- Getting Started
- Framework Components
- Document Understanding in AI Center
- Pipelines
- ML Packages
- Data Manager
- OCR Services
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- References

Document Understanding User Guide
Configure OCR
In order to import documents into Data Manager, it is mandatory to configure an OCR service. This can be done from the Settings > OCR view accessible through the button at the top right of the screen.
Configuring the OCR requires the OCR service to have a URL. Here are the possible URLs you can use:
- public URLs such as https://du.uipath.com/ocr or third-party URLs from Google Vision OCR or Microsoft Read OCR;
- URLs of UiPath Document OCR or Omnipage OCR standalone containers provided by UiPath deployed on-premises;
- URLs of OCR ML Package deployed as ML Skills
which have been made Public in AI Center on-premises v2020.10 or later.
Important:If you are running the OCR on the same machine as Data Manager, then do not use
to refer to the local machine, but rather use the IP address or Domain Name of the local machine.In the case of URLs of OCR deployed as Public ML Skill in AI Center on-premises, use the URL as it appears in the AI Center ML Skill details screen.
Choosing the OCR engine to be used for importing documents into Data Manager is a critical decision.
It is recommended to use the same OCR to import training data (train time) as it will be used when the model is deployed (run time).
Ideally, you should try a few different ones, to see which works best on your documents, and only then make a decision.
The on-premises options are:
- UiPath OCR container which supports the main Western European languages;
- Omnipage OCR container (also available from UiPath) which works best on cleanly scanned documents and has the best language coverage;
- Microsoft Read container (available as preview from Microsoft) also good language coverage;
- UiPath OCR ML Skills deployed in AI Center on-premises v2020.10 or later.
The cloud-based options are:
- UiPath Document OCR - https://du.uipath.com/ocr;
- Google Cloud OCR which has the best language coverage;
- Microsoft Read Azure OCR.