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Test Suite™ Release Notes
Release date: 27 October 2022
Data-driven testing with test data queues
Data-driven testing has become more convenient with test data queues as sources for test cases. You can use this option if you want to use dynamic test data from queues.
For more information, see Add test data queue as data source to a test case.
Auto-generated test data
- Automatically generated data has received behind the curtains updates with smart string patterns that understand the workflow context, providing you with relevant data for common expressions (for example IBAN, credit card numbers).
- You can set automatic verifications for Out and In/Out arguments to support your testing effort.
- Time-based arguments such as DateTime and TimeSpan are now supported.
Orchestrator assets are now taken into consideration when you generate values for workflows that are using these asset types.
Data-driven testing
- The Add Test Data Queue Item activity now supports fields with user-defined names.
- You can rename test files.
Test case and execution templates are supported in library projects, so you can share, reuse, and update testing assets. Test case templates should not include any references to assets within the library, as they are not being copied to the project where the library is being imported.
Create test cases through the Test with Timeout template for time-based exceptions, or to take screenshots of failed workflow verifications (see Test Case Templates).
Test Manager integration
Tests executed locally in Studio now show up in Test Manager if you select Upload test results to Test Manager in Test Explorer.
For more information, see Working with Test Explorer.
Test Explorer
- Test case variations are now included in the activity coverage calculations.
- You can copy the data variation info using Test Explorer’s contextual menu.
- When you configure a device, the Appium Url field now provides an inline error message stating that HTTPS is not supported.
- Executing a test case with a template containing multiple placeholders did not fail when one of the placeholders was not placed in a Sequence activity. This behavior has been addressed by providing an error message through the Studio logs.
- Addressed an issue in which the Test Case Without Annotations rule was not updated properly.
Visit Studio release notes to check out the other updates available for 2022.10.