- Release Notes
- 2023.10.0
- 2023.10.4
- Getting Started
- Tutorials
- Automation Projects
- Creating Automations
- Automation Basics
- Object Repository
- Automation Best Practices
- Tutorial: Creating a Pivot Table
- Tutorial: Iterating Through Rows in a Table
- Tutorial: Comparing Excel Files and Emailing Reconciliation Errors
- Tutorial: Extracting Data From Automated Emails and Moving It to a Desktop Application
- Tutorial: Filtering Data in Excel
- Tutorial: Formatting Cells
- Tutorial: Adding Information About the Files in a Folder to an Excel File
- Tutorial: Adding Your Own Formulas to the Project Notebook
- PowerPoint Automation
- Data Automation
- Common Activities
- Google Workspace Automation
- OneDrive & SharePoint Automation
- Troubleshooting

StudioX User Guide
Release date: 25 October 2023
StudioX's ability to automatically generate variables from activity outputs introduced with StudioX 2023.4.0 is now also available in Windows projects for activities that use the design experience available in cross-platform projects.
When you connect to an Excel file from the Data Manager to add it as a project resource, you can now configure a scope for the resource. This enables you to optimize runtime performance by setting the scope closer to where the activities that use the resource are placed in the workflow, which ensures the resource remains in the memory only for as long as it's needed. The default scope is the Main container, meaning that the Excel file is available as a global project resource and it remains in the memory for the entire execution of the automation.
StudioX's user interface has a refreshed look in both the light and the dark theme. The updated design provides a cleaner, more focused experience across backstage view and various windows, icons, and dialog boxes.
In Windows projects, you can now use the Plus
menu to configure data in the Text
Builder in activities that use the design experience available in
cross-platform projects.
To take advantage of activities that are only available in Windows projects, you can now convert cross-platform projects to the Windows compatibility. This makes it easy to enhance a Studio Web cross-platform project with desktop automation in StudioX. For example, you can seamlessly integrate desktop UI Automation or Excel activities to an existing cloud workflow. To learn more, see Designing Cross-platform Projects in the Studio guide.
In addition to converting a cross-platform project to the Windows compatibility, you can now also convert a Windows - Legacy project to Windows. This offers you the advantage of keeping up with new features and improvements that are not available in projects that use .NET Framework 4.6.1. To convert a Windows - Legacy project, simply select Project > Convert to Windows from the ribbon at the top of the StudioX window and follow the same steps as converting a cross-platform project to Windows.
You no longer need to install separate packages for the Integration Service activities you use in your projects, making it easier and quicker to add activities for multiple connectors to your workflows. You now add most Integration Service activities solely from the Available category of the Activities panel or Add activity search bar.
When you first add an Integration Service activity to a project, a single UiPath Integration Service Activities package is installed in the project and you then add other Integration Service activities from the Available category without having to install additional packages.
The activities already added to workflows are automatically updated when a new version is available, so you'll always use the latest version.
Most Integration Service activities support this feature, with support to be extended to all activities in the near future.
The Data Manager now displays more details associated with connections used in a project. You can now expand each activity under the Connections node to see user-specific data associated with a connection (for example, the folders where emails and files are located).
It’s now easier to define the data received or generated by an activity. The Arguments option has been moved under the Use Variable option and is only visible if an argument has been created. The Ask when run, Paste from clipboard, and Copy to Clipboard options have been consolidated under Runtime options.

In Windows projects, selecting the Open in Advanced Editor
button next to an activity field now opens the default builder for that specific
activity field instead of the Advanced Editor. This makes it easier to access
the Text Builder or Condition Builder.
- Activity validation is now faster and uses less RAM and CPU resources.
- We have optimized the loading time when creating or opening a project.
- When expanding an activity package in the Activities panel, individual activities now appear before other nodes. In addition, expanding an activity package no longer expands other collapsed categories.
- Creating or clearing a filter using the Filter Pivot Table activity did not work properly if the pivot table was created with external data sources.
- Only the first column was available for selection from the CurrentRow menu in child activities of the For Each Excel Row activity when the range to iterate over had multiple columns and the In range property was set to a single starting cell in For Each Excel Row.
- A compilation error occurred when running
the Text to Columns activity if the delimiter was set to
the backslash character (
) and the source range contained that character. - When executing activities in a loop such as For Each Excel Sheet or For Each Excel Row, the execution time increased with each iteration.
- The Find/Replace Value activity allowed you to select an empty value to replace even though the property does not support blank text. Text - empty value is no longer available as an option in the Plus menu for the Value to find property.
- When a Word document contained multiple instances of the same text added in text boxes, the Replace Text in Document activity replaced all instances even if the Replace all option was disabled.
- What's New
- Search activities from all official packages in Windows projects
- Automatically generated activity outputs in Windows projects
- Configure a scope for Excel resources
- Updated user interface
- Plus menu in the Text Builder
- Convert cross-platform projects to Windows
- Convert Windows - Legacy projects to Windows
- A new way of adding Integration Service activities to projects
- More details about connections in the Data Manager
- Improvements
- Activity fields improvements
- Access variable and argument properties from the Use Variable window
- Easier way to access default builders
- Other improvements
- Bug Fixes