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StudioX User Guide

Last updated Feb 26, 2025

The User Interface

The UiPath® StudioX interface contains multiple panels for easy access to specific functionalities. Panels can be docked, set to float so that they can be moved anywhere, or they can be set to auto-hide.

Home (Backstage View)

This is the view you see when you first open StudioX. You can also get here by clicking Home in the upper-left corner of the Design View. You can access your projects, configure StudioX settings, or access help and license information. The following buttons and tabs are available in this view:

  • Open - Browse to an automation project and open it.
  • Close - Close the automation project that is currently open.
  • Save as - Save the automation project and create a copy of it in a different location. You can use this option to copy local automation projects to source control by selecting a repository as the location or convert a project into a template.
  • Start - Create a new task automation project or open recently accessed projects, or start from a template.
  • Templates - Create a new project based on a template. In this tab, you can view all available project templates, search and filter them by source. For more information, see Project Templates.
  • Team - Manage source control integration for the automation project.
  • Tools - Install the Excel Add-in, extensions for web browsers and other applications that allow StudioX to capture actions you perform in them, and the Repair Tool for Microsoft Office. For more information on extensions, see Extensions in the Studio Guide.
  • Settings - Change the look and feel of StudioX, set global preferences, and manage activities packages sources. For more information, see Configuring StudioX Settings.
  • Help - Directs you to product documentation, release notes, online resources, the Community Forum and the RPA Academy.

    Information regarding product version and installation, license availability, update channel and device ID is also found in the Help tab, together with a Copy Info button for quickly copying the details to the clipboard.

Design View

This is the view where you create, execute, and publish your automation project.

The Ribbon

You can configure the ribbon to increase or decrease the space available for the Designer panel by clicking:

  • docs image Compact View to get a streamlined view of the ribbon.

  • docs image Standard View to see the full size of the ribbon.

You can also show or hide the ribbon by clicking:
  • docs image Pin the ribbon to always show the ribbon.
  • docs image Unpin the ribbon to only show the ribbon tabs. You can also right-click a pinned ribbon and select Collapse the Ribbon.

The ribbon contains the following buttons:

  • Save - Saves the automation project.
  • Cut / Copy / Paste - Use these buttons to cut, copy, or paste activities in the Designer panel.
  • Project - Select Project Settings if you want to edit the name and the description of the project, Workflow Analyzer rules, or global activities settings. Select Open Project Folder to open the project folder in the Windows file explorer. Select Convert to Windows in a Windows - Legacy or cross-platform project to convert the project to the Windows compatibility.
  • Notebook - Opens the Excel file you defined as the Project Notebook for the automation project. To edit its settings, click the arrow under this button, and then select Configure Notebook.
  • Manage Packages - Opens the Manage Packages window where you can configure the activities packages and sources for the project.
  • App/Web Recorder - Opens the UiPath Recorder that captures your actions on the screen and automatically generates a sequence of activities based on them. For more information, see App/Web Recorder.
  • Table Extraction - Opens the Extract wizard that enables you to extract structured data from an application or a web page. For more information, see Extract Table Data.
  • Analyze - Checks the project for validation errors and Workflow Analyzer rule violations. The results are displayed in the Error List panel. To edit Workflow Analyzer settings, click the arrow next to this button, and then select Workflow Analyzer Settings.
  • Export to Excel - Exports the automation project to an Excel file.
  • Publish - Archives the project and all the other files in the project folder so that it can be sent to Robots and then executed.
  • Run - Executes the automation project.

    If you want to continue your work uninterrupted while the project is executed, click the arrow next to this button, and then select Run in PiP. The project is executed in a new session that is launched in a floating window.

    Note: Files that are not created during the execution of the automation project become read-only when published to Orchestrator. If your business process requires you to write in a specific file at some point, be sure to create it while designing the project.

Send Feedback

There are two types of feedback that you can send directly from within StudioX: Submit an idea or Report a bug. Both are accessible by clicking on the title bar.

In the Help us to improve window, provide the following information, and then click Send:

  • From the I want to drop-down menu, select either Submit an idea for the product or Report a Bug.
  • From the For drop-down menu, select the product for which to send feedback. StudioX is selected by default.
  • From the How important is this to you field, select Nice to have, Important, or Critical.
  • In the Subject field, enter a subject for the message.
  • In the Steps to Reproduce / Description field, enter a detailed description.
  • Click Add if you want to attach files. You can attach up to 6 images, videos, or text files, each with a size smaller than 10MB.

Please note that you cannot send more than 3 posts in a time frame of 5 minutes.

Note: The Activities panel and the Add Activity search bar support fuzzy search, which means that a list of results is returned even if the search terms don't match exactly. The search terms could be slightly incomplete, misspelled or include only the first letter of each word.

The Designer Panel

The Designer panel is the canvas on which you create your automation. This is where you add the activities you want to automate, view and edit their properties, and define the workflow by ordering activities. Your automation project is represented by a diagram that gives you a visual representation of the sequence of activities it contains.

You can add activities from the Activities panel by double-clicking or dragging and dropping them, or by clicking the Add activity button above and below an already added activity and then selecting them from the Add Activity search bar. For every activity added to the panel you can see details such as the name, key activity properties, buttons and links that help you configure it, or an informative screenshot. To help you identify different types of activities, the left border of each activity has the color of the application it applies to. For example, Excel activities have a green left border, while mail activities have a blue left border.

Activate Pan Mode by clicking the icon, holding the Space key or pressing the middle mouse button. Use the zoom drop-down to change the zoom level and click the icon to reset it back to 100%.

The Fit to Screen icon changes the zoom in such a way that the whole workflow fits in the Designer panel. Click the icon to get an overview of the whole project and navigate through sections by adjusting the focus.

The Context Menu

The context menu enables you to perform several operations on the activities in your project. You can display it by right-clicking any activity inside your project.

Field Descriptions for the Context Menu




Edit the name of the activity.


Opens the selected activity in the Designer panel.


Collapses the activity thus reducing the displayed details to "Double-click to view". You can achieve the same result by clicking the Collapse button .

Expand in Place

Expands the content of the activity, displaying its detailed content. You can achieve the same result by clicking the Expand button .


Removes the selected activity and places it onto the Clipboard.


Copies the selected activity and places it onto the Clipboard.


Inserts the content of the Clipboard at the current location.


Deletes the target activity.

Note: Since the Context menu is only displayed for a one-activity selection, you can use this command for more activities with the corresponding keyboard shortcut, Delete.


Add, edit, delete, show and hide annotations added to activities in the workflow.

Export as Image
  • Copy Image to Clipboard - Copies the image to the clipboard.
  • Save Image to File - Makes a screenshot of the content displayed in the Designer panel and prompts the user to set the details for saving it (Name, Type, Destination). Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, XPS.
    Note: If you want to make a screenshot of a child activity, make sure to firstly open it in the Designer panel.

Enable Activity

Enables a previously disabled activity.

Disable Activity

Disables an activity, which is then grayed out and placed inside a Comment out activity.

Zoom to here

Navigate within the diagram to view only this activity. The path is displayed as breadcrumbs in the header of the Designer panel.

Zoom out

View the entire diagram of the project in the Designer panel.

  • Run to this Activity - Executes the project from the start and stops after this activity is executed.
  • Run from this Activity - Executes the project starting with this activity.


Opens the help page about the activity type in the Activities guide.

The Activities Panel

The Activities panel shows available activities that can be added to the current project. You can search for activities by name or description using the search box at the top of the panel. Read more about the Activities Panel in our Automation Basics guide.

The Data Manager Panel

The Data Manager panel displays data currently added to your automation project such as resources added to the project, variables and arguments used in the automation. For more information about the Data Manager panel, see Managing your Project Data.

The Properties Panel

The Properties panel is contextual and enables you to view and edit advanced properties for a selected activity. Read more about the Properties panel in Automation Basics.

In projects with the cross-platform compatibility, all activity properties are available in the activity card in the Designer panel. This also applies to some activities in projects using the Windows compatibility.

The Output Panel

The Output panel enables you to display the output of the Write Line activity, displays status information regarding the execution of your projects, and errors generated by activities packages.

From the Output panel, you can show or hide messages that have different log levels (errors, warnings), or export the contents of the panel to a text file by clicking the buttons in the panel’s header. Double-clicking a message displays further details about it, with the option to copy information.

The Clear All button erases all info displayed in the Output panel. Logs and other data stored in this panel are erased when a workflow is run. The Output panel displays up to 2,000 lines at a time.

The Error List panel next to the Output panel displays errors found in the project during validation and workflow analysis. For more information, see About Workflow Analyzer.

The Status Bar

In the status bar, you can view status information and access options related to Orchestrator. This is where you can also view which language is used for expressions in the project (VB or C#).

  • Orchestrator/Cloud Connection - Click docs image to access Orchestrator options: sign in to your cloud account, disconnect from Orchestrator (if connected with a machine key), and refresh resources.
  • Orchestrator Status - Displays the Orchestrator connection status. When connected to Orchestrator, the currently selected folder is displayed. You can click the name of the current folder to view a list of available folders and select another folder from which to sync resources.
  • Source Control - Depending on whether the project is connected to a source control repository, different options are available to help you manage source control integration. For more information, see Managing Projects with GIT.
  • Cloud Project - For cross-platform projects that use the VB language, a menu is available with options related to editing the project in Studio Web. If a project is not already synced with Studio Web, the label Cloud Compatible is displayed. If the project is already synced with Studio Web, the label Cloud Project is displayed. For more information, see Designing Cross-platform Projects.
  • Project Language - Displays the language used for expressions in the project, VB or C#.
  • Project Compatibility - Displays the compatibility of the project, Windows - Legacy, Windows, or Cross-platform

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