- Release Notes Test Manager
- Release notes Studio
- Release notes Cloud Orchestrator
- Release notes CI/CD integrations

Test Suite Release Notes
January 2025
Select automations for test cases
You now can link automations to a test case not only from Studio, but also directly within Test Manager. When you create a test case, you can search and select an automation from the feeds of any Orchestrator folder you have access to. Additionally, if you want to transfer your test cases between tenants, the linkage between the test case and its corresponding Orchestrator automation is preserved during the test case export.
For more information on selecting automations from Orchestrator directly in Test Manager, visit Selecting automation.
Export test executions to PDF
For a more diverse analysis of your test results, you can now export a test execution to PDF. The PDF file includes the same information as the XLSX format. For example, the XLSX and PDF files include the following details: overview of the execution, a detailed list of assertions, test case logs, and a list of corresponding requirements. For more information about exporting data from Test Manager, visit Export data, and Downloading execution logs.
Process images from documents when generating tests
Customer Managed Keys attachment encryption
To enhance security, Test Manager now supports attachment encryption through Customer Managed Keys (CMKs). The keys now cover Test Manager attachments, in addition to other protected UiPath services. This update allows you to create and manage the key for encrypting Test Manager attachments. Before this update, CMK encryption was already available for Test Manager third-party integration credentials, excluding deprecated ones. For more information about CMK encryption, visit ALE with customer-managed keys, and for more information on securing Test Manager data using CMKs, visit Customer Managed Keys for Test Manager.
We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.