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Automation Cloud admin guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Managing tenants

Tip: For examples on how you can use tenants to create separation of resources within your organization, refer to Examples of platform modelling.


Adding tenants

'Pro Trial' image'Pro Plan' image'Enterprise Plan' image


This feature is not available on the Community or Free licensing plans. These organizations are limited to one tenant, which is created automatically.

For Pro Trial users, all tenants are created in the region where the organization data resides.

For Pro and Enterprise customers, if you need it to be in a different region, you can create a new tenant in your preferred region.

To create a new tenant:

  1. Go to Admin.
  2. In the left panel, select + next to the Tenants header to add a tenant:

    The Create a new tenant wizard opens on the first step, General.

  3. Enter a name for your tenant in the Tenant Name field.

    You can enter up to 32 alphabetical or numeric characters, starting with a letter. No spaces or special characters are allowed.

    Important: You can change the tenant name later, but there are consequences.
  4. (Optional) From the Color list to the right of the Tenant Name field, choose a color to show in the header when this tenant is selected.

    This can help users easily tell which tenant they're currently working in:

  5. If you want to use this tenant as a canary tenant, select Use as a canary environment.

    For more information, refer to Using a Canary Tenant.

    Note: If you already have a canary tenant, even if it is currently disabled, you cannot select the checkbox to create another canary tenant.
  6. From the Tenant Region list, choose the region for hosting your service data for this tenant.
    Important: You cannot change the tenant region yourself after you create the tenant. If you need to change it later, you must open a Support ticket .

    When a tenant and associated data are moved to a new region, the tenant ID and folder ID are changed. You must update your projects with the new tenant and folder IDs.

  7. Select Next to proceed to the next step.
  8. Select the checkboxes for the services that you want to make available within the new tenant.

    The Orchestrator service is mandatory. Other services are only available if you have free licenses for the service.

    Note: If a service is only available in a different region than the selected tenant region, the region where that particular service will be hosted is displayed on the card for the service. For more informations, refer to Tenant and service regions.
  9. Select Next to proceed to the next step.

    On the License Allocation step, we automatically fill in the license quantities to allocate all your free licenses to the tenant.

  10. If you want to keep some of your available licenses for other tenants, reduce the quantity for each license type to the amount you want to allocate to this tenant.

    The number of licenses you have available is displayed under each license type. This is the number of licenses you have before creating this tenant and out of which you can allocate to this tenant.

  11. Select Create to close the wizard and create the tenant.

The new tenant is added to the Tenants panel on the left.

The loading icon is displayed while tenant provisioning is in progress.

After the icon disappears:

  • The tenant and its services are ready for use.
  • The tenant is available to users from the tenant picker in the top right of the page, but they only have read-only access.

Next steps: To be able to work in the tenant, you or a service administrator must assign roles and licenses for the services in the new tenant to users. For more information, refer to:

Changing the tenant region

Enterprise customers can choose the region of tenants when creating them. However, after creating the tenant you cannot change the region yourself.

If you need to move a tenant to a different region, open an SLA ticket and request the move to one of the available regions.

Using a canary tenant

'Enterprise' image

You can add a canary tenant to your organization to view and test upcoming changes before they reach your other tenants. The canary tenant serves as an isolated medium that uses your current setup where you can check on the impact that upcoming changes have within the context of your current organization.

With a canary tenant, you can:

  • view and test enterprise-only features before they reach enterprise environments
  • test and run the same automations that you use in production.
  • Do not use the canary tenant for production.

  • This feature is a medium made available to you for testing purposes only and does not benefit from the same enterprise commitments as your other tenants.

  • The uptime guarantee offered by your enterprise plan does not apply to the canary tenant.

  • While we encourage reporting any potential issues you encounter within the canary tenant, please note that we will address them on a best-effort basis only.

Early access window

The canary tenant receives updates to enterprise functionality for all of the supported services as soon as they are announced in the release notes, while your other tenants receive them at least 3 days later.

Included services

Only the certain UiPath® cloud services are available to be provisioned in a canary tenant, as described in the following table:

Service name


Release notes


Data retention for Orchestrator within the canary tenant is reduced to the thresholds for community plans.

If a service is not listed in the table, then it does not receive early updates in the canary tenant.

Note: To provision a service in your canary tenant, you need to have licenses for that service.

Data residency

The canary tenant and its service data is always hosted in the European Union (Europe) region and you cannot choose a different region.


To make the most of your canary tenant, we recommend setting it up in the same way as your production tenants. This includes replicating the same:

  • tenant settings in UiPath Orchestrator
  • service-level settings for each of the services you provisioned in the canary tenant
  • service-level roles and user licenses for your users
  • automations in Orchestrator - You can use the UiPath Orchestrator Manager to copy data from one of your tenants to the canary tenant.

Editing tenants

When editing tenant settings, you can change the name, color, enable, disable, or delete the tenant.

Changing the tenant name or color

  1. Go to Admin and select the tenant in the panel on the left.
  2. Select Settings.

    The Settings page for the selected tenant opens.

  3. Edit the tenant name if needed.
    Important: Changing a tenant's name disconnects your Robots and Mobile Orchestrator users, and invalidates any pending user invites. Refer to Impact of Changing Tenant Names.
  4. From the list to the right of the name, select a different header color for the tenant, if needed.
  5. Select Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation message appears in the top right of the screen.

Impact of changing tenant names

Changing the name of any of your tenants greatly impacts your previous UiPath service configurations:

  • Robots configured at Orchestrator services level are disconnected. Reconnect your robots, entering the new URLs.
  • Service URLs previously bookmarked don't work anymore. Send your users the new URLs.
  • Mobile Orchestrator users are disconnected. Send them the new service URLs to connect again.
  • User invites sent before the change are not valid anymore. Send new invites for your colleagues who haven’t joined yet.

Enabling or disabling a tenant

Disabled tenants remain visible to organization administrators in the Tenants panel of the Admin page, but the tenant and its services are no longer available to users. Also, the licenses that were allocated to the tenant are released and returned to the organization's pool of licenses.

All data for the services is kept. You can later enable the tenant to access its services again.

  1. Go to Admin and select the tenant in the panel on the left.
  2. Select Settings.

    The Settings page for the selected tenant opens.

  3. Under Disable Tenant, select Enable or Disable, depending on the current state of the tenant.

    A warning dialog opens.

  4. In the dialog, select Enable or Disable to proceed.

A loading icon is shown next to the tenant in the Tenants panel on the left while the change is being processed.

After the icon disappears:

  • If you disabled the tenant, Disabled appears to its right and the tenant and its services are no longer available to users.
  • If you enabled the tenant, it is now restored as it was before being disabled. All licenses that it used before are also re-allocated if they were available in the organization pool. The tenant and its services are now available for use.

Moving tenant service data to a different region


To schedule data moves to a new region, contact UiPath Support to request enabling this feature for your cloud organization.

Before you begin

Before you begin, read the following information:

  • Depending on the services used by your tenant, multiple days to perform the move for cloud services may be necessary. The move date(s) are determined based on required version compatibility across regions.

  • Changing a tenant's region does not affect the region for your other tenants or for your organization.

    To schedule a move to a new target region for your organization, follow the Performing a cloud organization data move procedure.

    For more information, refer to Organization and tenant services data.

  • To schedule a move to a new target region for multiple tenants, schedule the moves individually for each tenant.

  • While a four-hour window for region change is allocated, the average move downtime lasts less than 30 minutes. However, this interval can vary, depending on the size of the tenant. In rare cases, particularly for very large tenants, the move may take longer than hours.

  • During the scheduled downtime window you requested for the region move to be executed in, you are temporarily unable to access your tenant. During this time, any running jobs are paused and automatically resume after the move.

  • We recommend notifying your cloud organization members about the scheduled downtime window in advance.

  • Your robot execution logs history are only kept for 30 days. You can export the logs, if you want to preserve them. For more details, refer to Robot logs.

  • If you currently have any scheduled robot jobs or suspended robot jobs, we recommend temporarily disabling them during the downtime window. This proactive step helps ensure a seamless data migration process.

  • If you have processes within any tenants that are integrated with UiPath Apps, you must make some edits and replacements to update references. For details, refer to Replacing a process.

  • Insights service can be moved to a new region, but backfilling historical data can only be done within 30 days after moving Orchestrator. If Orchestrator is moved more than 30 days before Insights, Insights is moved without historical data. Therefore, after the transfer, users only have access to limited data.

Performing a tenant service data move

To schedule a move for the data of your tenant services to a new target region, take the following steps:
  1. Go to Admin and select the tenant you want to move.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Under Region, select Change region.

    The Change tenant region wizard opens.

    Follow the three steps in the Change tenant region wizard to proceed: select the region, select the downtime window, and confirm the details.

  4. Select the region

    Select a target region from the Tenant target region dropdown.

    Review the services available to move.


    Region availability and data move capabilities vary depending on the specific service.

    If a service you want to move is not available for scheduling, contact UiPath support.

    Select Next.

  5. Select the downtime window
    Select a preferred time from the Downtime window dropdown that has the least impact on your operations.

    A downtime window is automatically assigned and will be used if you do not select a preferred window.

    Select Next.

  6. Confirm the details

    Review the details before requesting to move tenant services data.

    Select Schedule.

    The status for your tenant region on the Admin, Tenant, Settings page changes to: Region change scheduled.

  7. Select Region change scheduled to display the details for your tenant move.

  8. To check the new tenant region, once the service and metadata move is performed, navigate to the Region section in Admin, Tenant, Settings.

Canceling a tenant service data move

If you scheduled the move by mistake or need to cancel for any reason before the move of any services starts, take the following steps:
  1. Navigate to Admin.
  2. Select the tenant for which you want to cancel the scheduled move.
  3. Select Region change scheduled.
  4. Select Cancel request in the Scheduled data move right panel.
If you need assistance with canceling your region change, contact UiPath Support.

Deleting a tenant

When deleting a tenant, you remove the tenant from your organization and also delete all of its services and any service data.

After deleting a tenant, all its licenses are freed up and available for you to allocate to other tenants.

Note: If any processes are being executed in the tenant's Orchestrator service, you cannot delete the tenant.
  1. Go to Admin and select the tenant in the panel on the left.
  2. Select Settings.

    The Settings page for the selected tenant opens.

  3. Under Delete tenant permanently, select Delete, depending on the current state of the tenant.

    The Delete Tenant dialog opens.

  4. In the field, enter the tenant name, exactly as it is shown, including the letter case, and then select Delete.

A loading icon is displayed next to the tenant in the Tenants panel while the deletion is in progress. When complete, the tenant is removed from the Tenants panel.

Editing tenant licenses

In Admin > Tenant > Licenses, you can view information about the licenses currently allocated to each tenant.

To change the license quantities, select Edit allocation in the top right corner.

For more information, refer to Allocating licenses to tenants.

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