- Open API
- Introduction to Automation Hub API
- API References
- Generate your Token from Automation Hub
- Authenticating to Your Automation Hub Tenant
- Retrieve Automation Idea in Idea Phase Awaiting Review Status
- Retrieve the Cost Benefit Analysis for a Specific Idea
- Update Automation Idea Phase and Status
- Power BI Integration Video Tutorial
- Service Now Outbound Integration Video Tutorial
- Retrieve a User Account
- Update Account Details for Employees from Automation Hub
- Inactivate User Accounts that are Not Part of the Company
- Input for Automation Pipeline
- Input for Submission Type
- Input for Phase
- Input for Status
- Input for Phase and Status Update
- Input for Business Unit
- Input for Applications
- Input for Category
- Input for Cost Benefit Analysis
- Input for High Level Assessment
- Input for Detailed Assessment
- Input for Automation Idea Creation Date
- Input for Users
- Input for User Status
- User Status Table
- Input for Collaborators
- Output Dictionary
- Automation Hub Open API Power Query Data Parsing
- Automation Hub Custom Connector - Preview

Automation Hub API Guide for Public Sector
Output Dictionary
GET Automation Pipeline
Name |
Description |
process_id |
ID of the process |
process_slug |
Slug of the idea |
process_name |
Idea Name |
process_description |
Description of the Idea |
orchestrator_automation_uuid |
Idea ID |
user_department |
Submitter's Department |
user_business_unit |
Sbumitter's Business Unit |
process_goal |
Process goal |
process_phase_id |
Phase ID |
process_phase_status_id |
Phase status ID |
process_overall_gauge_score |
Overall idea score |
process_automation_score |
Idea potential |
process_estimated_benefit_score |
Estimated benefit (Hours) |
software_vendor_id |
RPA Software Vendor |
software_cost_id |
Software cost |
cost_description |
Cost Description |
process_type_id |
Idea Type |
owner |
Process Owner |
process_ease_of_implementation_score |
Ease of implementation |
process_submitter_user_id |
Submitter User ID |
process_submission_type |
Idea Submission type |
process_num_collaborators |
Number of collaborators |
process_num_votes |
Number of votes |
process_created_epoch |
The epoch when the process was created |
process_updated_epoch |
The epoch when the process was updated |
check_collaborators |
(internal field) |
number_of_robots |
Number of robots |
relevance |
(internal field) |
category_id |
Idea Area ID |
category_other_text |
Idea Area ID |
category_name |
Idea Area name |
category_level_id |
Idea Area creation time |
category_is_other |
Idea Area created epoch |
subcategories |
Idea Area updated time |
software_vendor |
RPA Software Vendor |
running_cost |
Est. Running Costs |
process_phase |
Idea phase |
phase_id |
Idea phase ID |
phase_key |
Idea phase key |
phase_name |
Idea phase name |
phase_is_active |
Phase is active |
phase_order |
Phase order |
process_phase_status |
Idea status |
phase_status_id |
Idea status ID |
phase_id |
Idea phase ID |
phase_status_key |
Idea status key |
phase_status_name |
Idea status name |
phase_status_is_active |
Idea status is active |
phase_status_order |
Idea status order |
currency |
Currency |
currency_id |
Currency ID |
currency_name |
Currency name |
currency_abbreviation |
Currency abbreviation |
currency_symbol |
Currency symbol |
currency_is_active |
Currency is active |
currency_sort_order |
Currency sort order |
process_submitter |
Idea Submitter |
user_id |
Idea Submitter user ID |
user_email |
Idea submitter e-mail |
user_first_name |
Idea submitter first name |
user_last_name |
Idea submitter last name |
readable_submission_time |
Idea submission time |
owner |
Idea Process Owner |
user_id |
Idea Process Owner user ID |
user_email |
Idea Process Owner e-mail |
user_first_name |
Idea Process Owner first name |
user_last_name |
Idea Process Owner last name |
pdd_link |
PDD Link |
idea_phase_approver |
The person that updated the idea phase |
launch_assessment_approver |
The person that launched the idea assessment |
qualification_phase_approver |
GET Automation Ideas
Name |
Description |
process_id |
ID of the process |
process_slug |
Slug of the Idea |
process_submitter_user_id |
The DB ID of the submitter of the idea |
process_name |
Idea Name |
process_description |
Description of the idea |
process_rules_id |
Answer to question: How rule based is your task |
process_input_type_id |
Answer to question: How would you describe the input data for your task/process? |
process_stability_id |
Answer to question: Are you aware of any expected changes to the way you currently perform the activity or process in the following 6 months? |
process_input_structure_id |
Answer to question: How would you describe the structure of your input data? |
process_documentation_availability_ids |
Answer to question: Do you have any documentation regarding this process/activity? |
owner |
The DB ID of the Process Owner |
process_created_epoch |
The epoch when the process was created |
process_created_at |
Timestamp when the process was created |
process_updated_epoch |
The epoch when the process was updated |
process_updated_at |
Timestamp when the process was updated |
process_updated_user_id |
The DB ID of the user who last updated the process |
process_phase_id |
Phase ID |
process_phase_status_id |
Phase status ID |
process_challenges_encountered |
Encountered Challenges |
process_challenges_expected |
Expected Challenges |
process_task_stability_id |
Process Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months |
process_application_stability_id |
Applications Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months |
process_frequency_id |
Task/Process Frequency |
process_volume |
Activity Volume Average |
process_average_handling_time |
Average Processing Time/Transaction |
process_peak_id |
Process Peaks |
process_length_id |
Average Number of Steps |
process_decision_complexity_id |
Process Variability |
process_digital_input_percent |
% of Digital Data Input |
process_scanned_input_use_id |
Scanned Data Input |
process_structured_input_id |
% of Structured Digital Data Input* |
process_lessons_learned |
Lessons Learned |
process_benefits_expected |
Expected Benefits |
process_benefits_actual |
Actual Benefits |
process_suitability_score |
Idea Suitability |
process_readiness_score |
Idea Readiness |
process_overall_gauge_score |
Overall idea score |
process_uuid |
Process Unique ID |
process_num_followers |
Number of Followers of the process |
process_num_votes |
Number of Upvotes |
process_num_media |
Number of Media Uploaded |
process_num_documents |
Number of Documents uploaded |
process_num_collaborators |
Number of Collaborators |
process_num_components |
Number of Components attached |
process_has_owner |
Indicates if the Process Owner has been attached or not to the idea |
process_num_comments |
Number of Comments |
process_num_applications |
Number of Applications used |
process_automation_score |
Idea Potential |
process_ease_of_implementation_score |
Ease of Implementation |
process_estimated_benefit_score |
Benefit (hours saved/year) |
process_benefit_expressed_in_currency_per_year |
Benefit (currency/year) |
process_east_of_baseline_score |
process_num_similar_automations |
Number of similar ideas |
process_is_potential_duplicate |
Potential duplicates for the idea |
process_submitted_at |
Timestamp when the process was submitted |
process_submitted_epoch |
Epoch when the process was submitted |
process_history_version |
project_manager_user_id |
The ID of the Project Manager attached to the idea |
process_goal |
Idea goal ID |
process_archived_reason |
Reason for archiving the idea |
process_rejected_reason |
Reason for rejection of the idea |
process_pain_points |
Pain points |
process_negative_impact |
Negative impact |
process_submission_type |
Submission type (Coe/Employee driven Idea) |
process_volumes_per_year |
Process Volumetry - Volumes / year |
process_AHT_employee_per_transaction |
AHT employee per transaction (minutes) |
process_ease_of_implementation_level |
One of the 3 Ease of Implementation levels - Easy / Medium / Difficult |
process_cost_per_year |
Running Cost/Year before idea for Human |
process_automation_id |
Idea ID |
process_business_unit |
Idea Business Unit |
process_department |
Idea Department |
orchestrator_automation_uuid |
Idea ID |
process_headcount |
Number of Employees Performing the Task |
user_is_following |
There is a user that follows the idea |
user_has_voted |
There is a user that voted for the idea |
process_phase |
Phase of the status |
phase_id |
Phase ID |
phase_key |
Phase key |
phase_name |
Phase name |
phase_is_active |
Phase is active |
phase_order |
Phase order |
process_phase_status |
Process status |
phase_status_id |
Status ID |
phase_id |
Phase ID |
phase_status_key |
Status key |
phase_status_name |
Status name |
phase_status_is_active |
Status is active |
phase_status_order |
Status order |
category_id |
ID of the category |
category_other_text |
Text of the category if it was renamed |
category_name |
Name of the category from the interface |
category_level_id |
ID of the level for the category - values from 1 to 5 |
category_is_other |
Indicates if the category is other |
subcategories |
Array for subcategories |
process_rules_comment |
Comment on Rules Question |
process_input_type_comment |
Comment on Input_Type Question |
process_input_quality_comment |
Comment on Input_Quality Question |
process_stability_comment |
Comment on Stability Question |
process_document_availability_comment |
Comment on Document_Availability Question |
process_submitter |
Idea submitter |
user_id |
Idea submitter ID |
user_email |
Idea submitter email |
user_first_name |
Submitter first name |
user_last_name |
Submitter last name |
readable_submission_time |
Idea submission time |
process_owner |
Idea Process Owner |
user_id |
Idea Process Owner ID |
user_email |
Idea Process Owner email |
user_first_name |
Submitter first name |
user_last_name |
Submitter last name |
advanced_information |
Advanced information |
currency |
Currency |
currency_id |
Currency ID |
currency_name |
Currency name |
currency_abbreviation |
Currency abbreviation |
currency_symbol |
Currency symbol |
currency_is_active |
Indicates if the currency is active |
currency_sort_order |
Indicates the sort order of the currency in the currency table |
POST Automation Ideas
Name |
Description |
process_phase_status_id |
Phase status ID |
process_name |
Idea name |
process_description |
Description of the idea |
process_has_owner |
Process Owner defined |
owner |
Process Owner user ID |
process_rules_id |
Answer to question: How rule based is your task |
process_input_type_id |
Answer to question: How would you describe the input data for your task/process? |
process_input_structure_id |
Answer to question: Are you aware of any expected changes to the way you currently perform the activity or process in the following 6 months? |
process_stability_id |
Answer to question: How would you describe the structure of your input data? |
process_documentation_availability_ids |
Answer to question: Do you have any documentation regarding this process/activity? |
process_suitability_score |
Idea Suitability |
process_readiness_score |
Idea Readiness |
process_overall_gauge_score |
Overall idea score |
process_slug |
The slug of the idea |
process_submitted_at |
Timestamp when the idea was submitted |
process_submitted_epoch |
Epoch when the idea was submitted |
process_updated_user_id |
User ID of the last user who updated the idea |
process_updated_epoch |
Idea last updated epoch |
process_updated_at |
Idea last updated timestamp |
process_id |
The ID of the process |
process_submitter_user_id |
The DB ID of the submitter of the idea |
process_created_epoch |
The epoch when the process was created |
process_created_at |
Timestamp when the process was created |
process_phase_id |
Phase ID |
process_challenges_encountered |
Encountered Challenges |
process_challenges_expected |
Expected Challenges |
process_task_stability_id |
Process Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months |
process_application_stability_id |
Applications Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months |
process_frequency_id |
Task/Process Frequency |
process_volume |
Activity Volume Average |
process_average_handling_time |
Average Processing Time/Transaction |
process_peak_id |
Process Peaks |
process_length_id |
Average Number of Steps |
process_decision_complexity_id |
Process Variability |
process_digital_input_percent |
% of Digital Data Input |
process_scanned_input_use_id |
Scanned Data Input |
process_structured_input_id |
% of Structured Digital Data Input* |
process_lessons_learned |
Lessons Learned |
process_benefits_expected |
Expected Benefits |
process_benefits_actual |
Actual Benefits |
process_uuid |
Process Unique ID |
process_num_followers |
Number of Followers of the process |
process_num_votes |
Number of Upvotes |
process_num_media |
Number of Media uploaded |
process_num_documents |
Number of Documents uploaded |
process_num_collaborators |
Number of Collaborators |
process_num_components |
Number of Components attached |
process_num_comments |
Number of Comments |
process_num_applications |
Number of Applications used |
process_automation_score |
Idea Potential |
process_ease_of_implementation_score |
Ease of Implementation |
process_estimated_benefit_score |
Benefit (hours saved/year) |
process_benefit_expressed_in_currency_per_year |
Benefit (currency/year) |
process_num_similar_automations |
Number of similar ideas |
process_is_potential_duplicate |
Potential duplicates for the idea |
project_manager_user_id |
The ID of the Project Manager attached to the idea |
process_goal |
Idea goal ID |
process_rejected_reason |
Reason for rejection of the idea |
process_pain_points |
Pain points |
process_negative_impact |
Negative impact |
process_submission_type |
Submission type (Coe/Employee driven Idea) |
process_volumes_per_year |
Process Volumetry - Volumes / year |
process_AHT_employee_per_transaction |
AHT employee per transaction (minutes) |
process_ease_of_implementation_level |
One of the 3 Ease of Implementation levels - Easy / Medium / Difficult |
process_cost_per_year |
Running Cost/Year before idea for Human |
process_automation_id |
Automaiton ID |
process_business_unit |
Idea Business Unit |
process_department |
Idea Department |
process_headcount |
Number of Employees Performing the Task |
user_is_following |
There is a user that follows the idea |
user_has_voted |
There is a user that voted the idea |
process_phase |
Phase of the status |
phase_id |
Phase ID |
phase_key |
Phase key |
phase_name |
Phase name |
process_phase_status |
Process status |
phase_status_id |
Status ID |
phase_id |
Phase ID |
phase_status_key |
Status key |
phase_status_name |
Status name |
category_id |
ID of the category |
category_other_text |
Text of the category if it was renamed |
category_name |
Name of the category from the interface |
category_level_id |
ID of the level for the category - values from 1 to 5 |
category_is_other |
Indicates if the category is other |
subcategories |
Array for subcategories |
process_rules_comment |
Comment on Rules Question |
process_input_type_comment |
Comment on Input Type Question |
process_input_quality_comment |
Comment on Input Quality Question |
process_stability_comment |
Comment on Stability Question |
process_document_availability_comment |
Comment on Document Availability Question |
process_submitter |
Idea submitter |
user_id |
Idea submitter ID |
user_email |
Idea submitter email |
user_first_name |
Submitter first name |
user_last_name |
Submitter last name |
readable_submission_time |
Idea submission time |
process_owner |
Idea Process Owner |
user_id |
Idea Process Owner ID |
user_email |
Idea Process Owner email |
user_first_name |
Submitter first name |
user_last_name |
Submitter last name |
advanced_information |
Advanced information |
currency |
Currency |
currency_id |
Currency ID |
currency_name |
Currency name |
currency_abbreviation |
Currency abbreviation |
currency_symbol |
Currency symbol |
orchestrator_automation_uuid |
Idea ID |
GET App Inventory
Name |
Description |
application_id |
Indicates the ID of the application |
application_name |
Name of the application |
application_taxonomy_L1_id |
ID of the Application Category (L1) correspondent to the application |
application_version |
The version of the application |
application_language |
Language of the application |
application_code |
Code of the application |
application_is_active |
Indicates if the application is active |
application_added_by_end_user |
Indicates if the application was added by an end-user |
application_added_user_id |
Indicates the user ID which added the app |
application_created_epoch |
Epoch when the application was created |
categoryIds |
Indicates the IDs of the categories where the app is linked |
GET Hierarchy
Name |
Description |
category_id |
ID of the category |
category_other_text |
Text of the category if it was renamed |
category_name |
Name of the category - that appears in the interface |
category_level_id |
ID of the level for the category - values from 1 to 5 |
category_is_other |
Indicates if the category is other |
subcategories |
Array for subcategories |
GET Users
Name |
Description |
user_id |
Indicates the ID of the user |
user_email |
The e-mail of the user |
user_first_name |
First name of the user |
user_last_name |
Last name of the user |
user_is_admin |
Indicates if the user is the "First user" of the tenant, the user that created the tenant |
user_job_title |
User's Job Title |
user_location |
User's Location |
user_business_unit |
User's Business Unit |
user_department |
User's Department |
user_created_at |
Timestamp when the user has been created |
user_updated_at |
Timestamp when the user has been updated |
user_last_login_time |
User last login time |
user_num_automations |
User's number of ideas |
user_num_documents |
User's number of documents created in the tenant |
user_num_components |
User's number of components |
user_invite_status |
Defines if the user has received an e-mail invitation or not |
user_is_active |
Defines if the user is active or not |
GET Roles
Name |
Description |
role_description |
The description of the role |
role_id |
The ID of the role |
role_name |
The name of the role |
role_slug |
The slug of the role |
role_type |
The type of role |