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Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Automated Remote Deployment Script


The following script takes the Looker files from LookerPreinstallationTool.exe and initializes the Looker instance on the Insights Windows Machine.
Important: Generating the GPG key is not possible using this automation script.
If you initialize Looker on this instance, the password will be generated from the Windows machine and stored in the C:\ProgramData\UiPath Insights folder. You can retrieve the password using the Unprotect-CmsMessage -Path "$ENV:ProgramData\UiPath Insights\LookerSecret command.
If you manually initialize the Looker instance, you can generate the GPG key using the gpg --generate-key command and store it in the Linux VM.

Script Parameters

To get help, type: Get-Help .\Deploy-Looker.ps1 -Detailed.
-ComputerNameRequiredThe IP address or DNS Name of the Linux VM.
-UsernameRequiredThe username of the Linux VM.
-PasswordRequired if you use a password. Otherwise it's optional.The password to login to the Linux VM.
Note: If you use an SSH public key to authenticate, this parameter is used to enter the passphrase.
-PortOptionalDefault port number value is 22.
-KeyfilePathRequired if you use a key.Specify the path to the file here if you use the key-pair authentication.
-SudoPassOptionalSpecify the password for sudo in the remote Linux VM.
-LookerZipFilePathRequiredThe path to the generated by LookerPreInstallation Tool
-LookerImageFilePath: Optional. OptionalSpecify the offline Looker image for installation the air-gapped environment.
-OfflineBundleFilePath: Optional. OptionalSpecify the offline bundle ZIP file for the air-gapped environment.


1 Use PEM Key (Azure)

Deploy-Looker.ps1 -ComputerName -Username azureuser -KeyfilePath
"C:\Users\username\Downloads\testing" -LookerZipFilePath C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Insights_Lookerfiles_20220610102005.zipDeploy-Looker.ps1 -ComputerName -Username azureuser -KeyfilePath
"C:\Users\username\Downloads\testing" -LookerZipFilePath C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\

2 Use Password Authentication (Azure)

Deploy-Looker.ps1 -ComputerName -Username uipath -Password secretpassword -LookerZipFilePath C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Insights_Lookerfiles_20220610102005.zipDeploy-Looker.ps1 -ComputerName -Username uipath -Password secretpassword -LookerZipFilePath C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\

3 Air-gapped Environment

If you want to install Insights offline you can use this example.

Deploy-Looker.ps1 -ComputerName -Username uipath -Password secretpassword -LookerZipFilePath C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\ -OfflineBundleFilePath "C:\Users\username\Downloads\2210_installer\" -LookerImageFilePath "C:\Users\username\Downloads\2210_installer\"Deploy-Looker.ps1 -ComputerName -Username uipath -Password secretpassword -LookerZipFilePath C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\ -OfflineBundleFilePath "C:\Users\username\Downloads\2210_installer\" -LookerImageFilePath "C:\Users\username\Downloads\2210_installer\"
  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Script Parameters
  • Examples
  • 1 Use PEM Key (Azure)
  • 2 Use Password Authentication (Azure)
  • 3 Air-gapped Environment

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