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Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Alerts and Schedules

Insights makes it easy to share dashboards directly with users by allowing you to send your reports via email, SFTP, Amazon S3, or Webhook to a user at a specified time or on a recurring basis.

Scheduling Reports

To schedule a report, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the desired dashboard, click the context menu in the top-right corner of the dashboard, and select Schedule Delivery.
  2. A new window appears, allowing you to either create a new schedule or use an existing one (provided that you previously created a schedule).

  3. If you opt for a new schedule, you can now start customizing it by specifying the following characteristics:
  • On the Settings tab, specify the following:

    • Recurrence
    • Time
    • Destination
    • Email, SFTP, Amazon S3, or Webhook address/url
    • Format
  • On the Filters tab, specify the following:

    • Date
    • Folder
  • On the Advanced options tab, specify the following:

    • Custom message
    • Include links
    • Expand tables to show all rows
    • Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column
    • Paper size
    • Delivery timezone
      Note: You can send reports to any email address, even to users with no Insights or Automation Cloud access.

For more information, see Existing schedules window and Schedule and Send window.

You can view scheduled delivery reports. Schedules are user-specific and can only be viewed by the user that created them in the Schedule/Alert Settings section.

Additionally, you can refer to the following documentation on Advanced Options and Filters.


Alerts allow you to stay on top of your most important KPIs. You can keep an eye on important aspects of your business by adding alerts for important values from widgets from various dashboards.

Creating Alerts

You can define conditions for your widgets to trigger alerts. For example, if you have an Indicator widget for job success rate, you can set up an alert that notifies you when this value reaches or falls below a certain threshold.

See How to create an alert for instructions.

To find out how to capture logs if needed to debug with the support team, check out Capturing logs page.

Note: We only support email notifications for alerts at this time.
  • Scheduling Reports
  • Alerting
  • Creating Alerts

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