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Last updated Feb 28, 2025



Forward email request builder.

Namespace: UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API

Assembly: UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API (in UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API.dll)


public class ForwardEmailRequest : BasicEmailRequestBuilder<ForwardEmailRequest>public class ForwardEmailRequest : BasicEmailRequestBuilder<ForwardEmailRequest>


  • Attachments - The attachments of the email.
  • Bcc - The hidden recipients of the email.
  • Body - The content of the email.
  • Cc - The secondary recipients of the email.
  • IsBodyHtml - If the email body is HTML format.
  • IsDraft - True if the email should be a draft.
  • NewSubject - The new subject of the email.
  • To - The primary recipients of the email.

Supported methods

  • AsDraft - Specifies if the email should be sent as a draft.
  • WithAttachment (IResource) - Adds an email attachment.
  • WithAttachment (String) - Attaches the specified local file to the email.
  • WithBcc - Adds a hidden email recipient.
  • WithBody - Specifies the email content.
  • WithCc - Adds a secondary email recipient.
  • WithHtmlBody - Specifies if the email body should be HTML format.
  • WithNewSubject - Specifies a new email subject.
  • WithTo - Adds a primary email recipient.


Mail label object interface.

Namespace: UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API

Assembly: UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API (in UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API.dll)


public interface IMailLabelpublic interface IMailLabel


ApplyToAdds the label to the specified mail.
GetEmailsRetrieves a list of emails from the label folder that match the criteria defined in the filter.
GetNewestEmailRetrieves the most recent email from the label folder that matches the criteria defined in the filter.
RemoveFromRemoves the label from the specified mail.


Adds the label to the specified mail.
void ApplyTo(
	IMail mail
)void ApplyTo(
	IMail mail
mail IMail
The mail to attach the label to.


Retrieves a list of emails from the label folder that match the criteria defined in the filter.

IReadOnlyCollection<IMail> GetEmails(
	MailFilter filter = null,
	bool includeSubfolders = true,
	bool markAsRead = false,
	int? maxResults = null
)IReadOnlyCollection<IMail> GetEmails(
	MailFilter filter = null,
	bool includeSubfolders = true,
	bool markAsRead = false,
	int? maxResults = null
filter MailFilter (Optional)
The mail filter criteria that should be matched for the retrieved emails. Optional, default value is null.
includeSubfolders Boolean (Optional)
Specifies if subfolders should be included in the search results. Optional, default value is true.
markAsRead Boolean (Optional)
Specifies if the retrieved emails should be marked as read. Optional, default value is false.
maxResults Nullable<Int32> (Optional)
Maximum count of retrieved results. Values lower than 0 will be interpreted as unlimited. Optional, default value is unlimited.


Retrieves the most recent email from the label folder that matches the criteria defined in the filter.

IMail GetNewestEmail(
	MailFilter filter = null,
	bool markAsRead = false
)IMail GetNewestEmail(
	MailFilter filter = null,
	bool markAsRead = false
filter MailFilter (Optional)
The mail filter criteria that should be matched for the retrieved email. Optional, default value is null.
markAsRead Boolean (Optional)
Specifies if the retrieved email should be marked as read. Optional, default value is false.


Removes the label from the specified mail.
void RemoveFrom(
	IMail mail
)void RemoveFrom(
	IMail mail
mail IMail
The mail to remove the label from.


Email filter.

Namespace: UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API

Assembly: UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API (in UiPath.Gsuite.Activities.API.dll)


public class MailFilter : IFilterExpressionBuilder<MailFilter>public class MailFilter : IFilterExpressionBuilder<MailFilter>


MailFilterDefault constructor


And Adds "AND" as logical condition between the filters (all conditions are met).
ByAdds a filter for collection fields.
ByBcc Filter for the hidden recipients of the email.
ByBody Filter for the content of the email.
ByCategories Filter for the category of the email.
ByCc Filter for the secondary recipients of the email.
ByDateAndTime Filter for the received date and time of the email.
ByExpression Adds an expression to the filters.
ByFilename Filter for the attachment name of the email.
ByFrom Filter for the sender of the email.
ByImportant Filter for important emails.
ByLabels Filter for the labels associated with the email.
ByStarred Filter for starred emails.
BySubExpression Adds a subfilter to the filters.
Filter for the subject of the email.
ByTo Filter for the primary recipients of the email.
ByUnread Filter for unread emails.
Or Adds "OR" as logical condition between the filters (any condition is met).
WithAttachments Filter for emails with attachments.


Adds "AND" as logical condition between the filters (all conditions are met).

public MailFilter And()public MailFilter And()

Adds a filter.


By(MailFilterField, FilterCollectionOperator, String[])

Adds a filter for collection fields.

By(MailFilterField, FilterDateOperator, DateTime) Adds a filter for date fields.
By(MailFilterField, FilterStringOperator, String)Adds a filter condition for string fields.

By(MailFilterField, FilterCollectionOperator, String[])

public MailFilter By(
	MailFilterField field,
	FilterCollectionOperator collectionOperator,
	string[] value
)public MailFilter By(
	MailFilterField field,
	FilterCollectionOperator collectionOperator,
	string[] value

Adds a filter for collection fields.

field MailFilterField
The field to filter by.
collectionOperator FilterCollectionOperator
The collection operator to use for filtering.
value String[]
The value to filter by.

By(MailFilterField, FilterDateOperator, DateTime)

public MailFilter By(
	MailFilterField field,
	FilterDateOperator dateOperator,
	DateTime value
)public MailFilter By(
	MailFilterField field,
	FilterDateOperator dateOperator,
	DateTime value
field MailFilterField
The field to filter by.
The date operator to use for filtering.
value DateTime
The value to filter by.

By(MailFilterField, FilterStringOperator, String)

Adds a filter condition for string fields.
public MailFilter By(
	MailFilterField field,
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter By(
	MailFilterField field,
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
field MailFilterField
The field to filter by.

The string operator to use for filtering.

value String
The value to filter by.


All available mail filter conditions.

public enum MailFilterFieldpublic enum MailFilterField


Filter for the hidden recipients of the email.

public MailFilter ByBcc(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByBcc(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for the content of the email.

public MailFilter ByBody(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByBody(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for the category of the email.

public MailFilter ByCategories(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByCategories(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for the secondary recipients of the email.
public MailFilter ByCc(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByCc(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for the received date and time of the email.

public MailFilter ByDateAndTime(
	FilterDateOperator dateOperator,
	DateTime value
)public MailFilter ByDateAndTime(
	FilterDateOperator dateOperator,
	DateTime value
The date operator to use for filtering.
value DateTime
The value to filter by.


Adds an expression to the filters.
expression String
The expression to be used for filtering.


Filter for the attachment name of the email.

public MailFilter ByFilename(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByFilename(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for the sender of the email.

public MailFilter ByFrom(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByFrom(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for important emails.
public MailFilter ByImportant(
	bool value
)public MailFilter ByImportant(
	bool value
value Boolean
Negates the query if false.


Filter for the labels associated with the email.

public MailFilter ByLabels(
	FilterCollectionOperator collectionOperator,
	string[] value
)public MailFilter ByLabels(
	FilterCollectionOperator collectionOperator,
	string[] value
collectionOperator FilterCollectionOperator
The collection operator to use for filtering.
value String[]
The value to filter by.


Filter for starred emails.

public MailFilter ByStarred(
	bool value
)public MailFilter ByStarred(
	bool value
value Boolean
Negates the query if false.


Adds a subfilter to the filters.

public MailFilter BySubExpression(
	MailFilter expressionBuilder
)public MailFilter BySubExpression(
	MailFilter expressionBuilder
expressionBuilder MailFilter
The subfilter to be added.


Filter for the subject of the email.

public MailFilter BySubject(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter BySubject(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for the primary recipients of the email.

public MailFilter ByTo(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
)public MailFilter ByTo(
	FilterStringOperator stringOperator,
	string value
The string operator to use for filtering.
value String
The value to filter by.


Filter for unread emails.

public MailFilter ByUnread(
	bool value
)public MailFilter ByUnread(
	bool value
value Boolean
Negates the query if false.

Adds "OR" as logical condition between the filters (any condition is met).

public MailFilter Or()public MailFilter Or()


Filter for emails with attachments.

public MailFilter WithAttachments(
	bool value
)public MailFilter WithAttachments(
	bool value
value Boolean
Negates the query if false.

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