- Release notes Test Manager
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- Release notes Orchestrator
- Release notes CI/CD integrations

Test Suite™ Release Notes
Release date: 3 November 2023
Enhance test accuracy by overriding existent test results. You can now correct test case outcomes when automated executions don't reflect the actual behavior of the application. Visit Analyze test results to learn how to override your test results.
- Tenant roles - You can now manage roles at the tenant level to centralize access control. These roles are administered through the Settings in Test Manager.
- Project roles - Project roles are managed within the specific project settings. This allows you to assign roles, based on your project's specific requirements.
As part of this update, we also added two new tenant roles: Administrator and Project Creator. Visit User group and access management to learn how to contol user access and responsibilities.
When creating manual test cases, you can now give extensive descriptions in the Expected Result section. The character limit of this field was removed, allowing you to create more rigorous test automations.
- Assigned Test Cases
- Labels
- Documents
Follow the Cloning Test Sets procedure to learn how to clone test sets.
With this update you can now enable Activity Coverage directly in Test Manager for your test sets, eliminating the need to configure it only in Orchestrator. You can use this feature only if your Test Manager is connected to Orchestrator 2023.10 or higher.
Another significant change is the ability to enable Activity Coverage for both existing and newly created test sets directly within the Test Manager interface.
With Activity Coverage you can gain insights into the execution of your test sets and assess the coverage of each activity. A percentage calculator provides a clear overview of the coverage achieved during execution.