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Studio User Guide

Last updated Feb 26, 2025

Designing validation for existing apps

To enhance the user experience and productivity, you can use the Trigger-based Attended Automation solution to design custom validation for existing applications. This tutorial demonstrates how to design validations using callouts, forms, and triggers, for a smooth user experience while using the UiDouble sample application.

The steps below show an overview on how to create validation for the UiDouble application:
  1. Create a callout with only a Label/Header component, meant to display the validation message at runtime (callout.uiform).
  2. Create a general workflow that validates the value typed in the On Cash In and On Us Check UI elements (validate.xaml). Whenever the validation condition is broken (in this example, elDouble > minValue), a callout with the appropriate message (for example, text) shows.
  3. Create a trigger workflow to validate the data inside the On Us Check field. It should contain an Application Event Trigger activity and an Invoke Workflow File activity. This means that when the user adds data into the field, the validate.xaml file is invoked to perform validation (on us check changed.xaml).
  4. Create a trigger workflow to validate the data inside the Cash In field. It should contain an Application Event Trigger activity and an Invoke Workflow File activity. This means that when the user adds data into the field, the validate.xaml file is invoked to perform validation (on cash in changed.xaml).
  5. Create another trigger workflow that validates both fields, when user clicks Accept. You can achieve this using an Application Event Trigger activity. If both fields are valid, then you can replay the user event that clicked the Accept button (on accept clicked.xaml).

Sample project

Learn how to create validation for the UiDouble app, using this sample project as inspiration. You can download the UIDouble application here.

Video example

Check out the video below, that walks you through designing the sample project and then testing it.

  • Sample project
  • Video example

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