- Release Notes
- Getting started
- Setup and configuration
- Working with Task Mining
- Additional resources

Task Mining
Output configuration
Output configuration is a mandatory setting that is used to configure the display of the output document. Configure the way you want the information to be processed by using one of the below options:
- Continuous Upload (recommended) - data is uploaded as soon as users have processed (ready for analysis) data available.
Via shared drive (using the Uploader tool)
Note: All data is encrypted before being sent to the service and remains encrypted until a model job-specific container is created for processing and then the results are again encrypted before being written to disk.
An AI Center project is automatically created when a Task Mining project is created and selected in the continuous upload configuration.
To select another project for the continuous upload:
SelectEditinConfigure Upcoming Output.
Select the AiCenter Project from the dropdown list.
Set a name for theAnalysis name.
SelectSaveto apply changes.
Collecting data using this option requires first Setting up the shared network folder and later installing an additional desktop component Study Uploader.
- In the Network Shared Folder area specify a path to a network shared drive that can be accessed by users with write permissions. Use the following path format: format: \\\network\folder\path
The Available intermittently checkbox enables you to continue the recording process in case the Network Shared Folder you set up is not available and keeps the recorded data locally until the access to the folder is restored.
Personally identifiable information (PII) is information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify an individual. This can be switched on or off based on your preference.
PII detection model looks for a standard pre-configured limited category of content.
Sensitive PII information includes legal statistics such as:
PII Type
Social Security Number (SSN)
It is a 9-digit number issued to US citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents.
Credit/Debit Card
The number, expiration date, and card verification code for a credit or debit card.
Banking Routing
A US bank account routing number. These are typically 9 digits long.
A phone number. Including fax and pager numbers.
A physical address, such as "Suite #1, Building 1234". An address can include a street, building, location, city, state, country, county, zip, precinct, neighborhood, and more.
An individual's name, but does not include titles, such as Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Dr.
An email address, such as [email protected].
License ID
The number assigned to a driver's license is an official document permitting an individual to operate one or more motorized vehicles on a public road. A driver's license number consists of alphanumeric characters.
Passport numbers range from 6 - 9 alphanumeric characters.
Note: For the PII Masking feature to work as intended, the desktop application version 21.6.71 or higher must be installed.