- Getting started
- Swagger definition
- Orchestrator APIs
- Alerts Requests
- Assets Requests
- Calendars requests
- Environments requests
- Folders requests
- Generic Tasks requests
- Jobs requests
- Libraries requests
- License requests
- Packages requests
- Permissions requests
- Personal workspaces requests
- Processes requests
- Queue Items requests
- Queue retention policy requests
- Robots requests
- Roles requests
- Schedules requests
- Settings requests
- Storage bucket requests
- Tasks requests
- Task Catalogs requests
- Task Forms requests
- Tenants requests
- Transactions requests
- Users requests
- Webhooks requests

Orchestrator API guide
Response codes
The Orchestrator API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.
On top of those, the Orchestrator API also returns some custom error codes. The table below describes each of these errors and when you can encounter them.
Code |
Text |
Description |
1000 |
Invalid request! Invalid username/email address or password. Invalid OData query options. |
Generic |
1001 |
The name [CustomNameYouAdded] is already used. |
An error message that is thrown if you try to create or edit a resource with a name that already exists in the database. This error is returned for the following endpoints:
1002 |
Robot does not exist. |
An error message that is thrown if you make a request to a resource that does not exist in the database. It is returned for tenants, assets, jobs, host licenses, queues and queue items, processes, settings, and users. |
1003 |
Protect call failed for provided string. |
1004 |
This message is thrown if you try to create an asset or Robot that already exists in the database. This also applies to uploading a package. |
1006 |
1007 |
This error is displayed if you try to update a transaction comment that was added by a different user, by making a PUT request
to the
/odata/QueueItemComments(Id) endpoint.
1008 |
An error thrown if Orchestrator failed to send an email to a user when performing a POST, PUT, or PATCH request to the
/odata/Users endpoint.
1009 |
Invalid argument [ArgumentName]. | |
1010 |
| |
1011 |
Cannot open libraries feed. Try again later. |
This message is displayed if the libraries feed cannot be accessed, due to various reasons. The error can be returned by the following endpoints:
1012 |
This error is thrown if the organization unit you are trying to delete has users associated to it. This is an error displayed
when making a DELETE call to the
/odata/OrganizationUnits endpoint.
1013 |
Package is referred in active processes and cannot be deleted. |
An error displayed when trying to delete a package version that is active, such as a DELETE request to https:/uipath.platform.com/odata/Processes('input_output_test%3A1.1.0'). Only inactive packages (not associated with an environment) can be removed. |
1014 |
Parameter [ParameterName] is missing. |
This is a generic error that is thrown when a required parameter was not provided. This error can be displayed for the following endpoints:
1015 |
Parameter [ParameterName] is invalid. Value should be between 0 and 168. |
This error is displayed in the following scenarios:
1016 |
Error creating [ReferenceName]. Duplicate Reference. (Example: Error creating UiPath.Core.Model.Queues.UiQueueItem. Duplicate Reference.) |
This error is displayed if you tried to add a queue item with a reference that already exists. This occurs only if you set your queue to work only with unique references. |
1017 |
Downloading the specified package is not allowed. Terms and Conditions must be accepted. |
A message displayed if the user you are authenticated with does not have rights to download a specific package or library,
by performing GET requests to the
/odata/Processes/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.DownloadPackage(key='key') or `/odata/Libraries/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.DownloadPackage(key='{key
1018 |
Cannot connect to AD domain. User does not exist. |
This error message is displayed when you are trying to import and AD user which is not a member of the specified domain. |
1050 |
Cannot include specified relationship. |
Audit |
1100 |
The user is no longer associated with the organization unit. |
Only displayed if organization units are enabled. This error is displayed if you are trying to make calls using a user that is associated to a different organization unit than the one you are trying to access. |
1101 |
Only displayed if organization units are enabled on your Orchestrator instance. The error is thrown when making POST requests endpoint without including an organization unit as a parameter. |
1102 |
The organization unit doesn't exist or is no longer associated with the user. |
Only displayed if organization units are enabled. This error message is thrown when making a POST request to the
/odata/Users(Id)/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.ToggleOrganizationUnit endpoint if the user you are authenticated with is not associated with the organization unit provided as a parameter or does
not exist.
1200 |
There is already a robot on this machine with a different license key. |
This error message is displayed if a Robot is already present on the specified machine with a different license key. It is thrown for the following endpoints:
1201 |
This error message is thrown if there are no more licenses on Orchestrator for the Robot you are trying to start a job on. |
1202 |
The machine [MachineName] cannot be deleted because it has robots attached to it. |
This error message is thrown if you are trying to delete a machine that has Robots defined on it. |
1203 |
Invalid license key. The machine key is linked to another machine! |
Robots |
1204 |
Robots |
1205 |
Username is required if the password is set. | |
1206 |
Busy robots cannot be modified or deleted. |
This message is displayed if you are trying to delete a Robot that is currently executing a job. |
1207 |
Robots |
1208 |
MachineLicenseCannotChange ;
InvalidNonProductionMachineSlots ;
InvalidUnattendedMachineSlots .
Robots |
1209 |
Cannot update the Username, Machine or Type of a busy Robot! |
This message is displayed if you are trying to update a Robot that is currently executing a job. |
1222 |
This is an alert that is triggered when a Robot disconnects from Orchestrator. |
1223 |
This is an alert that is triggered when a Robot connected to Orchestrator becomes unresponsive. |
1250 |
This error message is thrown in the following cases:
1300 |
Conflict (409) |
1301 |
Conflict (409) |
1302 |
Conflict (409) |
1400 |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1401 |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1403 |
Change Password |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1404 |
The password has expired. |
This error message is displayed when the password you are trying to log in with has expired. |
1405 |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1406 |
This message is shown if you are trying to delete the Administrator role. |
1407 |
The user you are currently authenticated with does not have the right to edit to the indicated user. |
1408 |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1409 |
This error message is displayed if the password reset procedure failed. |
1410 |
Email confirmation failed. | |
1411 |
This error is returned if you are trying to use an old password during the reset password procedure. |
1412 |
This message is displayed if you are trying to make changes to the Administrator role, which is not editable. |
1413 |
This error is thrown if the domain user you are trying to provision to Orchestrator does not belong to the defined Active Directory. |
1414 |
Cannot update the username! |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1415 |
Authorization, Users, Roles |
1500 |
Credential asset cannot have an empty password for a new user. | |
1501 |
Credential asset cannot have an empty password for a new robot. |
This message is displayed if, when creating a credential asset, you do not also provide a value for the password. |
1502 |
The asset type cannot be updated. |
This error is thrown if you are trying to change the asset type through a PUT request. |
1503 |
The asset does not have a value associated with this robot. |
This message is shown if you the request you made was for a PerRobot asset, but the provided Robot is not associated with the given asset. |
1600 |
Invalid cron expression syntax. |
The schedule you tried to add contains a Cron expression which is not valid. |
1601 |
| |
1650 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1651 |
Cannot connect to packages feed, the URL may be invalid. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1652 |
Not supported by External Feeds. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1653 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1654 |
Invalid package details! |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1655 |
Cannot open the package feed. Try again later. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1656 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1657 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1658 |
Cannot cancel a job with status [Status]. This can only be applied to Running, Pending or Stopping jobs. |
This message is shown if you are trying to cancel a job that has one of the following statuses: Successful, Faulted, Terminating, Stopped. |
1659 |
Cannot terminate a job with status [Status]. This can only be applied to Running, Pending or Stopping jobs. |
This error is displayed if you are trying to cancel a job that has one of the following statuses: Successful, Faulted, Stopped. |
1660 |
The job's package [PackageName], version [VersionNumber] could not be found. |
This error is thrown if, when trying to start a job, the package with the indicated version cannot be found in the NuGet feed. |
1661 |
ProcessNotFound ,
PackageNotFound .
The associated process no longer exists. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1662 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1663 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1664 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1665 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1666 |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1667 |
Tenant not found. | |
1670 |
The robots already have pending jobs for this process. |
This message is displayed when you already have a pending job on the same process and Robot. |
1671 |
The specified robot(s) id(s) are invalid. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1672 |
Starting jobs is not possible. A valid license is required. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1673 |
License expired, starting jobs is no longer possible. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1674 |
Undefined process. |
The id of the process on which you are trying to start a job is not valid. |
1675 |
Invalid package version. |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1676 |
Tenant [NameOfTenant] is disabled! |
Processes/Packages/Jobs |
1677 |
PackageNotFound | |
1678 |
This error is thrown if there are no available Robots for a schedule, and therefore no jobs can be created. |
1679 |
PathTooLong | |
1680 |
This alert is generated when a job fails. |
1700 |
Third-party components |
1750 |
Logs |
1800 |
Configuration |
1801 |
Configured encryption key is not in a valid Base64 format. |
Configuration |
1850 |
Queue/Queue item |
1851 |
The progress status of the transaction you are trying to update is not the correct one for the update you want to perform. |
1852 |
Queue/Queue item |
1853 |
The user you are trying to assign as a reviewer to a transaction does not have the required permission (View and Edit on transactions). |
1855 |
Queue/Queue item |
1856 |
This message error is displayed if an application is thrown for an item and it is not going to be retried anymore. |
1900 |
License not found. |
License |
1901 |
License expired! |
License |
1902 |
The license is already in use! |
License |
1903 |
Invalid license format. |
License |
1904 |
License |
1905 |
License |
1906 |
License |
1907 |
License |
1908 |
License |
1909 |
License |
1910 |
License |
1911 |
License |
1912 |
License |
1913 |
License |
1914 |
Robot Licensing Failed. There are no available licenses on the server. |
This error message is displayed in the Job Details if you tried to execute a job on a machine that is not licensed, the job has the state Pending, a robot assigned. |
1915 |
Robot Licensing Failed. There are no available licenses on the server. |
1916 |
No available licenses: the number of new machine slots would exceed the total license count. |
License |
1917 |
There are not enough {0 |
License |
1918 |
License |
1919 |
License |
1920 |
License |