- Getting started
- Administration
- Designing automations
- Creating an automation from an idea
- Creating a project
- How to start an automation
- Managing project files and folders
- Connecting automations to your accounts
- Configuring activities
- Managing the activities in a project
- Passing values between activities
- Iterating through items
- Managing the data in a project
- Configuring a project to use your data
- Using file and folder resources
- Using UI Automation for browser interactions
- Running and testing your projects
- Managing automations
- Managing projects
- Sharing and collaborating on projects
- Creating a template from a project
- Opening a project in Studio Desktop

Studio Web for Automation Suite User Guide
Creating a template from a project
Studio Web comes with various built-in templates to help users get started with their automations. In addition, you can create a custom template from any project that can be used as a starting point for automations by the users in your organization.
- Open a project in Studio Web.
- On the upper-right side of the project designer, click Submit as template.
- Enter a name and a description for the template, and then select Create.
The template is added to the templates page for all the users in the organization.
- Go to the Templates page in Studio Web.
- On the template you want to edit, select More actions
> Edit workflow.
The template opens in the project designer.
- Edit the workflow as needed.
- When you are done editing, select Update template above the design area.
- Optionally, edit the name or the description of the template, and then
select Update to save the changes.
The template is updated with your changes.
By default, when you create a custom template, it is available to all the users in the organization. To make it available only to you, you can demote it to user level. Should you then want to make it available to all users again, you can promote it to the organization level.
To demote an organization-level template to user level:
- Go to the Templates page in Studio Web.
- On the template you want to demote, select More actions
> Demote to User level.
The template is removed from the templates page for all users except you.
To promote a user-level template to the organization level:
- Go to the Templates page in Studio Web.
- On the template you want to
promote, select More actions
> Promote to Organization level.
A duplicate of the template is created and added to the templates page for all the users in the organization, while the user-level template is also preserved.