- Getting Started
- Requirements
- Best Practices
- Installation
- Updating
- Identity Server
- Troubleshooting startup errors
Before you upgrade

Orchestrator installation guide
Last updated Feb 13, 2025
Before you upgrade
Please make sure to perform these steps before you upgrade to 2023.4+. They help ensure that, once the upgrade is done, you can get started in no time, with zero issues.
- Back up your database to remove any data loss risks.
- Run the pre-upgrade database maintenance script
This script removes all expired or consumed grants from the database. This helps speed up the
primary key and index re-creation, and, as such, the database migration.DECLARE @Now DATETIME2 = GETUTCDATE() DECLARE @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod DATETIME2 = DATEADD(hour, -2, @Now) DECLARE @ConsumedDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @ExpiredDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @BatchSize int = 500 DECLARE @ConsumedBatchesDeleted int = 0 DECLARE @ExpiredBatchesDeleted int = 0 SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 0 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW WHILE (@ConsumedDeleted=1 OR @ExpiredDeleted=1) BEGIN IF @ConsumedDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [ConsumedTime] IS NOT NULL AND [ConsumedTime] < @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ConsumedDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ConsumedBatchesDeleted = @ConsumedBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete consumed grants' END CATCH END IF @ExpiredDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [Expiration] < @Now AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ExpiredDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ExpiredBatchesDeleted = @ExpiredBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete expired grants' END CATCH END PRINT 'Consumed batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ConsumedBatchesDeleted) PRINT 'Expired batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ExpiredBatchesDeleted) -- Wait for 10 seconds between deletes IF (@ExpiredDeleted=1 OR @ConsumedDeleted=1) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05.000' END
DECLARE @Now DATETIME2 = GETUTCDATE() DECLARE @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod DATETIME2 = DATEADD(hour, -2, @Now) DECLARE @ConsumedDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @ExpiredDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @BatchSize int = 500 DECLARE @ConsumedBatchesDeleted int = 0 DECLARE @ExpiredBatchesDeleted int = 0 SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 0 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW WHILE (@ConsumedDeleted=1 OR @ExpiredDeleted=1) BEGIN IF @ConsumedDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [ConsumedTime] IS NOT NULL AND [ConsumedTime] < @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ConsumedDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ConsumedBatchesDeleted = @ConsumedBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete consumed grants' END CATCH END IF @ExpiredDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [Expiration] < @Now AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ExpiredDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ExpiredBatchesDeleted = @ExpiredBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete expired grants' END CATCH END PRINT 'Consumed batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ConsumedBatchesDeleted) PRINT 'Expired batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ExpiredBatchesDeleted) -- Wait for 10 seconds between deletes IF (@ExpiredDeleted=1 OR @ConsumedDeleted=1) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05.000' END - Migrate your classic folders to modern folders, so as to ensure
uninterrupted executions.
These are the changes that you can expect at this point in the classic folders removal process.