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IT Automation Activities

Last updated Mar 7, 2025

Create Instance



Creates a new instance. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform.

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows | Cross-platform


  • Metadata - The metadata to associate with the instance. This field supports only DataTable variables. It shall contain two columns of type String, the first one representing the key and the second its value.
  • StartupScript - The startup script to run when the instance boots up or restarts.
  • StartupScriptKey - The metadata key that corresponds to the type of script specified in StartupScript parameter. Examples of such keys: "startup-script", "sysprep-specialize-script-bat". To find out more about available keys, see Running startup scripts.

    Note: Both StartupScript and StartupScriptKey must have a value or both must be empty.
Boot Disk
  • AutoDelete - Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance). This field only supports boolean values (True, False). The default value is False.
  • DiskType - The type of the boot disk to use. Select one of three options: PersistentDiskStandard, PersistentDiskSSD, PersistentDiskBalanced. The default value is PersistentDiskStandard.
  • SizeGb - The size of the boot disk. This field supports only integer and Int64 variables.
    Note: AutoDelete, DiskType, SizeGb are ignored when SourceType is Disk.
  • Source - The image or snapshot used to create a boot disk or an existing disk to attach to.

    Note: The value of selfLink field for an image, snapshot or disk resource needs to be provided here. This can be retrieved by navigating to the corresponding image, snapshot or disk resource in Google Cloud Plaftform and click Equivalent Rest. For more details, check the description of disks[].source field here.
  • SourceType - Specifies the source type. Select one of three options: Image, Snapshot, Disk. The default value is Image.
  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
Identity and API Access
  • AccessScopes - The type of API access to grant the VM Instance. Select one of two options:

DefaultAccess, FullAccessToAllCloudAPI. The default value is DefaultAccess.

  • ServiceAccount - The email address that identifies the service account to be used by the applications running in VM Instance in order to call Google Cloud APIs. If not set, the Compute Engine default service account will be used.
  • Description - The description of the instance.
  • Labels - The labels to associate with the instance. This field supports only DataTable variables. It shall contain two columns of type String, the first one representing the key and the second its value.
  • MachineType - The predefined machine type. For example "e2-medium". Select an option from the drop-down menu. To find out more about the values you can set, see Machine Types.
  • Name - The name of the instance.
  • ProjectId - The ID of the project to which the instance belongs.
  • Timeout - Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. This field supports only integer and Int32 variables. If not set, the activity runs until completion. Taken into consideration in case WaitForCompletion is set to True.
  • WaitForCompletion - This field only supports boolean values (True, False). The default value is True. If set to True, the activity waits to complete before moving to the next activity.
  • Zone - The name of the zone where the instance resides. Select the desired zone from the dropdown list.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Hostname - A custom hostname for the instance (fully qualified DNS name).
  • NetworkIp - An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for the network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
  • NetworkUrl - The URL of the network resource for the instance.
  • SubnetworkUrl - The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance.
  • Instance - The details of the newly created instance. This field supports only GCPInstance variables.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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