- Overview
- Excel
- Release Notes
- About the Excel activity package
- Project compatibility
- Supported character encoding
- Project settings
- Add or Update Excel Sensitivity Label
- Append Range
- Auto Fill
- Autofit Range
- Change Pivot Data Source
- Clear Sheet/Range/Table
- Copy/Paste Range
- Create Pivot Table
- Delete Column
- Delete Rows
- Delete Sheet
- Duplicate Sheet
- Export to CSV
- Fill Range
- Filter
- Filter Pivot Table
- Find First/Last Data Row
- Find/Replace Value
- For Each Excel Row
- For Each Excel Sheet
- Format As Table
- Format Cells
- Get Cell Color
- Get Excel Chart
- Get Excel Sensitivity Label
- Get Selected Range
- Insert Column
- Insert Chart
- Insert Rows
- Insert Sheet
- Invoke VBA
- Lookup
- Match Function
- Protect Sheet
- Read Cell Formula
- Read Cell Value
- Read Range
- Refresh Excel Data Connections
- Refresh Pivot Table
- Remove Duplicates
- Rename Sheet
- Run Spreadsheet Macro
- Save Excel File
- Save Excel File As
- Save Excel File As PDF
- Select Range
- Sort Range
- Text to Columns
- Unprotect Sheet
- Update Excel Chart
- Use Excel File
- VLookup
- Write Cell
- Write CSV
- Write DataTable to Excel
- Excel Application Scope
- Append To CSV
- Read CSV
- Write CSV
- Delete Column
- Filter Table
- Get Table Range
- Insert Column
- Sort Table
- Append Range
- Close Workbook
- Get Cell Color
- Read Cell
- Read Cell Formula
- Read Column
- Read Range
- Read Row
- Select Range
- Set Range Color
- Write Cell
- Write Range
- Save Workbook
- Create Table
- Get Workbook Sheet
- Get Workbook Sheets
- Refresh Pivot Table
- Create Pivot Table
- Get Selected Range
- Copy Sheet
- Delete Range
- Auto Fill Range
- Copy Paste Range
- Execute Macro
- Insert/Delete Columns
- Insert/Delete Rows
- Invoke VBA
- LookUp Range
- Remove Duplicates Range
- Excel Process Scope
- Manage CSV Files
- Filter CSV Files
- Verify CSV Files
- Table Functions
- Manage Multiple Excel Files
- Interpret Excel Results
- Manage Pivot Tables
- Manage Range Selection
- Read From Excel Files
- Manage Databases in Excel
- Compare CSV Files
- Compare Numeric Values
- Sort Data in Excel Files
- Filter and Delete Rows in Excel Files
- Manipulate Range Selections
- Verify Excel Workbook Data
- Read, Write, and Append Data in Excel
- Google Workspace
- Release notes
- About the Google Workspace activities package
- Project compatibility
- Project settings
- Wait for Calendar Event Created and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Received and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Replied and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Updated and Resume
- Wait for Email Received and Resume
- Wait for Email Sent and Resume
- Wait for File Created and Resume
- Wait for File Updated and Resume
- Wait for Folder Created and Resume
- Wait for Sheet Created and Resume
- Wait for Sheet Cell Updated and Resume
- Wait for Row Added to the Bottom of a Sheet
- Wait for Task Created and Resume
- Wait for Task Completed and Resume
- Add Attendee
- Create Event
- Delete Event
- Modify Event
- Search Events
- Use Google Drive
- Share File
- Delete File Permission
- Get File Permissions
- Update File Permission
- Copy File
- Create Folder
- Delete File
- Download File
- Find Files and Folders
- Get File Info
- Move File
- Upload File
- Create Document
- Create New Spreadsheet
- Get Mail Messages
- Send Mail Messages
- Change Labels
- Use Google Spreadsheet
- Add Delete Columns
- Add Delete Rows
- Auto Fill Range
- Add New Sheet
- Append Row
- Batch Spreadsheet Updates
- Copy Sheet
- Copy Paste Range
- Delete Range
- Delete Sheet
- Get Cell Color
- Get Sheets
- Read Cell
- Read Column
- Read Range
- Read Row
- Rename Sheet
- Write Cell
- Write Range
- Clear Range
- Download Spreadsheet
- Use Google Document
- Batch Document Updates
- Get Document
- Get Text Index
- Insert Text
- Replace Text
- Read All Text
- Create Script Project
- Get Project Content
- Upload Script File
- Create Deployment
- Run Script
- Mail
- Microsoft 365
- Release notes
- About the Microsoft 365 activity package
- Project compatibility
- Project settings
- Wait for Email Sent and Resume
- Wait for Email Received and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Created and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Received and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Replied and Resume
- Wait for Calendar Event Updated and Resume
- Wait for File Created and Resume
- Wait for File Updated and Resume
- Wait for Worksheet Created and Resume
- Wait for Cell in Worksheet Updated and Resume
- Wait for Row Added to the Bottom of a Table and Resume
- Wait for List Item Added and Resume
- Wait for List Item Updated and Resume
- Connections
- AddEmailCategories
- ArchiveEmail
- DeleteEmail
- DownloadEmail
- DownloadEmailAttachment
- DownloadEmailAttachments
- ForwardEmail
- GetEmail
- GetEmailAttachmentsInfo
- GetEmails
- GetMailFolders
- GetNewestEmail
- MarkEmailAsRead
- MarkEmailAsUnread
- MoveEmail
- RemoveEmailCategories
- ReplyToEmail
- SendEmail
- TurnOffAutomaticReplies
- TurnOnAutomaticReplies
- Merge multiple sheets into a new summary Excel sheet
- Automatically accept calendar invites from your manager
- Move files to dedicated folders by type
- Verify if new employment documents (I9 and ID) match
- Add new customers to a SharePoint List
- Delete SharePoint List items newer than yesterday
- Notify me on Slack when an important Outlook Email is received
- Include creation date in new OneDrive file names
- Notify me by email when a new file is created
- Microsoft 365 Scope
- Add Sheet
- Append Range
- Clear Range
- Copy Range
- Copy Sheet
- Create Workbook
- Delete Range
- Delete Sheet
- Get Cell Color
- Get Sheets
- Read Cell
- Read Column
- Read Range
- Read Row
- Rename Sheet
- Write Cell
- Write Range
- Set Range Color
- Create Table
- Get Table Range
- Insert Column
- Delete Column
- Insert Rows
- Delete Rows
- VLookup Range
- Use OneDrive & SharePoint
- Copy File/Folder
- Create Folder
- Delete File/Folder
- Download File
- Export File as PDF
- Find Files And Folders
- Get File/Folder
- Move File/Folder
- Upload File
- Share File/Folder
- For Each File/Folder
- Forward Mail
- Get Mail
- Move Mail
- Send Mail
- Reply to Mail
- Delete Mail
- Set Mail Categories
- Add Attachment
- Add Attendee
- Add Location
- Create Event
- Delete Event
- Find Meeting Times
- Get Calendars
- Modify Event
- Search Events
- Create Group
- Delete Group
- Get Group
- List Groups
- Create Bucket
- Delete Bucket
- List Buckets
- List Bucket Tasks
- Create Plan
- Get Plan
- List Plans
- Create Task
- Delete Task
- Get Task
- List Tasks
- Update Task
- For Each List
- Get List Info
- For Each List Item
- Delete List Item
- Add List Items
- Update List Item
- Get List Items
- Authentication troubleshooting
- AADSTS50011: Redirect URI mismatch
- AADSTS50076: Using multifactor authentication
- AADSTS50079: The user is required to use multifactor authentication
- AADSTS500113: No reply address registered for the application
- AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application
- AADSTS7000218: The request body must contain the following parameter: client_assertion or client_secret
- AADSTS70002: InvalidClient - Error validating the credentials
- AADSTS50055: The password is expired
- AADSTS700082: The refresh token has expired due to inactivity
- AADSTS50194: Application is not configured as a multitenant application
- Mail troubleshooting
- Calendar troubleshooting
- Files troubleshooting
- Sheets troubleshooting
- Presentations
- Release Notes
- About the Presentations activity package
- Project compatibility
- Add or Update Powerpoint Sensitivity Label
- Add Data Table to Slide
- Add File to Slide
- Add Image or Video to Slide
- Add New Slide
- Add Text to Slide
- Copy Paste Slide
- Delete Slide
- Format Slide Content
- Get Powerpoint Sensitivity Label
- Replace Text in Presentation
- Paste Item Into Slide
- Run Presentation Macro
- Save PowerPoint File As
- Save Presentation as PDF
- Use PowerPoint Presentation
- Word
- Release Notes
- About the Word activities package
- Project compatibility
- Word Application Scope / Use Word File
- Add or Update Word Sensitivity Label
- Add Hyperlink to Document
- Add Picture
- Append Text
- Get Word Sensitivity Label
- Insert DataTable in Document
- Paste Chart/Picture Into Document
- Read Text
- Replace Picture
- Replace Text in Document
- Save Document As
- Save Document as PDF
- Set Bookmark Content

Productivity Activities
Interactive token
- Runs: as a user.
- Scenario: attended automation.
- Delegated permissions.
- Interactive Token authentication type can be used for attended automation and when multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required. This is the default option and what we use in our examples. If you're interested in trying out the activity package, this option is easy to configure and works well for personal accounts (using the default redirect URI noted in step 7 of the Register your application section of the guide).
- You have the option of registering and using your own Azure app (i.e., OAuthApplication = UiPath) or the one provided by UiPath
(OAuthApplication = Custom):
- UiPath Public App registration: The advantage of using the UiPath public app is that you don't need to configure or maintain the application Note: UiPath does not store any user data. The authentication token is saved only on your machine or in your Orchestrator bucket. See UiPath Public App registration.
- Custom App registration: The advantage of using your own custom app is that you can manage, customize, and assign permissions within your organization more granularly. See How to create an application for Microsoft 365 Scope connections.
- When you create a custom application, you must select an application type. For interactive token authentication, use a mobile/desktop application (which uses OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow) with a Redirect URI of type Public client/native (mobile & desktop).
- When you run the Microsoft 365 activity for the first time using this authentication type, you are prompted to authorize access to the resources (you granted permissions to when registering your app) via a consent dialogue box. See Get access on behalf of a user.
- A single organization can have multiple application (client) IDs. Each application (client) ID contains its own permissions and authentication requirements. For example, you and your colleague can both register a Microsoft 365 application in your company's Azure Active Directory with different permissions. Your app can be configured to authorize permissions to interact with files only, while your colleague's app is configured to authorize permissions to interact with files, mail, and calendar.
- If you select this authentication type in Microsoft 365 Scope, leave the Username and Password fields empty. If you're using a single tenant app, configure the Tenant field. If you're using a multitenant app (the UiPath public app is multitenant), you can leave the Tenant field empty.
When you add an activity to Microsoft 365 Scope, its required scopes are automatically detected. You can also choose to allow additional scopes or fewer scopes. If fewer scopes are selected, some activity functionalities might not work. For more information, see Working with activity scopes.
The UiPath Public App is registered with the following information:
- Name: UiPathStudioO365App
- Client ID:
- Scopes: Calendars.Read, Calendars.Read.Shared, Calendars.ReadWrite, Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared, Chat.ReadWrite, email, EWS.AccessAsUser.All, Files.Read, Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite, Files.ReadWrite.All, Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All, Mail.Read, Mail.Read.Shared, Mail.ReadWrite, Mail.ReadWrite.Shared, Mail.Send, Mail.Send.Shared, offline_access, openid, Presence.Read, Presence.Read.All, profile, Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All, User.Read, User.Read.All.
To enable the Microsoft 365 classic activities, your app must be integrated with the Microsoft identity platform and have the correct Microsoft Graph API permissions assigned to it.
To integrate your application, assign permissions, and start building your automation project, complete the following steps:
- Register your application.
- Add API permissions.
- Build your project.
After registering your Microsoft 365 application, Azure Active Directory assigns a unique application (client) ID that you enter in the Microsoft 365 Scope activity along with the services that you assigned permissions to (e.g., files, mail, calendar).
- Sign in to the Azure portal using your personal, work, or school Microsoft 365 account.
- In the left-hand navigation panel, click Azure Active Directory.
- After the Azure Active Directory page opens, click App registrations.
Click + New registration in the top navigation bar.
- Enter a Name for your application (e.g., "Office365App").
Under Supported account types, select the option that applies to you. For more information about which option to select, refer to Who can sign in to you app?:
- Accounts in this organizational directory only - Use this option if your target audience is internal to your organization. This represents a single tenant application.
- Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) - Use this option if your target audience is business or educational customers. This represents a multitenant application.
- Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox) - Use this option to target the widest set of Microsoft identities. This represents a multitenant application.
Under Redirect URI (optional), enter a URI address (if applicable). The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL.NET) uses a default redirect URI:
. This value will likely work for you when using the Interactive Token authentication type.- Your selection is dependent on your authentication type. For more information on this topic, see How to connect to Microsoft 365 activities).
- In our example, the organization supports multi-tenant authentication and can only use the Interactive token authentication type which requires a redirect URI.
- If you use Interactive Token and the default Microsoft Redirect URI, you must add a platform of type Mobile and desktop applications. For more information, see Configure platform settings in the Microsoft documentation.
- If your authentication type is Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) or Username and Password, you don't need to register a redirect URI for your application. These flows do a round trip to the Microsoft identity platform v2.0 endpoint, and your application won't be called back on any specific URI.
When working with Microsoft 365 in a UiPath Studio project targeting .NET 5.0, add
to the Redirect URI of your custom applications.For more information, see Desktop app-registration in the Microsoft identity platform documentation.
Select Register.Note: This setup is just an example. Follow the steps described in the documentation and make selections based on your organization's policies.
You're done! Now, let's add API permissions to your registered application.
Interactive Token authentication uses delegated permissions.
- From your registered application page (Azure portal > Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Office365App), select API permissions in the left-hand navigation panel.
- After the API permission page opens, click + Add a permission (this opens the Request API permissions window).
- Under Select an API, click Microsoft APIs (may be open by default).
Under Commonly used Microsoft APIs, click Microsoft Graph.
Under What type of permissions does your application require?, select Delegated permissions to show the list of permissions. For more information about permission types, see Configure a client application to access web APIs in the Microsoft Azure documentation.
Use the search bar or scroll down the alphabetical list and select the following permissions:Note: These permissions are not all mandatory. The provided list represents the complete set of permissions required to run all Microsoft 365 activities. You can restrict permissions depending on your particular use case. Check out the activities documentation pages to learn what permissions they need.
- Calendars.Read
- Calendars.ReadWrite
- Files.Read
- Files.Read.All
- Files.ReadWrite
- Files.ReadWrite.All
- Sites.Read.All
- Sites.ReadWrite.All
- Mail.Read
- Mail.ReadWrite
- Mail.Send
- Users
- User.Read
Shared (scopes needed to access resources that are shared with, but not owned by, the user.)
- Mail.Read.Shared
- Mail.ReadWrite.Shared
- Mail.Send.Shared
- Calendars.Read.Shared
- Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared
Select Add permissions to return to your list of API permissions.
Make sure your API permissions include your added Calendars, Files, User, and Mail permissions.
Create a new automation project.
Open UiPath Studio.
Under New Project, click Process. This opens a New Blank Process window.
Enter a project Name, Location, and Description.
Choose the Compatibility. Windows is selected by default.
Click Create.
Install the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities package.
- From the Design ribbon, select Manage Packages.
- Under All Packages, in the Search bar, enter Office 365 or Microsoft.
- Select the package version you want, then select Install.
- Click the Save button.
You're done! Now that you have completed the setup, you can start adding the Microsoft 365 activities to your project.
For a hands-on learning experience and to quickly start using the activities, see the Quickstart guides. These guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you create working samples of the different activities so that you can verify the connection to your registered app and get familiar with the input/output properties.
To learn more about the Microsoft 365 activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the Classic activities for a complete list and links to the activity detailed pages.