- Release Notes
- Requirements
- Installation
- Getting Started
- About AI Fabric
- Using AI Fabric
- Projects
- Datasets
- ML Packages
- Pipelines
- ML Skills
- ML Logs
- Document Understanding in AI Fabric
- Basic Troubleshooting Guide

AI Center
About AI Fabric
AI Fabric is an application that allows you to deploy, manage, and continuously improve Machine Learning models and consume them within RPA workflows in Studio.
https://<ip or domain-name>:31390/ai-app
. Once installed, AI Fabric licenses must a assigned to a tenant for use.
AI Robot
for licensing.
AI Robot
is the runtime for serving ML Skills (machine learning models available for robots to make prediction requests) and run ML
Training jobs (training a new model version on new data to).
One AI Robot can serve two ML Skills or run one ML training job concurrently. Any user connected to the Orchestrator instance can access ML Skills.
AI Fabric is the infrastructure on top of which UiPath Document Understanding machine learning models run. These models can be deployed or instantiated for retraining with a few clicks (see this section).
Using a Document Understanding model involves these steps:
- Collect document samples and the requirements of the data points that need to be extracted.
- Label documents using Data Manager. Note Data Manager itself will connect to an OCR Engine.
- Export labeled documents as a Training data set and upload that exported folder to AI Fabric Storage.
- Export labeled documents as a Testing data set and upload that exported folder to AI Fabric Storage.
- Run a Training Pipeline on AI Fabric.
- Evaluate the model performance with an Evaluation Pipeline on AI Fabric.
- Deploy the trained model as an ML Skill in AI Fabric.
Query the ML Skill from an RPA Workflow using the Document Understanding activity pack.
Important: Remember that using Document Understanding models require that the machine on which AI Fabric is installed can accesshttps://du-metering.uipath.com
In order to perform various actions regarding ML entities, you need certain permissions:
- Display ML logs and view log data - View on ML Logs
- Display projects, datasets, ML packages and pipelines and view their corresponding details - View on ML Packages
- Displays ML skills and allows you to view details on the corresponding ML package (available versions, parameters) - View on ML Skills
- Create a new project, dataset, or pipeline, and upload a new ML package - Create on ML Packages.
- Deploy a new ML skill - Create on ML Skills.
- Update a project, dataset, or pipeline, and upload a new ML package version and view release notes for each version - Edit on ML Packages.
- Update to a new ML skill package version or rollback to an older one - Edit on ML Skills
- Remove projects, datasets, pipelines, and undeployed package versions and packages - Delete on ML Packages.
Remove ML skills - Delete on ML Skills.
Note: Permissions are managed in Orchestrator.
This section treats the subject of user personas which handle AI Fabric in your company, and the recommended roles to be defined in Orchestrator for each persona.
In charge of building and uploading the ML models to AI Fabric. Data Scientists build and then upload ML packages. They can perform this operation from the ML Packages page.
- View, Edit, Create, Delete on ML Packages.
- View on ML Skills.
- View on ML Logs.
In charge of deploying models already uploaded by Data Scientists (ML packages), or provided by UiPath (OS packages), into ML skills. Process Controllers can perform this operation from the ML Skills page.
- View, Edit, Create, Delete on ML Skills.
- View on ML Packages.
- View on ML Logs.
In charge of developing and testing automation workflows; usually does not have access to Orchestrator or the AI Fabric app. RPA Developers consume the ML skills available on their Robot. These are retrieved from the Orchestrator tenant the connected Robot has been provisioned in.
- View on ML Skills.
- View on ML Logs.
RPA Developers consume deployed ML skills within customized workflows in Studio using the ML Skill activity from the UiPath.MLServices.Activities package. This activity package is only available for Studio v2019.10+ and can only be used by Robots v2019.10+. Read more about it here.