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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Mar 12, 2025


The following table lists the activities included in this package.



Wait for an Event on Slack and ResumePause the workflow at runtime and wait for an event to occur in Slack and resume.

Creates a public or private channel in Slack.

Invites Slack users to an existing channel that you're a member of.

Removes a specific Slack user from an existing channel that you're a member and administrator of.

Upload and send a file to one or more channels in Slack.

Sends a message to a conversation for a public channel, a private channel, a private group or an instant message in Slack.

Send Message to UserSends a message to an individual user.

Sends a reply to a chat.

Send Button ResponseRespond to a button click event in Slack.
Create User GroupCreates a user group in Slack.
Get UserGet the information of an user in the workspace by providing the email address.
List All User GroupsLists all user groups in the connected workspace.
List All UsersLists all users in the connected workspace
Set Channel TopicSets the topic of a channel that is visible on the channel header.
Join ChannelJoin a public channel as the bot user or as the current authenticated user.
Archive ChannelArchive an existing channel for everyone.
Create Group Direct MessageCreate a group direct message.
Get Channel InfoRetrieve the information of a public or private channels.

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