- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Actions
- Processes
- Troubleshooting
- Action Center Installation Troubleshooting

Action Center
Action Center Installation Troubleshooting
This guide provides a list of the most common installation issues and the corresponding fixes.
If the issue you are facing is not in the list, contact our support team.
Issue |
Fix |
Installation completed successfully, but you cannot access Action Center. |
Install the ASP.NET Hosting Bundle |
You cannot access Action Center using the load balancer URL. |
Follow the steps below:
When accessing Action Center using the load balancer URL, Identity Server responds with the
Unregistered Client Error message.
Update the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) to include all node and load balancer hostnames: • use a wildcard pattern such as
DNS Name = *.domain.com , or
• specify each hostname in the SAN |
Image or PDF files are not loading in Action Center forms. |
Verify the
<appSettings> property in the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file and make sure that:
• the value of the
AcceptedRootUrls key does not include space characters,
• the port value for Action Center URL is specified only when it is different than 80 or 443 (default ports). |
Action Center does not load because
.json and .woff2 MIME types used by the Action Center WebApp provide a 404 response code.
For each Action Center node, add the
.json and .woff2 MIME types in IIS > Mime types > Add:
•File name extension:
.json , MIME type: application/json • File name extension:
.woff2 , MIME type: application/font-woff2 |
PaaS installation using Terraform Note: This issue occurs for PaaS installations run through Terraform.
Installation completed successfully, however Action Center does not load and displays the following message: "You do not have permissions to view this directory or page" |
index.html in the Default documents section of your cloud provider:
Upgrading to higher versions of Action Center was successful, but cannot access Action Center via the
load balancer URL .
Note: This issue applies if the
Host URL is different than the load balancer URL .
Follow these steps: