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Release notes Studio

Test Suite™ Release Notes
Last updated Nov 11, 2024
Release notes Studio
This section offers updates about Studio, our IDE for test automation development, part of UiPath's Test Suite. Here you can find the latest features, enhancements, and adjustments that simplify test automation processes, and improve your testing functionalities.
Studio provides specialized tools to integrate testing into the development and automation process. You can use Studio Pro to create, design, and map test cases and execution results to requirements and defects (e.g. Jira, Xray). These are some of the testing capabilities of Studio:
- Application Testing
- Studio supports the creation of specialized test cases for conducting automated application testing, either in VB or C#. Individual test automation projects can be created in Studio, used for verifying data, and included in CI/CD pipeline scenarios.
- Application testing can be performed with Test Cases and Data Driven Test Cases, sequences that make use of verification activities part of the UiPath.Testing.Activities pack, together with activities from other packages.
- You can add execution templates to your test cases.
- RPA Testing: Designed for testing workflows directly and viewing the activity coverage during execution. Such testing processes ensure that execution is performed and all corner cases are covered, regardless of the decisions taken during execution.
- API Test Automation: Studio supports API Test Automation projects through its integration with Postman, a software development tool for performing test calls to APIs. This integration also includes Newman, a command-line collection runner for Postman for running and testing a collection directly from the command-line.