- Open API
- Introduction to Automation Hub API
- API References
- Generate your Token from Automation Hub
- Authenticating to Your Automation Hub Tenant
- Add users in bulk to Automation Hub using OpenAPI
- Bulk edit users in Automation Hub using OpenAPI
- Input for Automation Pipeline
- Input for Submission Type
- Input for Phase
- Input for Status
- Input for Phase and Status Update
- Input for Business Unit
- Input for Applications
- Input for Category
- Input for Cost Benefit Analysis
- Input for High Level Assessment
- Input for Detailed Assessment
- Input for Automation Idea Creation Date
- Input for Users
- Input for User Status
- User Status Table
- Input for Collaborators
- Output Dictionary
- Automation Hub Open API Power Query Data Parsing
Add users in bulk to Automation Hub using OpenAPI

Automation Hub API Guide
Last updated Apr 19, 2024
Add users in bulk to Automation Hub using OpenAPI
Note: For the users to be able to log in to Automation Hub, they have to have an account into Automation Cloud as well.
- Adding a user only in Automation Hub via the API isn't enough as the user needs to be added first into Automation Cloud.
- Add users to Automation Cloud
- Download the CSV template from Automation Cloud.
- Fill in the CSV.
- If your users are Standard Users in Automation Hub, make sure to add them only to the Everyone group in Automation Cloud.
- Upload the CSV file to Automation Cloud.
Note: All users will receive an e-mail invitation to Join Automation Cloud. By accepting the invitation, they will gain access to Automation Cloud, but not yet to Automation Hub.
- Add users to Automation Hub via the Open API
- Download the CSV template.
- Download the Postman Collection.
- Open the Postman collection in to your workspace.
- Fill in the adduser.csv file with the data from your users:
user_email user_first-name user_last_name user-location user_department user_business_unit user_job_title user_is_active user_invite_status role_id1 category_id1 - This example contains only one role, but you can add as many roles as you want to the array.
- Once you have the file ready, go to Postman and open the Postman Runner.
- In the Run Order page, select the Add User Pending (Variables) call only.
- In the right, click Select file and upload the addusers.csv file.
- Check the number of iterations on the right to be the same as the number of rows in your file (headers excluded).
- Click Run.
- Postman will run the requests one by one and show a correspondent status for each one.
- Successful runs will have the 201 - Resource Updated message.
- Now you can check your users in Automation Hub.
- Users will remain pending state until they login the first time in Automation Hub.
- Users won't receive an e-mail while the API is running.
For more information, check the following documentation references: