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Test Suite User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Defect synchronization

You can synchronize execution results with external tools, as part of the Application Lifecycle Management tool integration. Information that is gathered during execution, such as results, logs, timestamps, and other details is synchronized with the tool that you have integrated with Test Manager.

Please note that at the moment there can be only one connection which is enabled for defect synchronization overall per project.


Who can synchronize defects

All user roles aside from Read-only can synchronize defects.

For more information see User and Group Access Management.

Create defect

You can create defects when you access test case logs in the Execution page.

  1. Navigate to Execution
  2. Open a test result and the click the test case key to open the logs.
  3. Click Tasks and select Create Defect.
    Figure 1. The Tasks dropdown list displaying the Create Defect action

The defect is created and synchronized with your external tool. You can open the defect directly in the tool (e.g., Atlassian Jira) by navigating to the test execution result that has a synchronized defect.

Unlink defect

When you unlink defects from an external tool, the entry created in the tool remains unchanged. In Test Manager, the test execution result will not be linked with an external tool.

  1. Navigate to Execution
  2. Open a test result and then click Tasks
  3. Select Unlink Defect.
  • Who can synchronize defects
  • Create defect
  • Unlink defect

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