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Action Center

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Working with actions overview

Viewing by Action Catalog

To change the Action Catalog:

  1. Click the docs image icon next to Action Catalog.
  2. Select an action catalog from the drop-down list.

Click next to Action Catalog, to go back to viewing actions from all action catalogs.

Viewing by creation time

To change the Creation Time:

  1. Click the docs image icon next to Creation Time.
  2. Select one of the options below from the drop-down list:

    • Last hour
    • Last 24 hours
    • Last week
    • Last 30 days.

Viewing actions through status frames

For example, if you want to see what are the pending Actions that are assigned to you, click the Pending Actions frame. This will redirect you to the Inbox tab, where a list of all pending Actions, created in the specified time, is displayed.

Viewing actions through status tabs

To view actions through status tabs, click one of the status tabs to display an overview of your Pending,Completed, or Unassigned Actions, based on their Type and Priority.

Viewing Actions by priority

For example, to see an overview of your high priority actions created in a specified time, and that you completed:

  1. Click the Completed status tab and go to the Actions by priority pie chart.
  2. Hover over the slice that represents High priority Actions, and click it.

Result: You are redirected to the Inbox tab, inside the Completed tab of the My Actions view, where filters for Time and Priority are applied to the Action list.

Customizing the Actions by Priority pie chart

You can customize the Actions by Priority pie chart, by removing certain priority types from the chart.

To remove a type of priority from your pie chart, go to the priority type legend and click the priority type that you want to remove.

Viewing Actions by type

For example, to see an overview of your Document Validation Actions created in a specified time, and that are pending:

  1. Click the Pending status tab and go to the Actions by Type pie chart.
  2. Hover over the slice that represents Document Validation Actions and click it.

Result: You are then redirected to the Inbox tab, inside the Pending tab of the My Actions view, where filters for Time and Type are applied to the Action list.

Customizing the Actions by Type pie chart

You can customize the Actions by Type pie chart, by removing certain Action types from the chart.

To remove a type of Action from your pie chart, go to the Action type legend and click the Action type that you want to remove.

Viewing a user's Inbox

To view a user's inbox of Actions:

  1. Switch to the Manage Actions view and go to the All Users table.
  2. Hover over the table row that holds information about a user.
  3. Click the View Inboxdocs image icon.

Result: You are redirected to the Inbox tab, inside the Pending tab, in the Manage Actions view, where a filter for User and Time is applied.

Viewing a user's actions overview

To view a user's Actions overview:

  1. Switch to the Manage Actions view and go to the All Users table.
  2. Hover over the table row that holds information about a user.
  3. Click the View action summarydocs image icon.

Result: You are redirected to the All Users / [User name] view.

Searching users in the All Users table

To see the actions of a specific user inside the All Users table, you can search for the username in the Search bar.

Removing columns from the All Users table

You can customize the All Users table, by removing columns from the table. Click next to Columns and deselect the column you wish to remove.

Downloading actions

Inside the Manage Actions view, click the docs image icon to download a list of all Actions. A zip file, containing two csv files is downloaded. In the csv files, Actions are displayed in descending order, by priority and creation time.

Printing actions

Inside the Manage Actions view, click the icon to print the current view of the Actions tab.

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