- Overview
- UI Automation
- Applications and technologies automated with UI Automation
- Project compatibility
- UI Automation Classic Project Settings
- UI Automation Modern Project Settings
- UI Automation Project Settings
- UI-ANA-016 - Pull Open Browser URL
- UI-ANA-017 - ContinueOnError True
- UI-ANA-018 - List OCR/Image Activities
- UI-DBP-006 - Container Usage
- UI-DBP-013 - Excel Automation Misuse
- UI-DBP-030 - Forbidden Variables Usage In Selectors
- UI-PRR-001 - Simulate Click
- UI-PRR-002 - Simulate Type
- UI-PRR-003 - Open Application Misuse
- UI-PRR-004 - Hardcoded Delays
- UI-REL-001 - Large Idx in Selectors
- UI-SEC-004 - Selector Email Data
- UI-SEC-010 - App/Url Restrictions
- UI-USG-011 - Non Allowed Attributes
- UX-SEC-010 - App/Url Restrictions
- UX-DBP-029 - Insecure Password Use
- UI-PST-001 - Audit Log Level in Project Settings
- UiPath Browser Migration Tool
- Clipping region
- Computer Vision Recorder
- Activities index
- Activate
- Anchor Base
- Attach Browser
- Attach Window
- Block User Input
- Callout
- Check
- Click
- Click Image
- Click Image Trigger
- Click OCR Text
- Click Text
- Click Trigger
- Close Application
- Close Tab
- Close Window
- Context Aware Anchor
- Copy Selected Text
- Element Attribute Change Trigger
- Element Exists
- Element Scope
- Element State Change Trigger
- Export UI Tree
- Extract Structured Data
- Find Children
- Find Element
- Find Image
- Find Image Matches
- Find OCR Text Position
- Find Relative Element
- Find Text Position
- Get Active Window
- Get Ancestor
- Get Attribute
- Get Event Info
- Get From Clipboard
- Get Full Text
- Get OCR Text
- Get Password
- Get Position
- Get Source Element
- Get Text
- Get Visible Text
- Go Back
- Go Forward
- Go Home
- Google Cloud Vision OCR
- Hide Window
- Highlight
- Hotkey Trigger
- Hover
- Hover Image
- Hover OCR Text
- Hover Text
- Image Exists
- Indicate On Screen
- Inject .NET Code
- Inject Js Script
- Invoke ActiveX Method
- Key Press Trigger
- Load Image
- Maximize Window
- Microsoft Azure Computer Vision OCR
- Microsoft OCR
- Microsoft Project Oxford Online OCR
- Minimize Window
- Monitor Events
- Mouse Trigger
- Move Window
- Navigate To
- OCR Text Exists
- On Element Appear
- On Element Vanish
- On Image Appear
- On Image Vanish
- Open Application
- Open Browser
- Refresh Browser
- Replay User Event
- Restore Window
- Save Image
- Select Item
- Select Multiple Items
- Send Hotkey
- Set Clipping Region
- Set Focus
- Set Text
- Set To Clipboard
- Set Web Attribute
- Show Window
- Start Process
- System Trigger
- Take Screenshot
- Tesseract OCR
- Text Exists
- Tooltip
- Type Into
- Type Secure Text
- Use Foreground
- Wait Attribute
- Wait Element Vanish
- Wait Image Vanish
- Application Event Trigger
- Check/Uncheck
- Check App State
- Check Element
- Click
- Click Event Trigger
- Drag and Drop
- Extract Table Data
- For Each UI Element
- Get Attribute
- Get Attribute (Generic)
- Get Browser Data
- Get Text
- Get URL
- Go to URL
- Highlight
- Hover
- Inject Js Script
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keypress Event Trigger
- Mouse Scroll
- Navigate Browser
- Select Item
- Set Browser Data
- Set Runtime Browser
- Set Text
- Take Screenshot
- Type Into
- Use Application/Browser
- Perform browser search and retrieve results using UI Automation APIs
- Web Browsing
- Find Images
- Click Images
- Trigger and Monitor Events
- Create and Override Files
- HTML Pages: Extract and Manipulate Information
- Window Manipulation
- Automated List Selection
- Find and Manipulate Window Elements
- Manage Text Automation
- Load and Process Images
- Manage Mouse Activated Actions
- Automate Application Runtime
- Automated Run of a Local Application
- Browser Navigation
- Web Automation
- Trigger Scope Example
- Enable UI Automation support in DevExpress
- Computer Vision Local Server
- Mobile Automation
- Release notes
- Project compatibility
- Get Log Types
- Get Logs
- Get Page Source
- Get Device Orientation
- Get Session Identifier
- Install App
- Manage Current App
- Manage Other App
- Open DeepLink
- Open URL
- Mobile Device Connection
- Directional Swipe
- Draw Pattern
- Positional Swipe
- Press Hardware Button
- Set Device Orientation
- Take Screenshot
- Take Screenshot Part
- Element Exists
- Execute Command
- Get Attribute
- Get Selected Item
- Get Text
- Set Selected Item
- Set Text
- Swipe
- Tap
- Type Text
- Terminal

UI Automation Activities
UI Automation Project Settings
These project settings apply for Modern activities in Cross-platform projects.
Use Project Settings to configure changes at the project level. These global settings impact all activities in the package that have the properties listed below. For more information, see Configuring Activity Project Settings.
To configure the UI Automation Modern project settings, follow these steps:
- In the Project panel, go to Project Settings.
- Navigate to Activities Settings > UI Automation.
- Modify the settings according to what you want to change.
- Click OK to save changes.
You can reset all settings to their default values or copy all values between the debug and production fields using the Bulk Actions drop-down menu at the top of the window.
The settings below apply to UI Automation Modern activities in Cross-platform projects that have either one of the following properties.
Property name | Description |
Delay after (seconds) | Delay time between the current activity and the next activity. |
Delay before (seconds) | Delay time between the previous activity and the current activity. |
Timeout (seconds) | How long to wait for the current activity to be executed before throwing an error. |
Wait for page load | Before performing the action, wait for the application to become
ready to accept input. The following options are available:
Capture screenshots | Dictates if screenshots are captured at design time by all the activities that support this feature. If the setting is set to false, the Remove informative screenshot option from the context menu is disabled. |
Alter disabled element | If set to True, the Select Item action is executed even if the specified UI element is disabled. This property does not apply if the Input Mode property is set to Hardware Events. |
Wait for primary targeting method until timeout | If set to True, this setting allows the primary targeting method to consume its full timeout until any fallback targeting method can be used. |
Enable Java automation (preview) | If set to True, you can indicate Java applications. If set to False, you can indicate only Chrome browser windows. |
Automatically add UI elements to Object Repository | If set to True, all UI elements are automatically added to Object Repository. |
The settings below apply to indicated targets and anchors for desktop applications.
Property name | Description |
Input mode for Edge, Chrome | Select how to execute the action:
Strict selector | If set to True, uses the Strict selector method. |
Fuzzy selector | If set to True, uses the Fuzzy selector method. |
Computer Vision | If set to True, uses the Computer Vision method. The default value is True. |
Ignore selectors with IDX / tableRow / tableCol | Disable the full selector if the target selector
has a tableRow , tableCol , or an
idx attribute with a value higher than 1 and
anchors exist.
The settings below apply to indicated targets and anchors for SAP.
Property name | Description |
Input mode |
Strict selector | If set to True, uses the Strict selector method. |
Fuzzy selector | If set to True, usesthe Fuzzy selector method. |
Computer Vision | If set to True, uses the Computer Vision method. The default value is False. |
Ignore selectors with IDX / tableRow / tableCol | Disable the full selector if the target selector
has a tableRow , tableCol , or an
idx attribute with a value higher than 1 and
anchors exist.
The settings below apply to indicated targets and anchors for Java applications.
Property name | Description |
Input mode |
Strict selector | If set to True, uses the Strict selector method. |
Fuzzy selector | If set to True, uses the Fuzzy selector method. |
Computer Vision | If set to True, uses the Computer Vision method. The default value is True. |
Ignore selectors with IDX / tableRow / tableCol | Disable the full selector if the target selector
has a tableRow , tableCol , or an
idx attribute with a value higher than 1 and
anchors exist.
The settings below apply to the Use Browser activity.
Property name | Description |
Open | In which cases to open the target application before executing
activities in it. The following options are available:
Close | In which cases to close the target application after executing
activities in it. The following options are available:
User data folder mode | The user data folder mode you want to set. It is used to start
the browser with a specific user data folder.
User data folder path | The path to the user data folder that the browser uses. |
Open browser timeout (seconds) | Configure the browser startup timeout. |
The settings below apply to the Type Into and Keyboard Shortcuts activities.
Property name | Description |
Type Into - Click before typing | Whether to click the specified UI element before typing the text,
and the type of click to perform. The following options are
Type Into - Empty field | Whether to delete the existing content before typing the text,
and how to clear the field. The following options are available:
Keyboard Shortcuts - Delay between shortcuts (seconds) | Delay time between consecutive special keys. |
The settings below apply to the Check App State, Extract Table Data, Highlight, Hover, Inject Js Script, Close Popup, and SAP Logon activities.
Property name | Description |
Check App State - Timeout (seconds) | How long to wait for the target element to appear or disappear. |
Extract Table Data - Delay between pages (seconds) | If the data spans multiple pages, how long to wait for each page to be loaded. |
Highlight - Duration (seconds) | How long to highlight the target element. |
Hover - Duration (seconds) | How long to hover over the target element. |
Inject Js Script - Execution world | Applies the InjectJs.ExecutionWorld setting globally. For details, see the Inject Js Script activity. |
Close Popup - Popup Appear Timeout | The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a pop-up to appear. |
SAP Logon - Number Of Retries | The number of times that the activity is trying to connect to SAP Scripting interface. |
SAP Logon - Retry Interval | Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) between each entry. |
Information about the methods used to identify targets and anchors, and the performance of each method at runtime can be saved in the Robot execution logs. The options apply to all supported activities.
Property name | Property Description | Impacted Activities |
Log target & anchor search steps | Log the methods used to identify targets and anchors. |
Log targeting methods timings | Log the performance of each targeting method. |
Log audit information | Specifies at what level the logs generated by the Use
Browser activity are stored. The following options are
| Use Browser |