- Release notes Test Manager
- Release notes Studio
- Release notes Orchestrator
- Release notes CI/CD integrations

Test Suite™ Release Notes
- You haven't automated testing for your SAP processes - Helps you to discover the areas of your SAP process for which you can automate testing efforts. The heatmap generates real, instant data based on the information coming from your SAP system, describing your SAP modules and their corresponding transactions.
- You already automated testing for your SAP
processes - Helps you to examine the current testing coverage of
your SAP system, and discover if these automated or manual tests reach the
main transactions used inside your system.
Learn how the heatmap works and how to implement it here.
What other better way to simplify the way you assign test cases to test sets, than by assigning them dynamically using labels?
The purpose of this feature is to assign multiple test cases to a test set instantly, based on labels. And the best part is that you can combine static assignments with dynamic assignments of test cases!
Learn how to dynamically assign test cases here.
A complex authorization system can now be handled with custom user roles created specifically for Test Manager users. Start solving your testing authorization issues by creating your first custom user roles.
Achieve a clean slate for some of your test executions by re-executing them. This way you can complete missing results or recover from broken executions.
Learn how to re-execute test executions and what it involves here.
Your test sets show the activity coverage for each execution. Include this feature in your RPA testing to check which activities have been covered during execution, indicated within a percentage calculator. To learn how it works, see the Viewing the activity coverage topic.
Ever wanted to move projects from one Test Manager instance to another? Or to create backup copies of your favorite projects in Test Manager?
All of the above are now available through the exporting projects feature! When exporting your projects from a Test Manager instance, you can:
- Export most test objects.
- Keep all your assignments that exist between test objects (such as the assignments between Requirements and Test Cases).
- Keep additional information, such as names, prefixes, the values for Custom field definitions, and the automation assignments.
Learn how to export your projects and what it involves in our documentation.
After you export an existing Test Manager project, you can import it back into another tenant or Test Manager instance. Follow the steps in this procedure to export projects into another Test Manager tenant or instance.
You can now increase testing coverage and visibility, by attaching various files to a test case result using the Attach Document activity. The attachments appear on the Test Results page, inside the Attachments tab.
Besides, the attachments of a test case result from Orchestrator now also appear in the Test Manager project where it is linked.
Testing management just got easier with fast access to the execution logs of a test case! After running a test set, each test
case that fails displays an information icon inside the Results column. Select the
icon to go to the Logs tab of the selected test case, for a detailed description of the failure.
We are pleased to announce the release of UiPath Test Manager Connect, a powerful connector offered by Planview ® that facilitates seamless integration between Test Manager and a wide variety of third-party ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) tools through Planview Tasktop Hub. This allows easier integration with any of the tools listed in the Planview Tasktop Hub, streamlining workflows and increasing efficiency.
For more details about enabling and working with UiPath Test Manager Connect, see our documenation and the Planview documentation.
You can now keep the users of your organizations in the loop with notifications sent across tenants and services about events specific to testing. Find what are the testing events you can subscribe to here.
You can now perform specific scenarios regarding notifications, if your an organization admin.
- Hide certain events from the user.
- Set an event subscription as mandatory, without the possibility of users to unsubscribe.
- Set default subscriptions that the user can later change.
Learn more about configuring notification subscriptions here.
You can now subscribe an external AD group to email notifications. This allows you to include users from external groups in the events taking place inside your organization.
Learn more about subscribing external AD groups to notifications in our documentation.
- Local assertion screenshots now upload as well. After uploading, the screenshots display in Test Manager inside the Assertions tab of a test case result.
- When you upload test results from Studio, changes to the project name or test case name now upload as well.
See this improvement in the Studio release notes, as well.
Starting with 2023.4, the Test Automation feature from Orchestrator is enabled by default during installation. This indicates that the Testing tab from Orchestrator appears by default after installation, unless you manually remove it during the installation process. See this improvement in the Orchestrator release notes, as well.
Importing projects into Test Manager now becomes easier with information about the automations that generated the imported test cases!
To easily search test cases generated by the same automation when you import a project, select Include automation information for test cases in the Import project page. This adds a custom field for each test case that displays the information about the automation that generated it.
After the project import is finished, you can filter the test cases that were generated by the same automation, using the automationcleared label filter. Information about the automation that generated a specific test case is displayed in the Details tab of the test case.
Check out the Import project page for more details.
The Version field in the Execution and robot details section of an executed test case shows the version of the Orchestrator package that executed it.
Check out the impact of disabling executions in classic folders for Test Manager here.
V1 of the Test Manager API is deprecated and has been removed from Test Manager.
Learn about updating the Test Manager API version here.
- Release date: 26 April 2023
- What's New
- SAP Heatmap
- Dynamically assign test case to test sets
- Custom user roles in Test Manager
- Re-execution of test executions
- Activity coverage
- Exporting projects
- Importing into an existing project in Test Manager
- Cloning test objects
- Attachment support in Test Manager
- Test Case logs easy access
- UiPath Test Manager Connect
- Notifications for testing events in Automation Suite
- Admin scenarios for notifications
- Configure default notification subscriptions
- Send notifications to external AD groups
- Improvements
- Uploading test results from Studio
- Test Automation tab enabled by default
- Automation information
- Test Case version
- Deprecated or removed features
- Classic folders removal
- Removal of V1 API