Release Notes
Release date: 11 November 2024
This release includes security and accessibility improvements.
As part of our commitment towards continuous improvement, we are transitioning from Legacy Apps to VB Apps. This transition brings a number of benefits, mainly access to VB expressions. VB expressions enable you to build apps faster through a more robust language, which is also used by other UiPath products. This removes the need for you to learn an additional language.
Starting with the 2024.10 release, you can no longer create new Legacy Apps in Automation Suite. You can still edit, clone, and import any existing Legacy Apps.
Starting with the 2025.10 release in October 2025, Legacy Apps and their associated runtime will be removed and no longer supported.
For more information, see Migrating legacy apps to VB expressions and the Deprecation timeline.
This update integrates UiPath® Apps with Action Center actions. In addition, you no longer need to pre-define actions inside Action Center - you can now define actions in Apps using a schema editor within Apps Studio itself.
The advantages of this integration are:
Greater than the sum of their parts: Action apps combine efficient task oversight from Action Center with the versatility of Apps. This empowers you to build sophisticated workflows and accelerate human-robot collaboration.
Rapid iteration: You can quickly redesign aspects of your action app without disrupting the workflow in Action Center, ensuring control and accountability across all processes.
For more information, refer to:
With this latest update, you gain the ability to export whole pages from one application and import them into another. This strategy optimizes resource allocation and ensures consistency across all applications.
The updated Custom List control enhances the efficiency and versatility of your app-building process. Here's why:
Flexible template layouts: Templates can now be customized with adjustable Width and Height parameters.
Efficient data binding: The new ThisRow keyword, which represents each row of data in the Custom List, allows for quick and easy data binding to individual controls within the Custom List.
The enhanced Add to queue rule brings new configurations for the main transaction events, such as transaction start, completion, and failure. This new capability extends beyond simple item addition, allowing you to monitor the status of queue items post-processing.
This continuous monitoring of the queue facilitates the dynamic interaction between Apps and unattended automations, as the rule leverages the scaling strategy within Orchestrator queues.
Additionaly, the output parameters of a queue are available for VB expressions, and you can bind the queue item result. Basically, when a queue item is processed successfully, the result is send back to the app.
We added flex properties to the Style tab of Container controls.
The new option, called Fill, allows your container to take up all the available remaining space on the page. The Fill option becomes available for Height when the Vertical layout is selected, and for Width when the Horizontal layout is selected.
For details, refer to the Container documentation.
Find and bind apps resources more intuitively!
We are pleased to announce the release of an upgraded resource panel within UiPath® Apps. This revamp provides a more intuitive user experience, and enhances productivity for developers. Here's a quick tour of the upgraded feature:
Simpler resource selection: Experience a more intuitive selection of available resources within the apps page, and a simplified binding creation.
Expression editor and Query Builder integration: Access the editor and the query builder only when you need to.
Performance and accessibility: Enjoy a smoother, more accessible interface that enhances productivity.
Contextual navigation: Leverage the suggestions of the relevant resources based on the context that activates the panel.
We've enhanced the user experience for handling image sources in your app. You can now upload your required media files directly into the app, ensuring their constant availability.
. For details, see Leveraging Media in your app.
Our latest update introduces a significant improvement in the validation mechanism for runtime applications. When users provide values for the validation properties of a control during runtime, the enhanced validation not only verifies user input, but dynamically re-evaluates and adjusts error messages based on changes to these values. Here are the highlights:
Clearer and updated error messages: The mechanism updates the error when the validation properties change dynamically. Clearer messages guide users in correcting identified input issues.
Dynamic error adjustments and dismissal: For instance, if a string of five to ten characters is required, and you initially enter four characters, the error message highlights the minimum length. Once you adjust the minimum length to four characters, the error message is dismissed as the input becomes valid.
Automatic error re-evaluation: When you change a validation property and the provided value becomes non-compliant, the mechanism re-evaluates the value and an updated error message is automatically displayed.
property and whose minimum and maximum values can be changed during runtime, such as textbox controls, Date Picker, or Slider.
You can now manage the display of Tab controls using VB expressions. Disable or hide Tab controls, or set conditions under which they display, by using the following VB expression control properties: Tab Name, Disabled and Hidden.
We have added a new File Uploader app template to the starting app creation flow. The template can be used with the File Uploader control. For a complete list of app layout templates, refer to Sample App Layouts.
You can now customize page titles in the designer panel using the new Page title field. Each page in an app can now have its own unique title.
Error messages now appear when app users move away from required fields.
Table controls now support data sorting using the Query Builder.
Upload File to Storage Bucket rules now use image URLs with the following syntax:
new AppsFile("https://imageURL.png")
. -
Upload File to Storage Bucket rules now use base-64 image data, with the following syntax:
new AppsFile("...")
We fixed the following issues:
Value change rules executed twice on controls that used data tables as a List Source property.
Set Value rules failed to execute on data table cells.
Apps events failed to execute after a button was pressed.
In VB expression apps, controls would not display the appropriate error message when an expression caused an invalid cast.
In legacy apps which use entities, an error appeared when you interacted with a radio button control.
The selected item type was incorrect when using the Lookup panel to bind a process data table as its source.
Preview and publish of VB apps were not working for some customers.
Uploads and downloads of images or documents failed in proxy environments for all apps.
Edit Grid failed to update when a related entity used a number column as a reference field.
Events in apps failed to execute in certain conditions that involved nested items.
Process Out arguments failed to update values when the new value was null.
Apps failed to retrieve files from Amazon S3 buckets, and displayed the SignatureDoesNotMatch error.
VB-noncompliant file names are now disallowed.
For multi-page apps, the tooltip property of any of those pages was not evaluated, causing page load events to not execute.
Resetting or removing the value from a Textbox (Number) control returned zero instead of a null value.
- Previewing an app with a complex control that referenced a Data Service entity failed when the following conditions were met:
Entity variables were used to query the entity.
The variables belonged to a different entity from the one the query was based on.
Updating the queried entity assigned the wrong data type for the complex control.
- Security and accessibility improvements
- Deprecation of Legacy Apps in Automation Suite
- Action Center actions in Apps
- Exporting and importing app pages
- New Custom List Control
- Tackling queue item transactions via the Add to queue rule
- Flex properties for Container controls
- New resource panel
- Support for media files
- Dynamic validation mechanism
- Improvements
- Bug fixes