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Automation Ops User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 19, 2025


UiPath Install Platform

You can use the UiPathInstallPlatform task when:

  • You want to download a different version of the CLI, so you can, for example, pack Windows and Cross-platform projects.
  • The build agents don't have access to the UiPath NuGet Feed.

    You should execute the UiPathInstallPlatform task before any other tasks in the plugin. The UiPath InstallPlatform task downloads the CLI from the NuGet Public Feed only if the compatible version isn't available in the cache.

CLI version selector

Select the version of the CLI that you want to use with your Azure DevOps Extension, from the Choose a CLI version dropdown.

The options in the dropdown list include:

  • The latest available versions of the CLI.
  • The environment requirements that you need to be compatible with the CLI version that you choose.

Path to CLI's nupkg

If your pipeline fails to access the UiPath Public Feed and can't download the CLI version that you chose from the dropdown list, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the desired CLI version from the UiPath Public Feed.
  2. Place the downloaded NUPKG file inside the agent workspace directory of your build agent. Remember the path of the NUPKG file inside the agent workspace directory. For example, ${WORKSPACE}\nupkg\UiPath.CLI.xx.xx.xx.nupkg

    Use the InstallPlatform task, and input the path used at step 2 inside the Path to CLI's nupkg field.

UiPath Run Job

The UiPath Run Job post-build step starts a process that was already deployed on an Orchestrator instance. In Orchestrator version 2020.10, you can find the processes that are run by this task in the Processes tab. In versions of Orchestrator 2021.10, and higher, you can find the processes that are run by this task in Automations, under Processes.


Job parameter


Process (Required)

Process name. You can take the process name from the Orchestrator UI.

If the process is deployed in a Modern folder then this argument should be the Name of the process in the Processes tab. If the process is deployed in a Classic folder, then the argument must be formed by the Name of the process and the Environment (for example: NAME: ProcessA ENVIRONMENT: Production ProcessName: ProcessA_Production).


The full path to a JSON input file. This is used when the Process requires input.

JSON file format example:

  "StringArgument_In": "MyConfigurationValue",
  "IntArgument_In": 1,
  "DictionaryArgument_In": {
    "Key1": "Value1",
    "Key2": "Value2"
  "StringArgument_In": "MyConfigurationValue",
  "IntArgument_In": 1,
  "DictionaryArgument_In": {
    "Key1": "Value1",
    "Key2": "Value2"


The job run priority.


Specify the job run strategy, dynamically allocated job(s) or robot-specific job(s). Choose one of the following options:

  • Allocate dynamically
  • Specific robots

Job Type (available for Modern folders only)

Choose the license model of the runtime under which the job is to be executed.

Orchestrator address

The address of the Orchestrator instance where you'll run the process.

Orchestrator tenant

Specify the Orchestrator tenant.

Orchestrator folder

Specify the folder where the specified process was deployed.
To input subfolders make sure to input both the parent folder name and the name of the subfolder. For instance, use AccountingTeam\TeamJohn.


For authentication towards Orchestrator, you need to create credentials in Jenkins upfront. There are four options to authenticate:

(1) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using username and password.

(2) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using a refresh token (API key).

(3) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using external app authentication.

(4) Authenticate to a on-premise Orchestrator using external app authentication.

Job results output path

Specify the output path of the job results (for example, testResults.json). The results are outputted in JSON format.
If not specified, the results are outputted to the artifact staging directory as UiPathResults.json. The output is in JSON format.


Specify the job run(s) timeout in seconds.

Fail when job fails

The task fails when at least one job fails. The default value is True.

Wait for job completion

Wait for job run(s) completion. The default value is True.

Trace logging level

Setting used to enable trace logging to one of the following levels:

  • None
  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Verbose. (The default is set to None).

    Useful for debugging purposes.

No. of jobs

The number of job runs. The default value is 1.

User (available for Modern folders only)

The name of the user. This should be a machine user, not an Orchestrator user.

For local users, the format should be MachineName\UserName.

Machine (available for Modern folders only)

The name of the machine.

Robot names

Comma-separated list of specific robot names.

Pipeline example

pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('Build') {
          credentials: UserPass('825c83c9-9a14-44eb-883a-af54f8078af0'),
          failWhenJobFails: true,
          folderName: 'A_Classic',
          orchestratorAddress: '',
          orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
          parametersFilePath: '',
          priority: 'Low',
          processName: 'ProcessA_EnvB',
          resultFilePath: 'output.json',
          strategy: Dynamically(jobsCount: 1, machine: 'TestMachine', user: 'TestUser'), timeout: 3600, waitForJobCompletion: true, traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
          credentials: UserPass('825c83c9-9a14-44eb-883a-af54f8078af0'),
          failWhenJobFails: true,
          folderName: 'A_Classic',
          orchestratorAddress: '',
          orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
          parametersFilePath: '',
          priority: 'Low',
          processName: 'ProcessA_EnvB',
          resultFilePath: 'output.json',
          strategy: Robot('robot1,robot2'),
          timeout: 1800,
          waitForJobCompletion: false,
          traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
}pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('Build') {
          credentials: UserPass('825c83c9-9a14-44eb-883a-af54f8078af0'),
          failWhenJobFails: true,
          folderName: 'A_Classic',
          orchestratorAddress: '',
          orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
          parametersFilePath: '',
          priority: 'Low',
          processName: 'ProcessA_EnvB',
          resultFilePath: 'output.json',
          strategy: Dynamically(jobsCount: 1, machine: 'TestMachine', user: 'TestUser'), timeout: 3600, waitForJobCompletion: true, traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
          credentials: UserPass('825c83c9-9a14-44eb-883a-af54f8078af0'),
          failWhenJobFails: true,
          folderName: 'A_Classic',
          orchestratorAddress: '',
          orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
          parametersFilePath: '',
          priority: 'Low',
          processName: 'ProcessA_EnvB',
          resultFilePath: 'output.json',
          strategy: Robot('robot1,robot2'),
          timeout: 1800,
          waitForJobCompletion: false,
          traceLoggingLevel: 'None'

JSON input file

To configure the Run Job task, input a JSON file that contains the parameters required for running the process in Orchestrator. Orchestrator validates only primitive values. Below is an overview of the required formats for input parameters that can be passed to Orchestrator:

ParameterRequired formatExample
StringEnclose the value in quotation marks.'string value'
Int32Provide the value as you would for any integer.11
BooleanProvide the value as either true or false. true
DoubleProvide a floating point value.3.5
DateTimeProvide a valid JSON representation."2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z"
ArrayProvide values as valid JSON.[1,1,2,3,5,8] or ["firstString", "secondString"]

Example JSON schema

Below is an example JSON schema showing how to input the required parameters in a JSON file. Ensure that the arguments passed in the JSON file exist in the Studio project used for publishing the process to Orchestrator.

    'in_JenkinsBaseUrl': 'http://localhost:8080/jenkins/',
    'in_JenkinsBuildName': '02_UiPathApplicationDemo'
    'in_JenkinsBaseUrl': 'http://localhost:8080/jenkins/',
    'in_JenkinsBuildName': '02_UiPathApplicationDemo'

UiPath Manage Assets

The UiPath Manage Assets step enables you to deploy, update or delete assets on an Orchestrator instance. To deploy assets you must describe them in a CSV file like the one in the example below encoded in uft-8.
asset_1_name,text,asset_value,this is an test description   # we can have comments
asset_1_name,text,asset_value,this is an test description   # we can have comments

There are four types of assets:

  • Text
  • Integer
  • Boolean
  • Credential. For the Credential you must encode the username and password by using :: to separate the two fields.


Job parameter



What to do with the provided assets: deploy or delete. If a deployed asset exists then it will be updated instead.

Orchestrator address

The address of the Orchestrator instance where you'll deploy or update assets.

Orchestrator tenant

Specify the Orchestrator tenant onto which the assets will be deployed or updated.

Orchestrator folder

Specify the folder where assets will be deployed or updated.

To input subfolders make sure to input both the parent folder name and the name of the subfolder. For instance, use AccountingTeam\TeamJohn.


For authentication towards Orchestrator, you need to create credentials in Jenkins upfront. There are four options to authenticate:

(1) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using username and password.

(2) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using a refresh token (API key).

(3) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using external app authentication.

(4) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using external app authentication.

CSV File Path

The path to the CSV file containing the asset details. The same file can be used to deploy or update the assets, although the type isn't required for updates.

The type field can also be empty, but the column must be present. For delete, only the name column is used, so the other columns can be empty, but they must be present.
You can set an optional description for each asset (for example: type, value, description). Make sure to remove any line breaks as each line is interpreted as a new asset.

Trace logging level

Setting used to enable trace logging to one of the following levels:

  • None
  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Verbose. (The default is set to None).

    Useful for debugging purposes.

Pipeline example

pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('Build') {
        UiPathAssets (
            assetsAction: DeployAssets(), 
            credentials: Token(accountName: '', credentialsId: ''), 
            filePath: '${WORKSPACE}/test.csv', 
            folderName: 'Default', 
            orchestratorAddress: '', 
            orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
            traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
            assetsAction: DeleteAssets(),
            credentials: UserPass('825c83c9-9a14-44eb-883a-af54f8078af0'),
            filePath: '${WORKSPACE}/test.csv',
            folderName: 'Default',
            orchestratorAddress: '',
            orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
            traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
}pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('Build') {
        UiPathAssets (
            assetsAction: DeployAssets(), 
            credentials: Token(accountName: '', credentialsId: ''), 
            filePath: '${WORKSPACE}/test.csv', 
            folderName: 'Default', 
            orchestratorAddress: '', 
            orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
            traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
            assetsAction: DeleteAssets(),
            credentials: UserPass('825c83c9-9a14-44eb-883a-af54f8078af0'),
            filePath: '${WORKSPACE}/test.csv',
            folderName: 'Default',
            orchestratorAddress: '',
            orchestratorTenant: 'Default',
            traceLoggingLevel: 'None'

UiPath Pack

Application: RPA

Type: Build task

UiPath Pack is available in standard jobs and pipelines, and lets you package an existing UiPath project into a NuGet package.


Job parameter


Choose versioning method

UiPath packages are versioned. With UiPath pack you can choose between 3 different options:

(1) Auto generate

(2) Define custom version

(3) Use the current version set in the project.

Project(s) path

The location of the project(s) to be packaged. It can be a direct path to a project.json file or a directory with one or more projects. In the latter case, each level one project is packaged individually.

Output folder

Path to a folder where you want to create the package.

Output type

The output type of the project(s). There are 5 options for the project(s) type:

(1) Output type of the project

(2) Pack a process project

(3) Pack a library project

(4) Pack a tests project

(5) Pack an objects project.

Run workflow analysis

Run the workflow analysis before packing, checking the project via predefined rules for violations. Fail the job in case of errors. By default, the analysis is not run.

Trace logging level

Setting used to enable trace logging to one of the following levels:

  • None
  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Verbose. (The default is set to None).

    Useful for debugging purposes.

Use orchestrator

Use Orchestrator feed when packaging libraries. The Orchestrator must be 20.4 or higher. The library feed needs to allow API Key authentication in Tenant > Setting > Deployment.

Orchestrator address

The address of the Orchestrator instance from which library dependencies should be restored.

Orchestrator tenant

The Orchestrator tenant from which library dependencies should be restored.


For authentication towards Orchestrator, you need to create credentials in Jenkins upfront. There are four options to authenticate:

(1) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using username and password.

(2) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using a refresh token (API key).

(3) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using external app authentication.

(4) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using external app authentication.

Pipeline example

ipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('Build') {
      steps {
        UiPathPack (
          outputPath: "Output\)\)\)\)${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
          projectJsonPath: "UiBank\)\)\)\)project.json",
          version: [$class: 'ManualVersionEntry', version: "${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"]
          useOrchestrator: true,
          traceLoggingLevel: "None",
          orchestratorAddress: "OrchestratorUrl",
          orchestratorTenant: "tenant name",
          credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: “credentialsId”]
}ipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('Build') {
      steps {
        UiPathPack (
          outputPath: "Output\)\)\)\)${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
          projectJsonPath: "UiBank\)\)\)\)project.json",
          version: [$class: 'ManualVersionEntry', version: "${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"]
          useOrchestrator: true,
          traceLoggingLevel: "None",
          orchestratorAddress: "OrchestratorUrl",
          orchestratorTenant: "tenant name",
          credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: “credentialsId”]

UiPath Deploy

Application: RPA

Type: Post-Build task

UiPath Deploy is available in standard jobs and pipelines, and lets you deploy a UiPath NuGet package onto UiPath Orchestrator.


Job parameter


Package(s) path

The folder that holds your UiPath nuget package(s).

Orchestrator address

The address of the Orchestrator instance onto which the package(s) will be deployed.

Orchestrator tenant

The Orchestrator tenant onto which the package(s) will be deployed.

Orchestrator folder

The folder to deploy to. If the folder is a Classic folder, you'll also need to set the environments field. For Modern folders, setting the environments field is not required.
To input subfolders make sure to input both the parent folder name and the name of the subfolder. For instance, use AccountingTeam\TeamJohn.

Environments (Required for Classic folders)

The environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version.

Entry Points

Specify entry points to create or update a process. The entry point specifies the filePath starting from the root of the project.


  • Entry points are available for Orchestrator version 21.4 or higher (for example, 21.4.UiPathDeploy.entryPoints). For Orchestrator versions lower than 21.4, you need to enter any value, as the field must not remain empty.
  • Default entry point set to Main.xaml.
  • For classic folders (deprecated) you can specify only one entry point for each environment.
  • For more information, see Orchestrator Entry Points.


For authentication towards Orchestrator, you need to create credentials in Jenkins upfront. There are four options to authenticate:

(1) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using username and password.

(2) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using a refresh token (API key).

(3) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using external app authentication.

(4) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using external app authentication.

Trace logging level

Setting used to enable trace logging to one of the following levels:

  • None
  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Verbose. (The default is set to None).

    Useful for debugging purposes.


Make sure that your network allows access to the following NuGet package feed:

  •* Internal/nuget/v3/index.json

Pipeline example

pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('PostBuild') {
      steps {
        UiPathDeploy (
          packagePath: "path\)\)\)    o\)\)NuGetpackage",
          orchestratorAddress: "OrchestratorUrl",
          orchestratorTenant: "tenant name",
          folderName: "folder name",
          environments: "environment",
          credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: “credentialsId”],
          traceLoggingLevel: 'None'
}pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
      MAJOR = '1'
      MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('PostBuild') {
      steps {
        UiPathDeploy (
          packagePath: "path\)\)\)    o\)\)NuGetpackage",
          orchestratorAddress: "OrchestratorUrl",
          orchestratorTenant: "tenant name",
          folderName: "folder name",
          environments: "environment",
          credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: “credentialsId”],
          traceLoggingLevel: 'None'

UiPath Run Tests

Application: Testing

Type: Post-Build task

UiPath Run tests is available in standard jobs and pipelines, and lets you:

  • Run an existing Test Set in Orchestrator.
  • Package, deploy and run test cases, by specifying the path to a UiPath test project.

After the test run has finished, the Test Result tab is published to the Jenkins build, showing the detailed results. Additionally, a JUnit test results file is created to the test result output path, when specified, or to the workspace root if not specified.

Depending on the result, the build is either marked as successful (all test cases are passed), or unstable (at least one test case failed).


Job parameter



  • Specify an existing test set on UiPath Orchestrator (to execute test set).
  • Provide the project.json path of a UiPath Testing project (to execute test project).

Test result output path

The executed test set returns the test result as junit.xml. Specify the path where the result should be stored, relative to the Jenkins workspace directory (for example, result.xml).

Input Parameters

Define custom arguments for your test cases to override default values at the test set level. Through the arguments, you can set parameters to test cases at runtime. To define arguments, you need to publish a package with arguments.

Orchestrator address

The address of the Orchestrator instance onto which the package(s) will be deployed.

Orchestrator tenant

The Orchestrator tenant onto which the package(s) will be deployed.

Orchestrator folder

The folder to deploy to.

If the folder is a Classic folder, you will also need to set the environments field.
For Modern folders, setting the environments. is not required.
To input subfolders make sure to input both the parent folder name and the name of the subfolder. For instance, use AccountingTeam\TeamJohn.

Environments (Required for Classic folders)

The environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version.


For authentication towards Orchestrator, you need to create credentials in Jenkins upfront. There are four options to authenticate:

(1) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using username and password.

(2) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using a refresh token (API key).

(3) Authenticate to a cloud Orchestrator using external app authentication.

(4) Authenticate to an on-premise Orchestrator using external app authentication.

Timeout (seconds)

The execution timeout for the test run. The default value is 7200 seconds. If the timeout exceeds before the execution on Orchestrator is finished and returns the result, the built will cancel and be marked as failed.

Trace logging level

Setting used to enable trace logging to one of the following levels:

  • None
  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Verbose. (The default is set to None).

    Useful for debugging purposes.

Pipeline example

pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
    MAJOR = '1'
    MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('PostBuild') {
      steps {
        UiPathTest (
          testTarget: [$class: 'TestSetEntry', testSet: "My Test Set"],
          orchestratorAddress: "OrchestratorUrl",
          orchestratorTenant: "tenant name",
          folderName: "folder name",
          timeout: "10000",
          traceLoggingLevel: 'None',
          testResultsOutputPath: "result.xml",
          credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: "credentialsId"]
}pipeline {
  agent any
  environment {
    MAJOR = '1'
    MINOR = '0'
  stages {
    stage ('PostBuild') {
      steps {
        UiPathTest (
          testTarget: [$class: 'TestSetEntry', testSet: "My Test Set"],
          orchestratorAddress: "OrchestratorUrl",
          orchestratorTenant: "tenant name",
          folderName: "folder name",
          timeout: "10000",
          traceLoggingLevel: 'None',
          testResultsOutputPath: "result.xml",
          credentials: [$class: 'UserPassAuthenticationEntry', credentialsId: "credentialsId"]

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