- Getting Started
- Before You Begin
- How To
- Notifications
- Using VB Expressions
- Designing your App
- Events and Rules
- Rule: If-Then-Else
- Rule: Open a Page
- Rule: Open URL
- Rule: Close Pop-Over/Bottom Sheet
- Rule: Show Message
- Rule: Show/Hide Spinner
- Rule: Set Value
- Rule: Start Process
- Rule: Reset Values
- Rule: Upload File to Storage Bucket
- Rule: Download File From Storage Bucket
- Rule: Create Entity Record
- Rule: Update Entity Record
- Rule: Delete Entity Record
- Rule: Add to Queue
- Rule: Trigger workflow
- Leveraging RPA in your App
- Leveraging Entities in Your App
- Leveraging Queues in Your App
- Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- Basic Troubleshooting Guide

Apps User Guide
Date Picker
This app demonstrates how to create multiple date validation fields, including ones with custom error messages.
Demo app - try it yourself
Demo app - instructions to use
In UiPath® Apps, create a new app and import the downloaded demo app.
You may notice some errors. To fix them, replace the referenced entities "All Data Types", "Department", "Plan", with entities in your tenant.
To interact with the date validation fields, preview your app.
- Hint Text - Set the help text to be displayed at runtime.
- Default Date - Set a default date. If this property is bound to an app variable, changes to the default value will not propagate to the app variable. To update values in app variables, you should use a Set Value rule.
- Tooltip - The text to be displayed when an app user hovers over the control. Use this to provide additional information on the control.
- Label - The display text of the control.
- Required - If true, app users must provide data in the control. To mark the control as mandatory at runtime, an asterisk
is added after the label text. -
Min date - Set the minimum date that app users can select at runtime.
Max date - Set the maximum date that app users can select at runtime.
- Custom error message - The text to be displayed if the Required property is set to true and the control is left empty.
Hidden- If true, hides the control at runtime.
Disabled - If true, disables the control at runtime.
The Date Picker does not support displaying or working with time values.
The Apps service converts the date entered by app users to the UTC time zone, before sending it to the underlying process as an input argument. Make sure to convert the date received by the process to the local time zone, using the
parameter of the DateTime data type. Otherwise, a date different than the one selected by the app user might be computed.
Control Alignment - By default, inherits the parent alignment. A different alignment other than the parent can be set. To default back to the parent alignment, deselect the overridden options.
Note: The alignment is dependent on the layout selected for the parent (Vertical vs Horizontal). - Label placement - By default, the label is set to be displayed on top of the control, at the left side. You can place it to the left of the control, on the same line. The Label Width property configures how wide the label should be, and the Space between property sets the distance between the label and the control.
- Background color - The background color of the control.
- Font - The font attributes for both the label and the input text, such as font family, size, color, or style (Bold, Italic and Underline). By default, the control inherits the font family of the immediate parent container which is indicated by the keyword "Inherited".
- Margin - The margin of the control. By default, a margin of 4px is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be detached using the Link button at the right side of the Margin section.
Size - The width and height of the control. By default, the size is set to
. To set minimum or maximum values, click the three dot icon (...).
To view the date in the format specific to your locale in Google Chrome, follow the steps below:
- Go to the following address in Google Chrome:
. -
Add the missing language.
- Move the language to the top of listed languages.
- Restart Google Chrome.
- Re-open your app and preview it.
- Select the date in the Date Picker control. The date should now be displayed in the format specific to your locale.
VB property |
Data type |
Description |
Tooltip | String |
Information text which appears when the user hovers over the Date Picker. |
Label | String |
The label of the Date Picker; typically the text displayed alongside it. |
HintText |
String |
Placeholder text displayed to the user over the Date Picker control. |
MinDate |
The earliest date the user can select. |
MaxDate |
The latest date the user can select. |
Value | System.Nullable(Of System.DateOnly) | The currently selected date.
Required |
Boolean |
Specifies if the Date Picker value is mandatory. |
RequiredErrorMessage |
String |
Message displayed when the Date Picker value is required but was not provided. |
Hidden | Boolean | Determines the visiblity of the Date Picker control. If true, hides the control at runtime. |
Disabled | Boolean | Determines if the Date Picker control is interactable. If true, disables interaction with the Date Picker at runtime.
IsValid |
Boolean |
Checks validity of the Date Picker value. If true, indicates it is valid. |