- Studio installation
- Robot installation
- Orchestrator installation
- Test Manager installation
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements and Prerequisites
- Installation
- Post-installation Steps
- Test Manager Config File Encryption
- Test Manager Provisioning Tool
- Silent Install
- Test Manager deployment in Azure Marketplace
- Install Test Manager Using the Local Deployment Script
- Update Test Manager local deployment
- Upgrade
- Backup and Restore
- Troubleshooting
- Known issues

Test Suite Installation Guide
Install Test Manager Using the Local Deployment Script
You can use this procedure to install Test Manager using the local deployment script, once you have the infrastructure ready, or to install it on an existing infrastructure. Before you install Test Manager, visit Local Azure Resource Manager Deployment and verify if you meet the requirements and you provisioned the necessary resources.
script with the following parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
webAppName |
The name of the Azure Web App resource where UiPath Test Manager will be installed. |
resourceGroupName |
The name of the Azure Resource Group where UiPath Test Manager will be installed. |
identityUrl |
The UiPath Identity URL used for UiPath Test Manager to connect to. |
identityInstallationToken |
The IdentityInstallationToken, taken from the UiPath Identity portal, which will be used during the UiPath Test Manager installation and configuration (see Host Authentication Settings). |
orchestratorUrl |
The UiPath Orchestrator URL which the UiPath Test Manager will connect to during installation and configuration. |
orchestratorAdminPassword |
The UiPath Orchestrator Admin Password which the UiPath Test Manager will use to connect to during installation and configuration. |
testManagerUrl |
The URL of the UiPath Test Manager App Service (e.g.,
<AppServiceName>.azurewebsites.net ).
dbConnectionString |
The Database connection string which UiPath Test Manager will use to connect to the Azure SQL database. |
appInsightsInstrKey |
The instrumentation key for the Azure App Insights resource. |
storageConnectionString |
The Storage connection string which UiPath Test Manager will use to connect to the Azure Storage. |
-webAppName "tmh-test"
-resourceGroupName "tmh-testing"
-identityUrl "https://your.identity.com"
-identityInstallationToken "token"
-orchestratorUrl "https://your.orchestrator.com"
-testManagerUrl "https://tmh-test.azurewebsites.net"
-dbConnectionString "Server=myServerName,myPortNumber;Initial Catalog=tmtestingsqldb;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=<userId>;Password=<password>=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
-appInsightsInstrKey "appInsightsInstrKey"
-storageConnectionString "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=accountName;AccountKey=accountKey==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"
-webAppName "tmh-test"
-resourceGroupName "tmh-testing"
-identityUrl "https://your.identity.com"
-identityInstallationToken "token"
-orchestratorUrl "https://your.orchestrator.com"
-testManagerUrl "https://tmh-test.azurewebsites.net"
-dbConnectionString "Server=myServerName,myPortNumber;Initial Catalog=tmtestingsqldb;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=<userId>;Password=<password>=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
-appInsightsInstrKey "appInsightsInstrKey"
-storageConnectionString "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=accountName;AccountKey=accountKey==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"