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Automation Ops User Guide
Manage Policy Templates
Product settings can differ from one version to another and different policy templates are available for different versions. To ensure the settings in your policies match those available in the governed products, configure Automation Ops™ to use the policy template for the product version used in your organization. When a new product version is installed, check if a new policy template version is available and update to it to make sure the policies include all the product settings that can be governed in that version.
If you want to have the latest available template versions without updating Automation Suite, you can manually in Automation Ops™.
When no template exists in Automation Ops™ for a product version, use the highest available template up to that product version. For example, if Automation Ops™ includes the Studio template versions 20.10.3 and 21.10.0:
- Use template version 20.10.3 to create policies for Studio 2020.10.10 or Studio 2021.4.3.
- Use template version 21.10.0 to create policies for Studio 2021.10.0.# Select a Policy Template
- Select Automation Ops > Governance > Settings.
- Select the version for each product, and then click Save.
Automation Ops™ includes the latest policy templates available at the time of the Automation Suite release. If you want to deploy policies to products or versions that become available after a release without updating Automation Suite, UiPath® provides a ZIP archive with the latest policy templates that you can manually import into yourAutomation Ops™ instance.
To manually import policy templates:
- Download the ZIP file containing the templates from the UiPath® Customer Portal or using the direct link.
- In Automation Suite, select Automation Ops > Governance, and then select Upload Templates on the upper-right side of the page.
- Browse to and select the file, and then select Open.