- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Tutorials
- Automation Projects
- Creating Automations
- Automation Basics
- Object Repository
- Automation Best Practices
- About Targets and Anchors
- Indicating a Target
- Editing a Target
- Tutorial: Working With UI Automation
- Tutorial: Extracting Table Data From a Web Page and Editing It in Excel
- Tutorial: Filling Out PDF Forms in Acrobat Reader With Data From Excel
- Tutorial: Creating a Pivot Table
- Tutorial: Iterating Through Rows in a Table
- Tutorial: Comparing Excel Files and Emailing Reconciliation Errors
- Tutorial: Extracting Data From Automated Emails and Moving It to a Desktop Application
- Tutorial: Filtering Data in Excel
- Tutorial: Formatting Cells
- Tutorial: Adding Information About the Files in a Folder to an Excel File
- Tutorial: Adding Your Own Formulas to the Project Notebook
- PowerPoint Automation
- Data Automation
- Common Activities
- Google Workspace Automation
- OneDrive & SharePoint Automation
- Troubleshooting

StudioX User Guide
Tutorial: Extracting Table Data From a Web Page and Editing It in Excel
In this tutorial, we will create an automation that extracts a table with today's exchange rates for the Euro against other currencies from the European Central Bank website. We keep historical exchange rate data in an Excel spreadsheet and we want to add this data to it daily. Because the format of the data extracted from the website is different from the one in our Excel spreadsheet, we must also edit the extracted data in Excel to apply the right format to it.
We will create a project and start by adding a Use Excel File activity to indicate the Excel file to use. We will then click Data Extraction in the StudioX ribbon to start a wizard that will help us extract the data from the website. When we complete the wizard, two already configured activities will be added automatically to our project: a Use Application/Browser activity that indicates the web page and an Extract Table Data activity that extracts the data. We will then add a series of Excel activities to transpose the data, format the data as dates or numbers, and append the data to the worksheet with historical exchange rates.