- Getting started
- Best practices
- Tenant
- Folders Context
- Automations
- Processes
- About Processes
- Managing Processes
- Managing Package Requirements
- About Recording
- Jobs
- Triggers
- Logs
- Monitoring
- Queues
- Assets
- Storage Buckets
- Test Suite - Orchestrator
- Integrations
- Classic Robots
- Troubleshooting

Orchestrator User Guide
Managing Processes
To create a process, you need the following permissions:
- Packages - View
- Processes - View and Create
The Add Process window closes and the process is displayed on the Processes page.
The display name, description, job priority, as well as the Enable Recording (Enterprise only), Automatically Start Process,Process can’t be stopped from UiPath Assistant options can be modified after deploying a process from the Edit Process page.
- When first publishing a package, the main entry point defined in Studio is also set as the current entry point in Orchestrator.
- Upon publishing a new package version, the current entry point is preserved as long as it exists in the new version; otherwise, it defaults to the main entry point defined in Studio.
- Switching to a package version that does not have the initial entry point will default to the main entry point defined in Studio. The current entry point is kept upon upgrading if it exists on the new version as well.
Managing package versions for a process requires View and Edit permissions on Processes, and View permissions on Packages/Folder Packages.
If a process has multiple versions available, you can select which one to use from the Package Version drop-down either when creating or editing a process.
To upgrade a process to the latest version easily without accessing the Edit Process window, follow the next steps:
- Click More Actions > Upgrade to latest version for the desired process. The Upgrade to latest version button is read-only for processes already using the latest package version.
Click Confirm on the displayed confirmation window. The selected processes are updated to the latest version, and the icons are updated accordingly. If for any reason, a process is not updated, an error message is displayed.
Enables you to update multiple processes in a folder to the latest available package version.
Updating processes across multiple folders/subfolders at once can be performed at the package level. Orchestrator searches for and displays all processes associated with the selected packages, allowing you to select which of them should be updated to the latest available package version. The search is performed on a per-feed basis as follows:
Tenant Feed - Orchestrator searches for all processes associated with the selected packages in all folders/subfolders that use the tenant feed. Find it on the Packages page (Tenant context > Packages tab).
Folder Feed - Orchestrator searches for all processes associated with the selected packages in that particular folder feed, subfolders included. Find it on the Folder Packages page (Folder context > Automations tab > Folder Packages tab).
The upgrade process is similar at both tenant feed and folder feed levels. According to the context you're in, navigate to the location described above and then:
- Select the packages for upgrading and click Upgrade available processes to latest versions. The Upgrade multiple processes window is opened displaying a list with all processes not employing the latest version of a package. The following information
is displayed on the Upgrade multiple processes window:
- For each package select the processes that you would like to upgrade. When done, click Upgrade. Selected processes are bulk updated with the latest version of their packages.
If a process has one or more input arguments, you can edit their values at the process level:
- Click More Actions > Edit for a process. The View Process window is displayed.
- On the Runtime Arguments section, in the Arguments table, click the Edit button next to the input argument meter you want to add a value for.
- Add the desired value and click Save. The value of the input argument is saved.
- Repeat step number 3 as many times as you need.
- Click Update. The values of all the input arguments are saved.
You can also remove the value of an input argument by clicking the corresponding Clear Value button.
Click More Actions > Monitor Process button of the desired process to see the Monitoring page associated with it. Due to the Monitor Process button being displayed on the Processes page, you also need View on Processes to access the monitoring page from here.
Alternatively, select it from the Processes Overview widget (Monitoring > Jobs).
Note that monitoring a process requires your user to have View permissions on Jobs and on Monitoring. Additionally, Edit on Monitoring is required in order to disable errors from the Error Feed widget on the Monitoring > Jobs page. View on Environments is required in order to filter the pages by the environment.
Note that removing a process requires your user to have View and Delete permissions on Processes, as well as View permissions on Packages. For processes deployed in classic folders, View permission on Environments is also required.
- In the Processes page, select the processes that interest you.
- Click the Remove button. The process is deleted from the Processes page and the database. Please note that deleting a process is not going to delete the package from Orchestrator, but only its association with the environment/folder.
Alternatively, if you want to delete only one process, click the corresponding Remove button.
If you remove a process that has triggers associated with it, these are also removed, regardless if they are enabled or disabled.