- Release notes Action Center
- Getting started
- Activities
- Designing long-running workflows
- Start Job And Get Reference
- Wait For Job And Resume
- Add Queue Item And Get Reference
- Wait For Queue Item And Resume
- Wait For Form Task And Resume
- Resume After Delay
- Assign Tasks
- Create External Task
- Wait For External Task And Resume
- Complete Task
- Forward Task
- Get Form Tasks
- Get Task Data
- Get App Tasks
- Add Task Comment
- Update Task Labels
- Configure task timer
- Actions
- Processes
- Notifications
- Audit

Action Center
Get Form Tasks
Helps you query a single Action or a set of Actions filtered by specific criteria, namely the Action's DTO properties:
- Status
- Title
- ID
- Priority
- TaskCatalogName
- AssignedToUser
- CreatorUser
- LastModifierUser
- CreationTime
- LastModificationTime
- OrganizationUnitID
The output object of the Get Form Tasks activity can be used in any other persistence activity, for example Wait For Form Task And Resume, to cover the scenarios that require another workflow to wait on the Actions, different than the workflow that created those Actions (for example, building a recovery workflow in case the current job fails). You can also pass the output object to a different process as input, so that you don't need to wait for all the Actions to be completed until the initial process resumes.
Designer panel
- Task Catalog Name - The action's catalog name that was set using the Create Form Task activity.
- Reference - The Action reference that was set using the Create Form Task activity.
- Filter - The OData
option, used to filter the retrieved actions by the specified criteria. This field supports only strings and String variables. For example,Status in ('Pending', 'Unassigned'), and Priority eq 'High'
. - Select - The OData
option, used to retrieve a subset of the action's properties. You are required to input the ID option. Therefore, if you want to retrieve the Action Catalogs, the query you would use is"Id, TaskCatalogName"
. This field supports only strings and String variables. - Task Objects (Output) - The list of output objects that match the criteria set in the activity. The output is returned from Orchestrator as a
object. Use this object to create a recovery workflow or to pass it as input to a different process.
Properties panel
- ContinueOnError - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
- DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
- TimeoutMS - Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
- Orchestrator Folder Path - The path to the Orchestrator Folder you want to use with this activity. If left empty, the current Orchestrator folder is used. This field supports only strings and String variables.
- Reference - The Action's reference that was set using the Create Form Task activity.
- Task Catalog Name - The action's catalog name that was set using the Create Form Task activity.
- Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
OData Query Options
OData Query Option |
Description |
Field Data Type |
Example |
Expand |
The OData
expand option, used to display the related entities of a criterion.
String |
Filter |
The OData
filter option, used to filter the retrieved actions by the specified criteria.
String |
Order By |
The OData
orderby option, used to order the retrieved actions ascending (asc ) or descdending (desc ) by a specified criterion.
String |
Select |
The OData
select option, used to retrieve a subset of the action's properties.
String |
Skip |
The OData
skip option, used to skip a number of actions from being retrieved.
Int32 |
Top |
The OData
top option, used to set the number of records to be retrieved, limited to 1000 records at a time. If left empty, top 100 records
are retrieved.
Int32 |
- Task Objects (Output) - The list of output objects that match the criteria set in the activity. The output is returned from Orchestrator as a
object. Use this object to create a recovery workflow or to pass it as input to a different process.
- Task Catalog Name - The action's catalog name that was set using the Create Form Task activity.
- Reference - The Action reference that was set using the Create Form Task activity.
- Filter - The OData
option, used to filter the retrieved actions by the specified criteria. This field supports only strings and String variables. For example,Status in ('Pending', 'Unassigned'), and Priority eq 'High'
. - Select - The OData
option, used to retrieve a subset of the action's properties. You are required to input the ID option. Therefore, if you want to retrieve the Action Catalogs, the query you would use is"Id, TaskCatalogName"
. This field supports only strings and String variables. - Task Objects (Output) - The list of output objects that match the criteria set in the activity. The output is returned from Orchestrator as a
object. Use this object to create a recovery workflow or to pass it as input to a different process.
Advanced options
- ContinueOnError - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
- TimeoutMS - Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
- Orchestrator Folder Path - The path to the Orchestrator Folder you want to use with this activity. If left empty, the current Orchestrator folder is used. This field supports only strings and String variables.
OData Query Options
OData Query Option |
Description |
Field Data Type |
Example |
Expand |
The OData
expand option, used to display the related entities of a criterion.
String |
Order by |
The OData
orderby option, used to order the retrieved actions ascending (asc ) or descdending (desc ) by a specified criterion.
String |
Skip |
The OData
skip option, used to skip a number of
actions from being retrieved.
Int32 |
Top |
The OData
top option, used to set the number of
records to be retrieved, limited to 1000 records at a time. If
left empty, top 100 records are retrieved.
Int32 |
- Get the IDs of Form Tasks of High priority that are Pending, ordered by
their title in descending order.
- Filter:
"((Priority eq 'High') and (Status eq 'Pending'))"
- Order By:
"Title desc"
- Select:
- Filter:
- Get the Action Catalog where all the Form Tasks that are Unassigned and of
Medium priority are stored in, and order them by their title in ascending
- Filter:
"((Priority eq 'Medium') and (Status eq 'Unassigned'))"
- Order By:
"Title asc"
- Select:
"Id, TaskCatalogName"
- Filter: