- Getting Started
- Introduction
- Using Autopilot in Apps
- Using App Studio
- Exporting an App
- Importing an App
- Regions and Instances
- Demo apps
- How To
- Notifications
- Using VB Expressions
- Designing your App
- Designing your app with Autopilot
- Events and Rules
- Rule: If-Then-Else
- Rule: Open a Page
- Rule: Open URL
- Rule: Close Pop-Over/Bottom Sheet
- Rule: Show Message
- Rule: Show/Hide Spinner
- Rule: Set Value
- Rule: Start Process
- Rule: Reset Values
- Rule: Upload File to Storage Bucket
- Rule: Download File From Storage Bucket
- Rule: Create Entity Record
- Rule: Update Entity Record
- Rule: Delete Entity Record
- Rule: Add to Queue
- Rule: Trigger workflow
- Rule: Submit Action
- Leveraging RPA in your App
- Leveraging Entities in Your App
- Leveraging Queues in Your App
- Leveraging Media in your app
- Leveraging Actions in your app
- Leveraging Connections in your apps
- Apps in Studio Web
- Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- UiPath® First-Party Apps
- Basic Troubleshooting Guide

Apps User Guide
Using Autopilot in Apps
Autopilot in Apps allows you to create an app using natural language, images, PDF documents or entities. Autopilot can help you accelerate your app development, implement various VB expressions with ease, digitise legacy paper forms, or build data-driven apps based on your existing entities in Data Service.
Autopilot in Apps supports localization across all supported languages. You can write the text prompt in languages other than English, and use images or PDF files that are not written in English. Autopilot can also generate VB expressions which you can use in apps. If you select the Create entity option, Autopilot also generates an entity for your app and uploads data to it.
You can use the resulting app immediately as-is, or you can perform any desired changes or improvements using the existing Apps controls and features.
All Autopilot AI features are turned on by default.
To disable Autopilot features in Apps, an Admin can disable AI capabilities from the Governance Policy in Automation Ops.
Autopilot for Apps also provides a series of predefined templates. These include:
A lead capture app that collects personal details, company details, lead source and a file.
An employee info collection app that collects personal details, employment details, a start date and two files.
A form with name, email, and phone fields.
They can be used as-is, or modified using the Apps controls.
The AI Trust Layer policy to be enabled by the admin within Automation Ops.
A Document Understanding license (for app generation from an image or PDF).
Text in images and PDFs should be sufficiently readable for the AI to digitize them.
PDFs and images should contain forms.
Images should be larger than 50 x 50 pixels, but smaller than 10,000 x 10,000 pixels.
Autopilot does not support custom rules.
PDFs or images with a large number of fields may not function optimally.
Autopilot currently only supports single-page forms.
Autopilot may not correctly process forms with large volumes of text.
Autopilot currently only supports generation of an app from a single entity.
Autopilot does not support rendering data from an entity.
Autopilot currently only supports the integration of entities. Prompts related to storage buckets or processes are not currently supported.
Autopilot currently supports the following controls:
Radio button
Date picker
Textbox email
Textbox number
Page container
Text area
Multi-select dropdown
Edit grid
The following controls are currently not supported in Autopilot:
Rich text editor
File uploader
Document viewer
File downloader
Container layout
Custom list
Custom HTML
Every user of an organization receives five Autopilot actions per day to use across all products, including Apps. Across app and page creation, as well as expression generation, each request consumes one Autopilot action.
Apps checks for the available Autopilot actions when the request is made. If you have exhausted all Autopilot actions, Apps returns an error message. If generation of the AI output fails, no Autopilot actions are deducted.
For more information on licensing plans, please visit the Licensing plan breakdown page.