click
- UI-PRR-002 - Simulate Type
- UI-PRR-003 - Open Application Misuse
- UI-PRR-004 - Hardcoded Delays
- UI-REL-001 - Large Idx in Selectors
- UI-SEC-004 - Selector Email Data
- UI-SEC-010 - App/Url Restrictions
- UI-USG-011 - Non Allowed Attributes
- UX-SEC-010 - App/Url Restrictions
- UX-DBP-029 - Insecure Password Use
- UI-PST-001 - Audit Log Level in Project Settings
- UiPath Browser Migration Tool
- Clipping region
- Computer Vision Recorder
- Activities index
- Activate
- Anchor Base
- Attach Browser
- Attach Window
- Block User Input
- Callout
- Check
- Click
- Click Image
- Click Image Trigger
- Click OCR Text
- Click Text
- Click Trigger
- Close Application
- Close Tab
- Close Window
- Context Aware Anchor
- Copy Selected Text
- Element Attribute Change Trigger
- Element Exists
- Element Scope
- Element State Change Trigger
- Export UI Tree
- Extract Structured Data
- Find Children
- Find Element
- Find Image
- Find Image Matches
- Find OCR Text Position
- Find Relative Element
- Find Text Position
- Get Active Window
- Get Ancestor
- Get Attribute
- Get Event Info
- Get From Clipboard
- Get Full Text
- Get OCR Text
- Get Password
- Get Position
- Get Source Element
- Get Text
- Get Visible Text
- Go Back
- Go Forward
- Go Home
- Google Cloud Vision OCR
- Hide Window
- Highlight
- Hotkey Trigger
- Hover
- Hover Image
- Hover OCR Text
- Hover Text
- Image Exists
- Indicate On Screen
- Inject .NET Code
- Inject Js Script
- Invoke ActiveX Method
- Key Press Trigger
- Load Image
- Maximize Window
- Microsoft Azure Computer Vision OCR
- Microsoft OCR
- Microsoft Project Oxford Online OCR
- Minimize Window
- Monitor Events
- Mouse Trigger
- Move Window
- Navigate To
- OCR Text Exists
- On Element Appear
- On Element Vanish
- On Image Appear
- On Image Vanish
- Open Application
- Open Browser
- Refresh Browser
- Replay User Event
- Restore Window
- Save Image
- Select Item
- Select Multiple Items
- Send Hotkey
- Set Clipping Region
- Set Focus
- Set Text
- Set To Clipboard
- Set Web Attribute
- Show Window
- Start Process
- System Trigger
- Take Screenshot
- Tesseract OCR
- Text Exists
- Tooltip
- Type Into
- Type Secure Text
- Use Foreground
- Wait Attribute
- Wait Element Vanish
- Wait Image Vanish
- Application Event Trigger
- Check/Uncheck
- Check App State
- Check Element
- Click
- Click Event Trigger
- Drag and Drop
- Extract Table Data
- For Each UI Element
- Get Attribute
- Get Attribute (Generic)
- Get Browser Data
- Get Text
- Get URL
- Go to URL
- Highlight
- Hover
- Inject Js Script
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keypress Event Trigger
- Mouse Scroll
- Navigate Browser
- Select Item
- Set Browser Data
- Set Runtime Browser
- Set Text
- Take Screenshot
- Type Into
- Use Application/Browser
- Perform browser search and retrieve results using UI Automation APIs
- Web Browsing
- Find Images
- Click Images
- Trigger and Monitor Events
- Create and Override Files
- HTML Pages: Extract and Manipulate Information
- Window Manipulation
- Automated List Selection
- Find and Manipulate Window Elements
- Manage Text Automation
- Load and Process Images
- Manage Mouse Activated Actions
- Automate Application Runtime
- Automated Run of a Local Application
- Browser Navigation
- Web Automation
- Trigger Scope Example
- Enable UI Automation support in DevExpress
- Computer Vision Local Server
- Mobile Automation
- Release notes
- About the mobile device automation architecture
- Project compatibility
- Get Log Types
- Get Logs
- Get Page Source
- Get Device Orientation
- Get Session Identifier
- Install App
- Manage Current App
- Manage Other App
- Open DeepLink
- Open URL
- Mobile Device Connection
- Directional Swipe
- Draw Pattern
- Positional Swipe
- Press Hardware Button
- Set Device Orientation
- Take Screenshot
- Take Screenshot Part
- Element Exists
- Execute Command
- Get Attribute
- Get Selected Item
- Get Text
- Set Selected Item
- Set Text
- Swipe
- Tap
- Type Text
- Terminal

UI Automation Activities
Local Android devices
To set up a local device to work with the Mobile Automation activities, you need to run a local instance of Appium, and have the necessary tools to automate Android devices.
There are two types of local Android devices that you can automate:
- Physical - a physical Android device that you can connect to your local machine, through a USB cable.
- Emulator - an emulator for an Android device that's stored locally.
The list below describes the most used commands for setting up Appium in the context of Mobile Device Automation:
appium driver list
- lists installed drivers (recommended for Appium 2.0)adb devices
- lists the connected devicesadb start-server
- starts debugging serveradb kill-server
- stops the debugging serverctrl + c
- kills Appiumappium-doctor
- helps in debugging your Appium.
or IPA
file to an URL that is anonymously accessible by the Appium server (e.g. Blob storage).
Installing applications from the Play Store or App Store is not possible, except if you manually automate these applications to install your specific application.
Follow the steps below to complete the prerequisites for configuring a local physical Android device:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk8
b. ANDROID_HOME variable. Points to the folder where Android SDK was installed.
Variable value: the path where the Android SDK is located on your machine. For example: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Note: The Username
part, inside the Variable Value path, must be replaced with the actual name of the user operating on the machine.
Open the Node.js command prompt and install Appium:
- For Appium 1.0, run the following command:
npm install -g appium
. Appium 1.0 comes with all drivers installed. - For Appium 2.0, run the following command:
npm install -g appium@next
- For Appium 1.0, run the following command:
appium driver install
For more information on Appium 1.0 configuration, see Quick Start Intro.
- Restart the computer to apply the changes.
Open the physical mobile device, and enable Developer Options.
- On your phone, navigate to Settings > Developer Options.
- Under the Networking section, open Default USB configuration and set it to Charging phone only.
- Enable USB debugging.
- On your phone, navigate to Settings > Developer Options.
- Under the Networking section, open Default USB configuration and set it to Charging phone only.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk8
b. ANDROID_HOME variable. Points to the folder where Android SDK was installed.
- Variable name:
Variable value: the path where the Android SDK is located on your machine. For example:
Note: TheUsername
part, inside the Variable Value path, must be replaced with the actual name of the user operating on the machine.- Open the Node.js command prompt and install Appium:
- For Appium 1.0, run the following command:
npm install -g appium
. Appium 1.0 comes with all drivers installed. - For Appium 2.0, run the following command:
npm install -g appium@next
appium driver install uiautomator2
For more information on Appium 2.0 configuration, see Quick Start Intro.
- Restart the computer to apply the changes.
Enable WebView debugging on the local device to allow Mobile Device Manager to recognize the majority of UI elements inside an application.
If Appium doesn't autodetect the Chrome or the WebView version on your Android, choose one of the options below:
- Setting up local Android devices
- Most used Appium commands
- Application Storage
- Configuring Local Physical Android Device
- Prerequisites
- Configuring Local Physical Android Device
- Configuring Local Emulated Android Device
- Prerequisites
- Creating Android Emulator
- Enabling Web and Hybrid Automation With WebDriver
- Adding Local Android Device in Mobile Device Manager