- Getting Started
- Before You Begin
- How To
- Build Your First App
- Build a Mobile-friendly App
- Embed Apps
- Embed Maps
- Include Excel Charts in Apps
- Include MailTo Links
- Include Star Ratings
- Use Count With Choice Set Values
- Use Document Viewer
- Use Master Detail View
- Use Selected Values From a Table
- Set External Context
- Work With Data Source and Value Bind
- General User Experience Guidelines
- Use the Send Interim Result Activity
- Notifications
- About notifications
- My notifications
- Managing notifications
- Designing your App
- Events and Rules
- Rule: If-Then-Else
- Rule: Open a Page
- Rule: Open URL
- Rule: Close Pop-Over/Bottom Sheet
- Rule: Show Message
- Rule: Show/Hide Spinner
- Rule: Set Values
- Rule: Start Process
- Rule: Upload File to Storage Bucket
- Rule: Get File From Storage Bucket
- Rule: Reset Values
- Rule: Create/Update Entity Record
- Rule: Delete Entity Record
- Rule: Add to Queue
- Function: And, Or, Not
- Function: Concat
- Function: Contains
- Function: Count
- Function: EndsWith
- Function: If
- Function: IsBlank
- Function: Guid
- Function: Length
- Function: List
- Function: StartsWith
- Function: Sum
- Function: Sort
- Function: Now
- Function: Today
- Function: Time
- Function: Year
- Function: Month
- Function: Day
- Function: Hour
- Function: Minute
- Function: New
- Function: Lookup
- Function: Filter
- Leveraging RPA in your App
- Leveraging Entities in Your App
- Leveraging Queues in Your App
- Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- Basic Troubleshooting Guide

Apps User Guide
My notifications
You can manage your notifications using the My Notification view from the Notifications settings page. Visit Notifications settings to learn more.
Learn about the experience of working with your notifications, by reading about how to manage them in the Notifications panel, and about the notification events you can subscribe to.
You can access notifications through the Notifications panel only.
To access the Notifications panel, go to the top navigation bar and click the bell icon. The Notifications panel displays notifications ordered by date, in descending order. The Notifications panel displays notifications from newest to oldest.
To access a specific notification, click the desired notification frame.
To display unread notifications, select the Unread only checkbox in the Notifications panel.