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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Managing Apps

Deploying Apps

Once an app is published to a tenant, you can deploy it in folders.
Before deploying an app to a folder, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • Your app is already published to a tenant.
  • You have the right permissions. To deploy an app, the Create permssion under Apps is needed. If you are part of a default group, such as Administrator or Automation user, this permission is granted automatically. You can also create a custom role to grant this permission.
  1. In the folder where you want to deploy the app, navigate to Automations > Apps. The Apps window is displayed.
  2. Click Deploy app. The Deploy app window is displayed.
  3. Select the desired published app from the App drop-down list.
  4. Select the desired app version from the Version drop-down list.
  5. Fill in the name in the Display name field. If left empty, the app's name will be used.
  6. Fill in the description. By default, the description used for the specific version in UiPath Apps is used.
  7. Click Deploy.

The deployed app is listed in the Apps window.

Upgrading a Deployed App

You can upgrade an app deployed in a folder to the latest available published version in the tenant. If needed, you can also upgrade multiple apps at the same time.

Before publishing an app to a tenant, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • Your app is already published to a tenant.
  • You have the right permissions. To upgrade an app, the Edit permission under Apps is needed. If you are part of a default group, such as Administrator or Automation user, this permission is granted automatically. You can also create a custom role to grant this permission.
  1. Navigate to Automations > Apps in the folder where the app you want upgrade is deployed. The Apps window is displayed.
  2. Upgrade the deployed app version using one of the following methods:
    • Click the three-dots icon next to the app you want to upgrade and select Upgrade to latest version from the drop-down menu. When prompted, select Upgrade.

    • Select the check box next to the app you want to upgrade, then click the Use latestdocs image button. Using this option, you can select multiple apps at once. When prompted, select Upgrade.

Editing the details of a deployed app

You can edit the details of a deployed app, such as app version, name, or description.

  1. Navigate to Automations > Apps in the folder where the app you want to edit is displayed. The Apps window is displayed.
  2. For the desired app, click More actions, then select Edit app details. The Edit app window is displayed.
  3. Edit the app details, such as Version, Display name, or Description.
  4. Click Edit to save the changes.

Deleting a Deployed App

You can delete a deployed app from the folder where the app exists.

Before publishing an app to a tenant, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • Your app is already published to a tenant.
  • You have the right permissions. To upgrade an app, the Delete permssion under Apps is needed. If you are part of a default group, such as Administrator or Automation user, this permission is granted automatically. You can also create a custom role to grant this permission.
  1. Navigate to Automations > Apps in the folder where the app you want to delete is deployed. The Apps window is displayed.
  2. Delete the deployed app version using one of the following methods:
    • Click the three-dots icon next to the app you want to upgrade and select Remove from the drop-down menu. When prompted, select Delete.

    • Select the check box next to the app you want to delete, then click the Removedocs image button. Using this option, you can select multiple apps at once. When prompted, select Delete.

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