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Document Understanding User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Document types (Document Manager)

Document types allow you to prepare, review and make corrections to datasets required for Training and Evaluation of Document UnderstandingTM Machine Learning models. It enables multiple users to perform a variety of operations:
  • Define and configure the fields to be extracted by an ML model.
  • Import documents for labeling.
  • Prelabel documents using a preexisting ML model such as Invoice Extraction or Receipt Extraction provided by UiPath out-of-the-box, or by using a model trained using AI Center.
  • Label documents.
  • Export documents in the format expected by the AI Center Training pipelines.

Create document type

Once a project is created and opened, you can create a new Document Type by clicking on the New button and selecting the Using Semi-Structured AI option. A new window opens requesting additional information.

Here are the available options for when creating a new Document Type session. By filling in these values you obtain an estimate of the recommended size of the dataset to be used as a starting point.

Also, by selecting the Out-of-the-box document type, your schema is automatically populated and configured to allow you to benefit from the pre-trained models available in AI Center. This eliminates the need to import predefined schemas manually, accelerates your work, and reduces costly mistakes.

In addition, the Prelabelling endpoint is automatically populated with the appropriate endpoint, making it more convenient for you to use Prelabelling immediately after opening the new Document Type.



Name (Mandatory)

Provide a name for the new document type.

Out-of-the-box document type (Mandatory)

Select one of the pre-trained out-of-the-box document types available in the dropdown list.

Out-of-the-box regular fields (Optional)

Select which of the pre-defined regular fields you would like to create for your schema

Out-of-the-box column fields (Optional)

Select which of the pre-defined column fields you would like to extract from your documents.

Out-of-the-box classification fields (Optional)

Select which of the pre-defined classification fields you would like to extract from your documents.

Custom regular fields (Optional)

Enter the number of additional regular fields you would like to extract from your documents.

Custom column fields (Optional)

Enter the number of additionalcolumn fields you would like to extract from your documents.

Number of languages (Optional)

Enter the number of languages for the documents you need to extract.

Number of layouts (Optional)

Enter the number of layouts for the documents you need to extract.

Note: Selecting a document type generates a recommended number of pages that need to be used for the dataset.

The user interface

The Document Manager interface contains the following panels:

  • Management Bar
  • Column Fields
  • Regular Fields
  • Classification Fields
  • Document View

Management bar

Displayed at the top of the page in Document Manager.

Enables you to perform multiple operations: navigate in between documents, delete/restore a document, search/filter documents, run AI model predictions, import and export documents.

Here are the items available in the management bar:





Navigate between documents that match the active filter.

In between the two arrows, a counter is displayed. It illustrates the number of the current document out of the total number of documents that match the active search/filter.


docs image

There are two search functionalities:

  • Built-in filters: filters the documents based on the batch/category available options from the drop-down menu.

  • Using keywords: filters the documents based on a text input.

Delete / Restore

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docs image

Delete or restore a document. Deleted documents can be found under the deleted filter.


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Open Import data dialog box.


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Open Export files dialog box.

Document name and type


The name of the currently active document and its type.

There are three type of documents:

  • Training document

  • Validation document

  • Evaluation document

Training and Validation documents are part of training datasets used by Training Pipelines.

Evaluation documents are ignored by Training Pipelines and are intended to only be used by Evaluation pipelines in AI Center. These documents are the ones that were marked as evaluation by selecting the Mark this an evaluation set checkbox in the Import data dialog box.


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The option is available in the drop-down next to the document name.

Click the icon to download a Zip file containing the original document. Besides the original document, all pages converted internally by Document Manager to .jpeg images are downloaded as well.

Permanently delete

docs image

The option is available in the drop-down next to the document name.

Permanently deletes individual files. The .pdf and all its .jpeg images are deleted from the AI Center dataset and all the metadata is deleted from the database.

When clicking the button, a pop-up message appears asking you if you are sure you want to permanently delete the document. Click OK to continue or Cancel to revert to the previous screen.

Batch name


The name of the current batch.

Session name


The name of the current session.


Note: The Predict feature relies on UiPath DocPath, but only for tenants based in the Europe region. If your tenant is located in a region outside of Europe, this functionality uses the previous-generation model architecture.

docs image

Run AI model predictions and display the results.

After configuring Prelabelling, the button is enabled in the management bar. Click it to prelabel the current document.

The button has three options:
  • Predict: merges the results of the prelabeling endpoint (in configured in Prelabeling settings) and the Generative Predict. If there is no Prelabeling endpoint configured, all fields are predicted using Generative Predict only.
  • Generative Predict: predicts all fields using the Generative Predict capability.
  • Model Predict: predicts fields using the prelabeling endpoint model configured in the Prelabeling settings.

The Generative Annotation (prelabeling) functionality discards all manually edited field values for all field types and deletes all tags from the document.

At the moment, using the Predict option with Public endpoints prelabels only the first 10 pages of a document. This is a known issue and a fix is in the working. Using the Predict option with ML Skills in AI Center, however, does not impose such a limitation.

Generative prelabeling does not consume AI Units when using public endpoints or skills deployed in Automation Cloud™ from Document Manager sessions hosted on Automation Cloud. Generative prelabeling consumes AI Units when calling a public endpoint from a session hosted on Automation Suite, or when calling a skill deployed in Automation Suite from a Document Manager session hosted on Automation Cloud.


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Configure OCR and Prelabelling settings or access the How to... panel. See more details below.

Delete and Permanently Delete options

Let's go a little bit deeper in understanding the difference between Delete and Permanently Delete options.

  • The Delete option deletes the files, but not removing them entirely from your project. The deleted files can still be found under the deleted filter from the Search bar and restored by using the Restore option.
  • The Permanently Delete option deletes the selected files without any possibility of restoring them.

Search option

Three search options are available in total, two are present in the management bar from the top of the page, and one is using the docs imageicon from the bottom left side of the page.
Note: Please note that for Forms AI only the following built-in filters are available: deleted, labelled, unlabelled.

The exposed search functionality has two parts:

  • Search using the built-in filters: filters the documents based on the batch/category available options from the drop-down menu.


Selecting more options makes the search more restrictive. For example selecting Batch import1 and Deleted is bringing up only the documents imported in the Batch import1 which are deleted.

Take note of combinations that will always return an empty list: selecting Batch import1 and Batch import2 would never return a document since the selection is restrictive and no document can be in two batches at a time.

  • Search in documents using keywords: this search bar filters the information based on a text input. You have to enter the keyword(s) as free text in the Search bar. The search looks for the keyword(s) in a document's content or the document name. Multiple words search returns results when the words are adjacent, excluding any punctuation in between them.

Note: Alongside the two bar searches, there is also an inside the document search, identifiable by this docs imagesign.
  • Search inside the document: allows you to search for instances of text solely in your current document. The search bar, , can be found at the bottom left hand side of the screen.

Settings menu

The Settings button has two available options:

  • Settings where you can configure the OCR service or Prelabelling
  • How to... which has the purpose of a help menu

In order to import documents into Document Manager, it is mandatory to configure an OCR service.

The following options are available:

OCR method

This setting is available only for Document Types (Data Manager sessions) created in AI Center. When created in Document UnderstandingTM, this setting is inherited from the Project Settings. If you want to modify these settings in Document UnderstandingTM, go back to the Project view and open Project Settings from the bottom left.

The cloud-based options are:

  • UiPath® Document OCR -;
  • OCR for Chinese, Japanese and Korean
  • Google Cloud Vision OCR which has the best language coverage;
  • Google Cloud Vision OCR for Japanese optimal for reading Japanese documents;
  • Microsoft Read OCR.


Configuring the OCR requires the OCR service to have a URL. Here are the possible URLs you can use:

  • public URLs such as or third-party URLs from Google Vision OCR or Microsoft Read OCR

OCR key

The corresponding API Key for the selected OCR engine. For example, for UiPath Document OCR, you need to use the Document Understanding API Key. Mandatory for Document Manager Cloud and Document Manager On-Prem Online. It is not required for Document Manager On-Prem Air-gapped.

For more information, check the Cloud and on-premises usage page.

Apply OCR on PDFs

Establishes if the OCR process should be applied or not to PDF documents. If set to True, the OCR is applied to all PDF pages of the document. If set to False, only digitally typed text is extracted. When set to Auto evaluates if the document requires to apply the OCR algorithm depending on the input document. The default value is Auto.


Note: The Predict feature relies on UiPath DocPath, but only for tenants based in the Europe region. If your tenant is located in a region outside of Europe, this functionality uses the previous-generation model architecture.

If you already have a model which can extract some of the fields that need labelling, and there are only a few extra fields that require manual labelling, you can save time by using Document Manager’s Prelabelling feature.

Prelabelling merges the results of the Prelabelling endpoint, that you configure in the Prelabelling settings, and the Generative Predict.

If there is no Prelabelling endpoint configured, all fields are predicted using Generative Predict only.

The following options are available:

Prelabelling URL

Prelabelling requires that the ML model has a URL. Check out the following possible URLs you can use:

  • Public URLs such as or

    Visit Public endpoints to see the full list of endpoints.

  • URLs of ML Skills which have been made public in On-premises AI Center or in Cloud AI Center.

Prelabelling key

The AI Units/Document Understanding API Key. The Prelabelling API key is the Document Understanding API key of the organization where the skill resides.

The key is mandatory for Cloud Document Manager and On-premises Online Document Manager. The key is optional for On-premises Air-gapped Document Manager.

How to...

The How to... option opens the Document Manager help menu.

In the help menu you can find the following information:

  • The Document Manager version.
  • The Documentation link leading to this documentation page.
  • The Labeling Controls section which displays the controls to be used when handling data.
  • The Document Shortcuts section which displays the shortcuts used to perform various operations such as navigation and UI scaling.
  • The Configuration section which displays details about the instance configuration as performed during installation.
Labelling Controls



Left Click

Selects boxes. If used together with the field's hotkey, it assigns the selected information to the field.

Backspace / Delete

Removes the tagged value of a field.

Right Click

Displays the OCR text and current label.

Enter or Backslash

Groups or ungroups table rows which span multiple lines of text.
Document Shortcuts



Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigates between documents.

Alt + Delete

Deletes or recovers a document.

Ctrl + Scroll

Changes the document scaling by zooming in or out.

Column fields

Column fields have the following options:
  • Create new column field docs image
  • Edit field docs image
  • Expand/collapse column field values docs image

For more details on column fields, visit this section.

Regular fields

Regular fields have the following options:
  • Create a new regular field docs image
  • Edit field docs image

For more details on regular fields, visit this section.

Classification fields

Classification fields have the following options:
  • Create a new classification field docs image
  • Edit field docs image

For more details on classification fields, visit this section.

Document view

For multi-page documents, you can scroll naturally through the pages as in any PDF viewer. To zoom in or out, use Ctrl + mouse scroll.

You can label documents by selecting the word boxes and assigning them to a field by pressing a key. You can also right-click the word box and verify the extracted information.

For more details on how to label documents, visit this page.

When you open a new Document Manager session or when you have an empty filter, certain guidelines are displayed in document view:

Also, loading failures are also displayed in document view:

  • Create document type
  • The user interface
  • Management bar
  • OCR method
  • Predict/Prelabelling
  • Column fields
  • Regular fields
  • Classification fields
  • Document view

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